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Created December 1, 2020 12:03
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Tests for NonEmptyRangesCounter
class NonEmptyRangesCounterSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
it should "count map-distinct in generated test cases" in {
import NonEmptyRangesCounterSpec.generateTest
val totalRanges = 100000
val totalPartitions = 14
val maxPositionsPerRange = 20
val numberOfTests = 10
(0 until numberOfTests).foreach { _ =>
val test = generateTest(totalRanges, maxPositionsPerRange, totalPartitions)
val result = NonEmptyRangesCounter.count(test.source, test.ranges, test.partitions)
result should be(test.nonEmptyRanges)
it should "count non-empty ranges in testcase 1" in {
val ranges = bitmapOf(0, 15, 16, 19, 23, 29, 47, 80)
val source = bitmapOf(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 18, 24, 30, 60, 61, 64, 82, 89, 90)
val partitions = Seq(100L)
val distinct = NonEmptyRangesCounter.count(source, ranges, partitions)
distinct shouldBe Seq(7)
it should "count non-empty ranges in testcase 2" in {
val ranges = bitmapOf(0, 5)
val source = bitmapOf(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
val partitions = Seq(10L)
val distinct = NonEmptyRangesCounter.count(source, ranges, partitions)
distinct shouldBe Seq(1)
it should "count non-empty ranges in testcase 3" in {
val ranges = bitmapOf(0, 5)
val source = bitmapOf(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8)
val partitions = Seq(10L)
val distinct = NonEmptyRangesCounter.count(source, ranges, partitions)
distinct shouldBe Seq(2)
it should "count non-empty ranges testcase 4" in {
val ranges = bitmapOf(0, 5, 6, 22, 29, 50)
val source = bitmapOf(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8)
val partitions = Seq(60L)
val distinct = NonEmptyRangesCounter.count(source, ranges, partitions)
distinct shouldBe Seq(2)
it should "count non-empty ranges when ranges not defined" in {
val ranges = bitmapOf()
val source = bitmapOf()
val partitions = Seq(0L)
val distinct = NonEmptyRangesCounter.count(source, ranges, partitions)
distinct shouldBe Seq(0)
it should "count non-empty ranges when source empty" in {
val ranges = bitmapOf(0, 4, 6)
val source = bitmapOf()
val partitions = Seq(10L)
val distinct = NonEmptyRangesCounter.count(source, ranges, partitions)
distinct shouldBe Seq(0)
it should "count non-empty ranges in partitions" in {
val ranges = bitmapOf(0, 15, 16, 19, 23, 29, 47, 80)
val source = bitmapOf(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 18, 24, 30, 60, 61, 64, 82, 89, 90)
val partitions = Seq(19L, 47L, 94L)
val distinct = NonEmptyRangesCounter.count(source, ranges, partitions)
distinct shouldBe Seq(3, 2, 2)
it should "count when first partitions are empty" in {
val ranges = bitmapOf(0, 15, 16, 19, 23, 29, 47, 80)
val source = bitmapOf(64, 82, 89, 90)
val partitions = Seq(15L, 19L, 29L, 80L, 94L)
val distinct = NonEmptyRangesCounter.count(source, ranges, partitions)
distinct shouldBe Seq(0, 0, 0, 1, 1)
it should "count when long break in partitions" in {
val ranges = bitmapOf(0, 15, 16, 19, 23, 29, 47, 80)
val source = bitmapOf(3, 64, 82, 89, 90)
val partitions = Seq(15L, 19L, 29L, 80L, 94L)
val distinct = NonEmptyRangesCounter.count(source, ranges, partitions)
distinct shouldBe Seq(1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
it should "count partition" in {
val ranges = bitmapOf(0, 5)
val source = bitmapOf(4)
val partitions = Seq(4L, 6L)
val distinct = NonEmptyRangesCounter.count(source, ranges, partitions)
distinct shouldBe Seq(1, 0)
it should "count partition for huge values" in {
val ranges = bitmapOf(2, 200, -600)
val source = bitmapOf(4, -500)
val ends = Seq(100L, 4294967294L)
val distinct = NonEmptyRangesCounter.count(source, ranges, ends)
distinct shouldBe Seq(1, 1)
it should "pass some regression test" in {
val ranges = bitmapOf(0, 100)
val source = bitmapOf(100)
val partitions = Seq(99L, 100L)
val distinct = NonEmptyRangesCounter.count(source, ranges, partitions)
distinct shouldBe Seq(0, 1)
object NonEmptyRangesCounterSpec {
case class Testsource(nonEmptyRanges: Seq[Int],
ranges: ImmutableRoaringBitmap,
source: ImmutableRoaringBitmap,
partitions: Seq[Long])
def generateTest(totalRanges: Int, maxPositionsPerRange: Int, totalPartitions: Int): Testsource = {
val totalPositionsOfRange: Map[Int, Int] =
(0 until totalRanges).map(range => range -> (1 + Random.nextInt(maxPositionsPerRange))).toMap
val ranges = generateRanges(totalRanges, totalPositionsOfRange)
val partitions = generatePartitions(ranges, totalPartitions, totalRanges, totalPositionsOfRange)
val (source, nonEmptyRanges) = generateSource(totalRanges, totalPositionsOfRange, partitions)
Testsource(nonEmptyRanges, immutable(ranges), immutable(source), partitions)
private def generateRanges(totalRanges: Int, totalPositionsOfRange: Map[Int, Int]): RoaringBitmap = {
var pos = 0
val fun = new RoaringBitmap()
for (c <- 0 until totalRanges) {
pos += totalPositionsOfRange(c)
private def generatePartitions(ranges: RoaringBitmap,
totalPartitions: Int,
totalRanges: Int,
totalPositionsOfRange: Map[Int, Int]): Seq[Long] = {
val step = ranges.last() / totalPartitions
val it = ranges.getIntIterator
(0 until totalPartitions).map { partitionNo =>
it.advanceIfNeeded((partitionNo + 1) * step)
val isLast = partitionNo == totalPartitions - 1
if (isLast) {
Integer.toUnsignedLong(ranges.last()) + totalPositionsOfRange(totalRanges - 1) - 1
} else {
Integer.toUnsignedLong( - 1
private def generateSource(totalRanges: Int,
totalPositionsOfRange: Map[Int, Int],
partitions: Seq[Long]): (RoaringBitmap, Seq[Int]) = {
val source = new RoaringBitmap()
var nonEmptyRanges = 0
var pos = 0L
val result = Array.ofDim[Int](partitions.length)
var partNo = 0
var partitonEnd = partitions(partNo)
for (c <- 0 until totalRanges) {
val minReq = pos
val len = totalPositionsOfRange(c)
val maxReq = minReq + len - 1
pos = maxReq + 1
val addThisRange = Random.nextBoolean()
if (addThisRange) {
val includeWholeRange = Random.nextInt(10) == 1
if (includeWholeRange) {
source.add(minReq.toLong, maxReq.toLong + 1)
nonEmptyRanges += 1
} else {
var added = false
for (p <- minReq until maxReq) {
if (Random.nextBoolean()) {
added = true
nonEmptyRanges += (if (added) 1 else 0)
if (maxReq == partitonEnd) {
result(partNo) = nonEmptyRanges
nonEmptyRanges = 0
partNo += 1
if (partNo != partitions.length) {
partitonEnd = partitions(partNo)
(source, result.toSeq)
private def immutable(rb: RoaringBitmap): ImmutableRoaringBitmap = rb.toMutableRoaringBitmap.toImmutableRoaringBitmap
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