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Last active May 10, 2018 16:10
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This peer-group fuzzer (pgf) was built to check neighbor/peer-specific attribute overrides in the FRRouting BGP daemon, which as of today rarely work or get lost as soon as any configuration change gets done to the peer-group.

Check Method

The following steps are being executed for each attribute that gets checked:

  • Rebuild clean BGP instance from start by clearing all existing configuration
  • Configure an empty peer-group
  • Configure an empty neighbor belonging to that peer-group
  • Execute a command which sets the specific attribute on the peer-group
  • Check if the executed command appears in show running-configuration
  • Execute a command which sets the specific attribute with a different value on the peer
  • Check if the executed command appears in show running-configuration
  • Execute a command which sets the specific attribute on the peer-group again, with the same values as in the first run
  • Check if the executed command appears in show running-configuration
  • Check if the previously executed command for overriding the peer attribute still shows up in the configuration

Error Causes

  • failed peer-group config: Command for configuring the peer-group attribute has been executed but configuration does not appear in show running-configuration
  • failed peer config: Command for configuring the peer-specific attribute, which would override the peer-group attribute, has been executed but configuration does not appear in show running-configuration
  • failed peer-group config: Command for re-configuring the peer-group attribute has been executed but configuration does not appear in show running-configuration
  • lost peer-specific attribute: Peer-specific override of peer-group attribute got lost when reconfiguring the peer-group attribute.
# FRR Commit: 3dc755e492093c42d0983620da810893c413c533
✖ global > advertisement-interval (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ advertisement-interval 10)
✖ global > bfd (failed peer config: neighbor bfd 20 200 2000)
✖ global > capability dynamic (failed peer config: no neighbor capability dynamic)
✖ global > capability extended-nexthop (failed peer config: no neighbor capability extended-nexthop)
✔ global > description
✖ global > disable-connected-check (failed peer config: no neighbor disable-connected-check)
✖ global > dont-capability-negotiate (failed peer config: no neighbor dont-capability-negotiate)
✖ global > ebgp-multihop (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ ebgp-multihop 10)
✖ global > enforce-multihop (failed peer-group config: neighbor PG-FUZZ enforce-multihop)
✔ global > local-as
✖ global > override-capability (failed peer config: no neighbor override-capability)
✖ global > passive (failed peer config: no neighbor passive)
✖ global > password (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ password HelloWorld)
✖ global > solo (failed peer-group config: neighbor PG-FUZZ solo)
✔ global > timers
✖ global > timers connect (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ timers connect 10)
✖ global > ttl-security hops (failed peer-group config: neighbor PG-FUZZ ttl-security hops 10)
✖ global > update-source (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ update-source
✔ ipv4 unicast > activate
✖ ipv4 unicast > addpath-tx-all-paths (failed peer config: no neighbor addpath-tx-all-paths)
✖ ipv4 unicast > addpath-tx-bestpath-per-AS (failed peer config: no neighbor addpath-tx-bestpath-per-AS)
✖ ipv4 unicast > allowas-in (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ allowas-in 1)
✖ ipv4 unicast > allowas-in origin (failed peer config: no neighbor allowas-in origin)
✖ ipv4 unicast > as-override (failed peer config: no neighbor as-override)
✖ ipv4 unicast > attribute-unchanged (failed peer config: no neighbor attribute-unchanged as-path next-hop med)
