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Created March 11, 2022 02:49
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Basic normalization of propositional logic, in Standard ML
Some basic normal forms for propositional logic.
So far, I have NNF, NENF, DNF, and CNF normalizations.
This is mostly a translation of chapter 2 from John Harrison's _Handbook of Automated Reasoning and Practical Logic_.
datatype 'a Formula = True
| False
| Atom of 'a
| Not of 'a Formula
| And of ('a Formula)*('a Formula)
| Or of ('a Formula)*('a Formula)
| Implies of ('a Formula)*('a Formula)
| Iff of ('a Formula)*('a Formula)
| Forall of string * ('a Formula)
| Exists of string * ('a Formula);
datatype Prop = P of string;
Produces a string representation of a formula such that it could be printed out,
copy/pasted back into the REPL, and you'd obtain a valid Formula.
fun fm_toStr (fm : Prop Formula) =
case fm of
(True) => "True"
| (False) => "False"
| (Atom (P x)) => x
| (Not (p)) => "Not ("^(fm_toStr p)^")"
| (And (p,q)) => "And ("^(fm_toStr p)^", "^(fm_toStr q)^")"
| (Or (p,q)) => "Or ("^(fm_toStr p)^", "^(fm_toStr q)^")"
| (Implies (p,q)) => "Implies ("^(fm_toStr p)^", "^(fm_toStr q)^")"
| (Iff (p,q)) => "Iff ("^(fm_toStr p)^", "^(fm_toStr q)^")"
| (Forall (x,p)) => "Forall ("^x^", "^(fm_toStr p)^")"
| (Exists (x,p)) => "Exists ("^x^", "^(fm_toStr p)^")";
fun prop_cmp (P x, P y) =, y);
fun prop_ord (p : Prop) (q : Prop) : int =
case prop_cmp (p,q) of
| EQUAL => 0
| LESS => ~1;
fun prop_eq (p : Prop) (q : Prop) = (prop_cmp (p,q) = EQUAL);
fun fm_eq True True = true
| fm_eq False False = false
| fm_eq ((Atom x) : Prop Formula) ((Atom y) : Prop Formula) = prop_eq x y
| fm_eq (And(l1,r1)) (And(l2,r2)) = fm_eq l1 l2 andalso fm_eq r1 r2
| fm_eq (Or(l1,r1)) (Or(l2,r2)) = fm_eq l1 l2 andalso fm_eq r1 r2
| fm_eq (Implies(l1,r1)) (Implies(l2,r2)) = fm_eq l1 l2 andalso fm_eq r1 r2
| fm_eq (Iff(l1,r1)) (Iff(l2,r2)) = fm_eq l1 l2 andalso fm_eq r1 r2
| fm_eq (Forall(x,p)) (Forall(y,q)) = (x = y) andalso fm_eq p q
| fm_eq (Exists(x,p)) (Exists(y,q)) = (x = y) andalso fm_eq p q
| fm_eq _ _ = false;
fun cmp2 cmp (l1,r1) (l2,r2) =
case cmp l1 l2 of
| EQUAL => cmp r1 r2
(* This is a monster, I wish I were smarter and could write a cleaner version.
I stole Haskell's method of generating an order based on the definition's ordering of
constructors, then lexicographically ordering on the constructor's parameters.
fun form_cmp True True = EQUAL
| form_cmp False False = EQUAL
| form_cmp True False = GREATER
| form_cmp False True = LESS
| form_cmp ((Atom x) : Prop Formula) True = LESS
| form_cmp True (Atom x) = GREATER
| form_cmp (Atom x) False = LESS
| form_cmp False (Atom x) = GREATER
| form_cmp (Atom x) (Atom y) = prop_cmp(x,y)
| form_cmp True fm = GREATER
| form_cmp False fm = GREATER
| form_cmp (Atom _) fm = GREATER
| form_cmp (And (p,q)) True = LESS
| form_cmp (And (p,q)) False = LESS
| form_cmp (And (p,q)) (Atom _) = LESS
| form_cmp (And (l1,r1)) (And (l2,r2)) = cmp2 form_cmp (l1,r1) (l2,r2)
| form_cmp (And _) fm = GREATER
| form_cmp (Or _) True = LESS
| form_cmp (Or _) False = LESS
| form_cmp (Or _) (Atom _) = LESS
| form_cmp (Or _) (And _) = LESS
| form_cmp (Or (l1,r1)) (Or (l2,r2)) = cmp2 form_cmp (l1,r1) (l2,r2)
| form_cmp (Or _) fm = GREATER
| form_cmp (Implies _) True = LESS
| form_cmp (Implies _) False = LESS
| form_cmp (Implies _) (Atom _) = LESS
| form_cmp (Implies _) (And _) = LESS
| form_cmp (Implies _) (Or _) = LESS
| form_cmp (Implies(l1,r1)) (Implies(l2,r2)) = cmp2 form_cmp (l1,r1) (l2,r2)
| form_cmp (Implies _) fm = GREATER
| form_cmp (Iff _) True = LESS
| form_cmp (Iff _) False = LESS
| form_cmp (Iff _) (Atom _) = LESS
| form_cmp (Iff _) (And _) = LESS
| form_cmp (Iff _) (Implies _) = LESS
| form_cmp (Iff(l1,r1)) (Iff(l2,r2)) = cmp2 form_cmp (l1,r1) (l2,r2)
| form_cmp (Iff _) fm = GREATER
| form_cmp (Forall (x,p)) (Forall (y,q)) = if x=y then form_cmp p q
| form_cmp (Forall _) (Exists _) = GREATER
| form_cmp (Forall _) fm = LESS
| form_cmp (Exists (x,p)) (Exists (y,q)) = if x=y then form_cmp p q
