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Created April 6, 2014 19:46
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A Monte Carlo analysis of a problem by Euler.
(ns euler-population.core)
;; "After the Flood, all people are descended from six people. If we
;; suppose that after 200 years the population had grown to 1,000,000,
;; then by what part must the population grow each year?"
;; — Leonhard Euler's "Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum", Ch. 6, example 3
(def initial-conditions {:men 3
:women 3})
(def ^:dynamic *reproduction-rate* 0.90)
(def ^:dynamic *polygamy* false)
(defn compute-reproduction-rate
([iter-limit] (compute-reproduction-rate 1e6 iter-limit))
([desired-pop iter-limit]
(let [C (* 2 (Math/pow (double (/ desired-pop 6)) (double (/ 1 iter-limit))))]
(/ C (+ 1 C)))))
(defn- avg [coll]
(when (seq coll)
(double (/ (reduce + 0 coll) (count coll)))))
(defn- family-size [{men :men women :women}] (+ men women))
(defn number-of-couples [state]
(range (if *polygamy*
(:women state)
(min (:men state) (:women state)))))
(defn- have-child [] (if (> (rand) 0.5) :men :women))
(defn generate-family []
(loop [family {:men 0 :women 0}]
(if (>= (rand) *reproduction-rate*)
(recur (update-in family [(have-child)] inc)))))
(defn next-generation [state]
(let [families (number-of-couples state)]
(if (empty? families)
(throw (Exception. "No more families..."))
(apply (partial merge-with +)
(for [couple families]
(defn run-for [N-generations]
(loop [state initial-conditions
k 0]
(if (>= k N-generations)
(family-size state)
(recur (next-generation state) (inc k))))
(catch Exception e 0)))
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