✖ ipv4 unicast > capability orf prefix-list (failed peer config: neighbor capability orf prefix-list send)
✖ ipv4 unicast > default-originate (failed peer config: no neighbor default-originate)
✖ ipv4 unicast > default-originate route-map (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ default-originate route-map RM-DO1)
✖ ipv4 unicast > distribute-list (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ distribute-list DL1-IN in)
✖ ipv4 unicast > distribute-list (failed peer config: neighbor distribute-list DL2-OUT out)
✖ ipv4 unicast > filter-list (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ filter-list FL1-IN in)
✖ ipv4 unicast > filter-list (failed peer config: neighbor filter-list FL2-OUT out)
✔ ipv4 unicast > maximum-prefix
✖ ipv4 unicast > next-hop-self (failed peer config: no neighbor next-hop-self)
✖ ipv4 unicast > next-hop-self force (failed peer config: no neighbor next-hop-self force)
✖ ipv4 unicast > prefix-list (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ prefix-list PL1-IN in)
✖ ipv4 unicast > prefix-list (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ prefix-list PL1-OUT out)
✖ ipv4 unicast > remove-private-AS (failed peer config: no neighbor remove-private-AS all replace-AS)
✖ ipv4 unicast > route-map (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ route-map RM1-IN in)
✖ ipv4 unicast > route-map (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ route-map RM1-OUT out)
✖ ipv4 unicast > route-server-client (failed peer config: no neighbor route-server-client)
✖ ipv4 unicast > soft-reconfiguration inbound (failed peer config: no neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound)
✖ ipv4 unicast > unsuppress-map (failed peer config: neighbor unsuppress-map RM2-US)
✖ ipv4 unicast > weight (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ weight 100)
✔ ipv6 unicast > activate
✖ ipv6 unicast > addpath-tx-all-paths (failed peer config: no neighbor addpath-tx-all-paths)
✖ ipv6 unicast > addpath-tx-bestpath-per-AS (failed peer config: no neighbor addpath-tx-bestpath-per-AS)
✖ ipv6 unicast > allowas-in (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ allowas-in 1)
✖ ipv6 unicast > allowas-in origin (failed peer config: no neighbor allowas-in origin)
✖ ipv6 unicast > as-override (failed peer config: no neighbor as-override)
✖ ipv6 unicast > attribute-unchanged (failed peer config: no neighbor attribute-unchanged as-path next-hop med)
✖ ipv6 unicast > capability orf prefix-list (failed peer config: neighbor capability orf prefix-list send)
✖ ipv6 unicast > default-originate (failed peer config: no neighbor default-originate)
✖ ipv6 unicast > default-originate route-map (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ default-originate route-map RM-DO1)
✖ ipv6 unicast > distribute-list (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ distribute-list DL1-IN in)
✖ ipv6 unicast > distribute-list (failed peer config: neighbor distribute-list DL2-OUT out)
✖ ipv6 unicast > filter-list (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ filter-list FL1-IN in)
✖ ipv6 unicast > filter-list (failed peer config: neighbor filter-list FL2-OUT out)
✔ ipv6 unicast > maximum-prefix
✖ ipv6 unicast > next-hop-self (failed peer config: no neighbor next-hop-self)
✖ ipv6 unicast > next-hop-self force (failed peer config: no neighbor next-hop-self force)
✖ ipv6 unicast > nexthop-local unchanged (failed peer config: no neighbor nexthop-local unchanged)
✖ ipv6 unicast > prefix-list (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ prefix-list PL1-IN in)
✖ ipv6 unicast > prefix-list (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ prefix-list PL1-OUT out)
✖ ipv6 unicast > remove-private-AS (failed peer config: no neighbor remove-private-AS all replace-AS)
✖ ipv6 unicast > route-map (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ route-map RM1-IN in)
✖ ipv6 unicast > route-map (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ route-map RM1-OUT out)
✖ ipv6 unicast > route-server-client (failed peer config: no neighbor route-server-client)
