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Last active December 27, 2020 16:20
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Modular integer exponentiation
from typing import List
from sys import getrecursionlimit, setrecursionlimit
def int_pow(base: int, power: int, modulus: int=None, safe: bool=True):
Calculate `base` raised to `power`, optionally mod `modulus`
The python standard library offers the same functionality,
and this function exists only as a proof of Concept.
This function only aims to support positive integer operands.
the `safe` parameter only applies to modular exponentiation.
for values with a large hamming weight, the recursion limit
can be hit quite easily, as one round of recursion is needed
for every set bit. If `safe` is set to true, the recursion
depth is adjusted accordingly during the computation, then
Benchmark compared to native python pow():
pow(a, b, c) 10k times using random pool of a, b, c { [2, 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999]:
702 ms ± 5.44 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
int_pow(a, b, c) 10k times using same pool:
1.31 s ± 2.81 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
if base < 0 or power < 0 or (modulus and modulus < 0):
raise ValueError("Invalid operand. Only positive integer operands allowed.")
def pow_nomod(base: int, power: int):
"""Calculate `base` raised to `power`."""
# Keep a copy
base_ = base
for _ in range(power - 1):
base *= base_
return base
if not modulus:
return pow_nomod(base, power)
# Here the fun part comes.
# There exists an optimization for modular exponentiation which
# allows for a much faster computation than (base**power) % modulus.
# the identity `(a * b) mod n = (a mod n) * (b mod n) mod n` aids us here.
# We start by splitting the power up in a sum of powers of two.
n = 0
po2 = []
while power >> n:
# if the bit is set, we have a match:
if power & (1 << n):
n += 1
# We can now represent our evaluation as an expression of the form:
# (base**(2**a_0) * base**(2**a_1) * ... * base**(2**a_2) ) % modulus
# which we can calculate quite fast using the identity below
# Take the highest power of two and evaluate it using our identity.
# We can fill the cache with the results of all the lower powers, mod n.
highest = po2[-1]
# cache for `base` raised to powers of two, modulus `n`.
# the indices shall denote the power.
cache = [None] * (highest + 1)
result = cache[0] = base % modulus # base**1 # modulus
# Square, then reduce modulo `modulus`
for cycle in range(highest):
result *= result
result %= modulus
cache[cycle + 1] = result
def product_mod_n(args: List[int], n: int):
Calculate (base**(2**a_0) * base**(2**a_1) * ... * base**(2**a_k)) mod n, with every `a` in cache.
# BEWARE: this function can easily exceed python max recursion depth (of 1000).
# for values with a large hamming weight, adjust the recursion depth limit accordingly.
# Identity: (a * b) mod n = (a mod n) * (b mod n) mod n
# this can be applied recursively with relative ease.
# Recursion ending condition:
if len(args) == 1:
return cache[args[0]]
return (cache[args.pop()]) * (product_mod_n(args, n)) % n
if safe:
# Make sure we won't hit the recursion limit
old = getrecursionlimit()
result = product_mod_n(po2, modulus)
return result
return product_mod_n(po2, modulus)
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