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Last active November 16, 2021 07:25
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An implementation of finite fields in Python.
# K is the exponent in our field GL(2^K)
K = 8
# MOD is the coefficients of the polynomial modulus we choose for GL(2^K),
# which here is x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1
MOD = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]
# trim leading zeros from a polynomial (list of coefficents, starting with
# the largest-degree monomial)
def _trim(poly):
if _is_zero(poly):
return []
return poly[-(_degree(poly) + 1):]
# test if a polynomial is zero
def _is_zero(poly):
return all([coeff == 0 for coeff in poly])
# get the degree of a polynomial
def _degree(poly):
if _is_zero(poly):
return None
# get the highest-degree monomial with non-zero coefficient
exps = range(len(poly) - 1, -1, -1)
degree = max([exp for exp, coeff in zip(exps, poly)
if coeff == 1])
return degree
# add two binary polynomials (i.e. as elts of Z/2Z[X])
def _add(poly_a, poly_b):
# zero-extend the shorter
len_diff = len(poly_a) - len(poly_b)
if len_diff > 0:
poly_b = [0] * len_diff + poly_b
elif len_diff < 0:
poly_a = [0] * (-len_diff) + poly_a
# just xor each coefficient
return [coeff_a ^ coeff_b for coeff_a, coeff_b in zip(poly_a, poly_b)]
# multiply two binary polynomials
def _multiply(poly_a, poly_b):
# create a product with all zeros
prod = [0 for _ in range((len(poly_a) - 1) + (len(poly_b) - 1) + 1)]
# go through all self's terms
exps = range(len(poly_a)-1, -1, -1)
for exp, coeff_a in zip(exps, poly_a):
# if a term is nonzero
if coeff_a == 1:
# create a partial sum by shifting other's coefficients
part_sum = poly_b + exp * [0]
part_sum = (len(prod) - len(part_sum)) * [0] + part_sum
# add it into the product
prod = _add(prod, part_sum)
return prod
def _reduce(poly, mod):
# get mod degree
mod_degree = _degree(mod)
# remove leading zeroes from mod
mod = _trim(mod)
# create quotient
quot = [0 for _ in range(len(poly))]
# long division to reduce
while True:
# get poly degree
poly_degree = _degree(poly)
# if we're fully reduced, break
if poly_degree is None or poly_degree < mod_degree:
# shift mod to cancel out the highest monomial
shift_amount = poly_degree - mod_degree
shift_mod = mod + [0] * shift_amount
# subtract result out of poly
poly = _add(poly, shift_mod)
# add corresponding value to quotient
quot[-(shift_amount + 1)] = 1
return quot, poly
class QRFiniteField:
An element of the finite field GL(2^8).
coeffs : list[int]
A list of binary coefficients, starting with highest-degree
monomial, of the element of GL(2^8).
def __init__(self, coeffs):
self.coeffs = _trim(coeffs)
def __str__(self):
if _is_zero(self.coeffs):
poly = '0'
# get list of exponents, then monomials
exps = range(len(self.coeffs) - 1, -1, -1)
monos = [f'x^{exp}' if exp != 0 else '1'
for coeff, exp in zip(self.coeffs, exps)
if coeff == 1]
# join together with plusses
poly = ' + '.join(monos)
return poly
def __repr__(self):
# add some context for repr
return f'<value {self} in field GF(2^{K})>'
def __add__(self, other):
# adding is just adding binary polynomials
coeffs = _add(self.coeffs, other.coeffs)
return QRFiniteField(coeffs)
def __mul__(self, other):
# multiply as regular binary polynomials
prod = _multiply(self.coeffs, other.coeffs)
# reduce the product
_, prod = _reduce(prod, MOD)
# return the result
return QRFiniteField(prod)
def inv(self):
Compute the inverse of this element in GL(2^8).
The inverse of this element.
# use extended euclidean method
# set initial values
r_last, r_cur = self.coeffs, MOD
s_last, s_cur = [1], [] # polynomials 1, 0
# iterate until we're done
while True:
# calculate next values
q_cur, r_next = _reduce(r_last, r_cur)
s_next = _add(s_last, _multiply(q_cur, s_cur))
if _is_zero(r_next):
# quit if no remainder
# otherwise, step forward
r_last, r_cur = r_cur, r_next
s_last, s_cur = s_cur, s_next
# the inverse is stored in s_cur at the end
return QRFiniteField(s_cur)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# run a basic test from Wikipedia, Finite Fields
a = QRFiniteField([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1])
b = QRFiniteField([1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0])
assert a.inv().coeffs == b.coeffs
assert (a * a.inv()).coeffs == [1]
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