✖ ipv6 unicast > soft-reconfiguration inbound (failed peer config: no neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound)
✖ ipv6 unicast > unsuppress-map (failed peer config: neighbor unsuppress-map RM2-US)
✖ ipv6 unicast > weight (lost peer-specific attribute: neighbor PG-FUZZ weight 100)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import logging
from itertools import chain
def frr_execute(commands):
arguments = list(chain.from_iterable(('-c', command) for command in commands))
process = None
logging.debug('Executing FRR commands: ' + ', '.join(commands))
process =[FRR_VTYSH_PATH] + arguments, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if process.returncode != 0:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(process.returncode, process.args, output=process.stdout,
return [str(process.stdout), str(process.stderr)]
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
logging.warning('command execution failed: ' + ', '.join(commands))
logging.warning('> process stdout: ' + str(process.stdout))
logging.warning('> process stderr: ' + str(process.stderr))
def frr_verify(matcher):
stdout, stderr = frr_execute(['show running-config'])
return matcher in str(stdout)
class BgpAttribute():
def __init__(self, name, address_family=None): = name
self.address_family = address_family
def description(self):
return '{address_family} > {name}'.format(address_family=self.address_family or 'global',
def configure(self, neighbor, params, invert=False):
cmd = 'neighbor {neighbor} {name} {param_string}'.format(
neighbor=neighbor,, param_string=' '.join([str(param) for param in params]))
if invert:
cmd = 'no ' + cmd
return self.configure_raw(cmd)
def configure_raw(self, cmd):
# Sanitize command
cmd = cmd.strip()
# Jump into configuration of BGP instance
cmds = [
'configure terminal',
'router bgp {instance}'.format(instance=FRR_BGP_INSTANCE)
# Jump into address family configuration if applicable
if self.address_family:
cmds.append('address-family {address_family}'.format(address_family=self.address_family))
# Execute the prepared commands
frr_execute(cmds + [cmd])
# Return the executed command
return cmd
FRR_VTYSH_PATH = "/home/ppmathis/development/frr/vtysh/vtysh"
[BgpAttribute('advertisement-interval'), [10], [20]],
[BgpAttribute('bfd'), [10, 100, 1000], [20, 200, 2000]],
[BgpAttribute('capability dynamic'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('capability extended-nexthop'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('description'), ['TEST #1'], ['TEST #2']],
[BgpAttribute('disable-connected-check'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('dont-capability-negotiate'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('ebgp-multihop'), [10], [20]],
[BgpAttribute('enforce-multihop'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('local-as'), [100], [200]],
[BgpAttribute('override-capability'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('passive'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('password'), ['HelloWorld'], ['GoodbyeWorld']],
# [BgpAttribute('remote-as'), [100], [200]],
# ^ FRR Restriction: Peers of a peer group may not have a different AS
# [BgpAttribute('shutdown'), [], None],
# ^ FRR Restriction: Peers of a shutdown peer group can not be unshutted
[BgpAttribute('solo'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('timers'), [10, 100], [20, 200]],
[BgpAttribute('timers connect'), [10], [20]],
[BgpAttribute('ttl-security hops'), [10], [20]],
[BgpAttribute('update-source'), [''], ['']],
[BgpAttribute('activate', 'ipv4 unicast'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('addpath-tx-all-paths', 'ipv4 unicast'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('addpath-tx-bestpath-per-AS', 'ipv4 unicast'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('allowas-in', 'ipv4 unicast'), [1], [2]],
[BgpAttribute('allowas-in origin', 'ipv4 unicast'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('as-override', 'ipv4 unicast'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('attribute-unchanged', 'ipv4 unicast'), ['as-path', 'next-hop', 'med'], None],
