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Last active December 27, 2020 16:23
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GF(2^m) finite fields
from typing import Union, Optional
from math import log, floor
This code is taken from the AES implementation which supplements my paper: 'Cryptography: A concise overview'.
It is released as beerware:
David Bouman wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff.
If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. David Bouman.
class GF2:
def __init__(self, power: int, modulus: int):
self.power = power
self.mod = modulus
self.order = 1 << power
def element(self, value: int):
return GF2Element(self, value)
AbstractGF2 = Union[int, 'GF2Element']
class GF2Element:
def __init__(self, field: GF2, value: int):
self.field = field
self._value = value % field.order
def _gf2_abstract_value(self, value: AbstractGF2):
if isinstance(value, GF2Element):
if value.field.power != self.field.power:
raise ValueError("Operation between two GF(2^p) elements of different field order.")
return value.value
return value % self.field.order
def value(self):
return self._value
def degree(self) -> int:
"""Find the highest polynomial degree of a GF2 element"""
return floor(log(self._value, 2))
def inverse(self) -> Optional['GF2Element']:
"""Find the multiplicative inverse of a GF2 element using the extended euclidean algorithm"""
# 0 has no multiplicative inverse
if self._value == 0:
return None
value = self._value
mod = self.field.mod
g = [1, 0]
deg = - self.field.power
while value != 1:
if deg < 0:
mod, value = value, mod
g[0], g[1] = g[1], g[0]
deg = -deg
value ^= mod << deg
g[0] ^= g[1] << deg
value %= self.field.order
g[0] %= self.field.order
deg = self.field.element(value).degree - self.field.element(mod).degree
return self.field.element(g[0])
def __add__(self, other: 'GF2Element') -> 'GF2Element':
return self.field.element( self._value ^ other.value)
def __radd__(self, other: 'GF2Element') -> 'GF2Element':
return self.__add__(other)
def __sub__(self, other: 'GF2Element') -> 'GF2Element':
return self.__add__(other)
def __rsub__(self, other: 'GF2Element') -> 'GF2Element':
return self.__add__(other)
def __mul__(self, other: 'GF2Element') -> 'GF2Element':
"""Multiply self times other (mod self.field.modulus)"""
v = [self._value, other.value]
sigma = 0
while v[1] > 0:
if v[1] & 1:
sigma ^= v[0]
v[1] >>= 1
v[0] <<= 1
if v[0] & self.field.order:
v[0] ^= self.field.mod
return self.field.element(sigma)
def __floordiv__(self, other: 'GF2Element'):
"""Multiply self times other.inverse (mod self.field.modulus)"""
return self.__mul__(other.inverse)
def __str__(self):
return str(self._value)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self._value)
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