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Created October 23, 2013 22:43
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Programming Environment
Setting up Developers Env (OS X 10.9 Mavericks)
0.) Install Dropbox with your dev account, and setup your mail account
1.) Install Xcode from Mac App Store
2.) Log into Apple Developer Website and install OS X Command Line Tools
3.) Install iTerm2 use this instead of the default Terminal shell
4.) Install HomeBrew ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
A.) Make sure installation is ok, and fix and errors brew doctor
5.) Install Fish Shell brew install fish
A.) configure to be the default shell =>
1.) echo "/usr/local/bin/fish" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
2.) chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish
3.) Use Solarized Light for color preset (
and iTerm 2 terminal type to be xterm-256color
6.) Change the path variable to have /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin precede /bin and /sbin
A.) Change the /etc/paths file accordingly
B.) Add the following to ~/.config/fish/
#OS X-ism: Load the path files out of /etc/paths and /etc/paths.d/*
set -g __fish_tmp_path $PATH
function __fish_load_path_helper_paths
# We want to rearrange the path to reflect this order. Delete that path component if it exists and then prepend it.
# Since we are prepending but want to preserve the order of the input file, we reverse the array, append, and then reverse it again
set __fish_tmp_path $__fish_tmp_path[-1..1]
while read -l new_path_comp
set -l where (contains -i $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path)
and set -e __fish_tmp_path[$where]
set __fish_tmp_path $new_path_comp $__fish_tmp_path
set __fish_tmp_path $__fish_tmp_path[-1..1]
test -r /etc/paths ; and __fish_load_path_helper_paths < /etc/paths
for pathfile in /etc/paths.d/* ; __fish_load_path_helper_paths < $pathfile ; end
set -xg PATH $__fish_tmp_path
set -e __fish_tmp_path
functions -e __fish_load_path_helper_paths
7.) run the following in the shell
brew install git
brew install ruby
brew install go
brew install postgresql
brew install emacs
brew install python
gem update
gem install pry
add /usr/local/opt/ruby/bin to front of $PATH by adding it to the top of /etc/paths
add $GOPATH to shell env set -U GOPATH $HOME/Dropbox/programming/goprojects
add $GOPATH/bin to $PATH by appending set PATH $PATH $GOPATH/bin to the end of ~/.config/fish/
8.) Download CouchBase
Download KeyNote and Pages
Download Firefox and Chrome
Download SublimeText 2
9.) Configure go, postgresql, couchbase,
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