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Last active June 13, 2020 20:51
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Running To Do List

Theorem Prover Coding/Writing

  • Fix typos in my notes on DPLL
    • Fixing the getLiterals code snippet to match the code
  • Rewrite notes on DP algorithm after examining Knuth's drafts more thoroughly
    • Clearly explain the DP & DPLL algorithms in pseudocode
    • Clearly explain the backjumping optimization
      • Is it possible to do a more thorough algorithmic analysis of it? (I.e., do a better job!)
  • Explore possibility that monads can be used for backjumping?
  • Resolution space for random 3-SAT proves "with high probability" that "the total resolution space is quadratic".

First-Order Logic Related Stuff

History of Theorem Provers


The 1960s

The 1970s

  • Prolog (1970)
  • LCF (1972)
  • Mizar (1973)


My running list on stuff relating to the Lambda Cube.

Untyped Lambda Calculus

  • Motivation
    • The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has a surprisingly good entry
    • Focus on lambda calculus as a "theory of equations", which explains why substitution is the only semantic mechanism
  • Reduction Relations
    • Normalization, i.e., will the reduction process terminate after finitely many steps?

Simply Typed Lambda Calculus

Motivate Types

  • Avoids ambiguities caused by self-application of Omega combinator, for example

ST Lambda Calculus + Type Constructors

ST Lambda Calculus + Polymorphism

ST Lambda Calculus + Dependent Types


  • Barendregt's Lambda Calculus book is the bible for Untyped Lambda calculus
  • Barendregt, "Introduction to generalized type systems" first introduced the Lambda Cube
  • Pierce, Types and Programming Languages are a gentle introduction to a subset of the lambda cube.


This is my running to do list...

  • If we consider a Lorentzian manifold M which is the base for a spinor bundle, then it is clearly orientable. But is it globally hyperbolic?


Typesetting Notes

  • Type up my notes on quantum gravity

Formal Proofs

  • Investigate how tenable using Leslie Lamport's macros for structured proofs would be...
    • Could we implement something like Wiedijk's Mathematical Vernacular using Lamport's macros?
    • Lamport's macros are too peculiar to be used, need to write my own (or hack his) to have each \step be like an \item in that I just write \step <blah> as opposed to \step{number}{blah}.
  • Can we formalize definitions too?
    • Examine J Urban's "Translating Mizar for first-order theorem provers" for a relevant discussion of this topic.


Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics

Side Projects

Toy programs I should write some time...

Computer Algebra System

It'd be nice to write a toy lisp that's also a CAS (or more precisely: a CAS whose syntax uses S-expressions, and may qualify as a lisp). Something like MAL may help bootstrap the initial stuff...

Ideally it should use the same tricks Euler used, i.e., follow the "generality of algebra" (for better or worse). Some stuff on this...

Toy Lisp

I've been following the make a lisp guide to try to understand how Clojure works "under the hood" (there will probably be a blog post chronicling my adventures). This will be done in C++ to understand how the JVM does stuff, too (so, e.g., I'd implement some counterpart to AtomicInteger to get gensym working properly).

Bibliography Helper

  • Write a program that will:
    • Take in some text files consisting of links to arXiv articles
    • Produce a markdown file consisting of formatted bibliography entries to the links
  • Make the program able to update a markdown file, i.e., check if a given link is already entered in the avoid needlessly hitting arXiv too much.
  • Have the input file also include header sections separated by #, ##, ###, etc., for various sections, subsections, subsubsections, respectively.
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