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Created January 26, 2009 10:18
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Python NMEA to GPX converter script
# NMEA to GPX converter
# Peter Pearson
# version 0.11
import csv
import sys
import time
from time import strftime
def convert_dms_to_dec(value, dir):
dPos = value.find(".")
mPos = dPos - 2
ePos = dPos
main = float(value[:mPos])
min1 = float(value[mPos:])
# print "degrees:'%s', minutes:'%s'\n" % (main, min1)
newval = float(main) + float(min1)/float(60)
if dir == "W":
newval = -newval
elif dir == "S":
newval = -newval
return newval
def format_coord(value):
return "%.9f" % float(round(value, 8))
def format_time(value):
pre = strftime("%Y-%m-%dT") #"2007-04-15T"
hour = value[:2]
minute = value[2:4]
second = value[4:6]
timeval = pre + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second + "Z"
return timeval
def convert(inputfile, outputfile):
reader = csv.reader(open(inputfile, "rb"))
file = open(outputfile, 'w+')
file.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<gpx version=\"1.0\" creator=\"nmea_conv\"\nxmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns=\"\"\nxsi:schemaLocation=\"\">\n")
points = []
count = 0
minlat = 90
maxlat = -90
minlon = 180
maxlon = -180
for row in reader:
type = row[0]
if type == "$GPGGA":
lat = convert_dms_to_dec(row[2], row[3])
lon = convert_dms_to_dec(row[4], row[5])
# ignore dodgy values - safe to do, as it's unlikely I'm going to be in the South Atlantic anytime soon
if lat == 0.0 && lon == 0.0:
if lat < minlat:
minlat = lat
if lat > maxlat:
maxlat = lat
if lon < minlon:
minlon = lon
if lon > maxlon:
maxlon = lon
count += 1
print "Points: '%i'" % (count)
strbounds = "<bounds minlat=\"" + format_coord(minlat) + "\" minlon=\"" + format_coord(minlon) + "\" maxlat=\"" + format_coord(maxlat) + "\" maxlon=\"" + format_coord(maxlon) + "\"/>\n<trk>\n<trkseg>\n"
for point in range(count):
time = points[point][0]
lat_val = points[point][1]
long_val = points[point][2]
elev = points[point][3]
strElev = "%.4f" % float(elev)
strtrkpt = "<trkpt lat=\"" + format_coord(lat_val) + "\" lon=\"" + format_coord(long_val) + "\">\n <ele>" + strElev + "</ele>\n<time>" + format_time(time) + "</time>\n</trkpt>\n"
inputfile, outputfile = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]
print "Done!"
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Hello sir,
In the line 61 there is an error .. instead of using && , we can make use of 'and'.. then it is working...

Sir i pass the argv[1] value as .csv file and for argv[2] value as .text file..
In my .csv file i have the following fields like

I am
It is showing an error too many values to unpack
What can i do to rectify these error sir..........

Help me to sort out from these problem
Thank you

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EdLoach commented Jun 10, 2015

Thanks for this. I used it to help write some C# code to do the same thing (well, similar - I had to strip an additional timestamp surrounded by [ and ] off the start of each row in the BlackVue .gps files to get it to nmea format as an additional step)

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