[BgpAttribute('capability orf prefix-list', 'ipv4 unicast'), ['both'], ['send']],
[BgpAttribute('default-originate', 'ipv4 unicast'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('default-originate route-map', 'ipv4 unicast'), ['RM-DO1'], ['RM-DO2']],
[BgpAttribute('distribute-list', 'ipv4 unicast'), ['DL1-IN', 'in'], ['DL2-IN', 'in']],
[BgpAttribute('distribute-list', 'ipv4 unicast'), ['DL1-OUT', 'out'], ['DL2-OUT', 'out']],
[BgpAttribute('filter-list', 'ipv4 unicast'), ['FL1-IN', 'in'], ['FL2-IN', 'in']],
[BgpAttribute('filter-list', 'ipv4 unicast'), ['FL1-OUT', 'out'], ['FL2-OUT', 'out']],
[BgpAttribute('maximum-prefix', 'ipv4 unicast'), [10, 11, 'restart', 1], [20, 22, 'restart', 2]],
[BgpAttribute('next-hop-self', 'ipv4 unicast'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('next-hop-self force', 'ipv4 unicast'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('prefix-list', 'ipv4 unicast'), ['PL1-IN', 'in'], ['PL2-IN', 'in']],
[BgpAttribute('prefix-list', 'ipv4 unicast'), ['PL1-OUT', 'out'], ['PL2-OUT', 'out']],
[BgpAttribute('remove-private-AS', 'ipv4 unicast'), ['all', 'replace-AS'], None],
[BgpAttribute('route-map', 'ipv4 unicast'), ['RM1-IN', 'in'], ['RM2-IN', 'in']],
[BgpAttribute('route-map', 'ipv4 unicast'), ['RM1-OUT', 'out'], ['RM2-OUT', 'out']],
# TODO: route-reflector-client (more complicated to check due to internal-only)
[BgpAttribute('route-server-client', 'ipv4 unicast'), [], None],
# TODO: send-community (more complicated to check due to implicit all)
[BgpAttribute('soft-reconfiguration inbound', 'ipv4 unicast'), [], None],
[BgpAttribute('unsuppress-map', 'ipv4 unicast'), ['RM1-US'], ['RM2-US']],
[BgpAttribute('weight', 'ipv4 unicast'), [100], [200]],
[BgpAttribute('nexthop-local unchanged', 'ipv6 unicast'), [], None],
# Clone attributes of IPv4 unicast AFI for IPv6 unicast
for attribute in FRR_BGP_ATTRIBUTES:
if attribute[0].address_family == 'ipv4 unicast':
FRR_BGP_ATTRIBUTES.append([BgpAttribute(attribute[0].name, 'ipv6 unicast'), attribute[1], attribute[2]])
# Sort attributes by AFI followed by name
FRR_BGP_ATTRIBUTES = sorted(FRR_BGP_ATTRIBUTES, key=lambda k: (k[0].address_family or '.', k[0].name))
# Check all attributes
for attribute in FRR_BGP_ATTRIBUTES:
# (Re-)initialize FRR testing environment
'configure terminal',
'no router bgp {instance}'.format(instance=FRR_BGP_INSTANCE),
'router bgp {instance}'.format(instance=FRR_BGP_INSTANCE),
'no bgp default ipv4-unicast',
'neighbor {neighbor} peer-group'.format(neighbor=FRR_BGP_PEER_GROUP),
'neighbor {neighbor} peer-group {peer_group}'.format(neighbor=FRR_BGP_NEIGHBOR, peer_group=FRR_BGP_PEER_GROUP)
# Attempt to set peer-group specific attribute
cmd_peer_group = attribute[0].configure(FRR_BGP_PEER_GROUP, attribute[1])
if not frr_verify(cmd_peer_group):'result: \u2716 {attribute} (failed peer-group config: {command})'
.format(attribute=attribute[0].description(), command=cmd_peer_group))
# Attempt to set peer specific attribute
cmd_peer = None
if attribute[2]:
cmd_peer = attribute[0].configure(FRR_BGP_NEIGHBOR, attribute[2])
cmd_peer = attribute[0].configure(FRR_BGP_NEIGHBOR, attribute[1], invert=True)
if not frr_verify(cmd_peer):'result: \u2716 {attribute} (failed peer config: {command})'
.format(attribute=attribute[0].description(), command=cmd_peer))
# Attempt to set peer-group specific attribute a second time
if not frr_verify(cmd_peer_group):'result: \u2716 {attribute} (failed peer-group re-config: {command})'
.format(attribute=attribute[0].description(), command=cmd_peer_group))
# Verify that peer-specific attribute still exists
if not frr_verify(cmd_peer):'result: \u2716 {attribute} (lost peer-specific attribute: {command})'
.format(attribute=attribute[0].description(), command=cmd_peer_group))
# Everything looks good!'result: \u2714 {attribute}'.format(attribute=attribute[0].description()))
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