| form_cmp (Exists _) fm = LESS
| form_cmp _ _ = LESS;
fun fm_cmp (p,q) = form_cmp p q;
fun fm_ord p q = case form_cmp p q of
| EQUAL => 0
| LESS => ~1;
type 'a Valuation = 'a -> bool;
fun onatoms (f : 'a -> 'a Formula) (fm : 'a Formula) : 'a Formula =
case fm of
Atom a => f a
| Not p => Not (onatoms f p)
| And (p,q) => And (onatoms f p, onatoms f q)
| Or (p,q) => Or (onatoms f p, onatoms f q)
| Implies (p,q) => Implies (onatoms f p, onatoms f q)
| Iff (p,q) => Iff (onatoms f p, onatoms f q);
fun overatoms (f : 'a -> 'b -> 'b) (fm : 'a Formula) (b : 'b) : 'b =
case fm of
Atom a => f a b
| Not p => overatoms f p b
| And (p,q) => overatoms f p (overatoms f q b)
| Or (p,q) => overatoms f p (overatoms f q b)
| Implies (p,q) => overatoms f p (overatoms f q b)
| Iff (p,q) => overatoms f p (overatoms f q b)
| Forall (x,p) => overatoms f p b
| Exists (x,p) => overatoms f p b
| _ => b;
(* eval : 'a Formula -> 'a Valuation -> bool *)
fun eval (fm : 'a Formula) (v : 'a Valuation) =
case fm of
False => false
| True => true
| Atom x => v(x)
| Not p => not (eval p v)
| And (p,q) => (eval p v) andalso (eval q v)
| Or (p,q) => (eval p v) orelse (eval q v)
| Implies (p,q) => not (eval p v) orelse (eval q v)
| Iff (p,q) => (eval p v) = (eval q v);
fun eval_example () =
let val p = Atom (P "p")
val q = Atom (P "q")
val r = Atom (P "r")
in eval (Implies (And (p,q), And (q,r))) (fn P "p" => true |
P "q" => false |
P "r" => true |
_ => false)
(* Default valuation, with everything evaluated to false. *)
val false_v : 'a Valuation = (fn _ => false);
(* Merge sort related functions *)
fun merge cmp ([], ys) = ys
| merge cmp (xs, []) = xs
| merge cmp (xs as x::xs', ys as y::ys') =
case cmp (x, y) of
GREATER => y :: merge cmp (xs, ys')
| _ => x :: merge cmp (xs', ys);
fun sort cmp [] = []
| sort cmp [x] = [x]
| sort cmp xs =
val ys = List.take (xs, length xs div 2)
val zs = List.drop (xs, length xs div 2)
merge cmp (sort cmp ys, sort cmp zs)
(* Make a list of unique values. *)
fun uniq (xs: 'a list) (eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool) =
let fun check [] item = false
| check (x::xs) item = (eq item x) orelse check xs item
fun go_through [] = []
| go_through (x::xs) = if check xs x
then go_through xs
else x :: go_through xs
go_through xs
(* In OCaml and F# the comparison is build in to the language. It is not
in SML, so many of the following functions also take an ordering
function as input. *)
(* setify : 'a order -> 'a list -> 'a list; *)
fun setify (ord : 'a -> 'a -> int) (l : 'a list) : 'a list =
let fun canonical lis =
case lis of
x::(rest as y::_) => ord x y < 0 andalso canonical rest
| _ => true
fun ord_cmp (x,y) = if ord x y < 0 then LESS
else if ord x y > 0 then GREATER
else EQUAL
fun eq x y = (ord x y = 0)
if canonical l then l
else uniq (sort ord_cmp l) eq
fun atom_union (ord : 'b -> 'b -> int) (f : 'a -> 'b list) (fm : 'a Formula) =
setify ord (overatoms (fn h => fn t => f(h)@t) fm []);
fun atoms (fm : Prop Formula) : Prop list =
atom_union prop_ord (fn a => [a]) fm;
fun on_all_valuations (subfn : 'a Valuation -> bool) (v : 'a Valuation) eq =
fn [] => subfn v
| (p::ps) => let fun v' t q = if eq q p then t else v(q)
in on_all_valuations subfn (v' false) eq ps andalso
on_all_valuations subfn (v' true) eq ps
val fm1 =
let val p = Atom (P "p")
val q = Atom (P "q")
val r = Atom (P "r")
val s = Atom (P "s")
in Iff (Or(And(p,q),s),
Or(Not p,
Iff (r,s)))
fun atoms_test1 () =
atoms fm1;
(** Satisfiability-related functions **)
fun tautology fm =
on_all_valuations (eval fm) false_v prop_eq (atoms fm);
fun unsatisfiable fm = tautology (Not fm);
fun satisfiable fm = not (unsatisfiable fm);
val lem_fm =
let val p = Atom(P"p")
Or(p, Not(p))
val fm2 =
let val p = Atom(P"p")
val q = Atom(P"q")
val fm3 =
let val p = Atom(P"p")
val q = Atom(P"q")
in Implies(Or(p,q), Or(q, Iff(p,q)))
val fm4 =
let val p = Atom(P"p")
val q = Atom(P"q")
val r = Atom(P"r")
Implies(And(Or(p,q), Not(And(p,q))),
val fm5 =
let val p = Atom(P"p");
val q = Atom(P"q");
val r = Atom(P"r");
in And(Or(p,And(q,r)),
Or(Not p, Not r))
(* Partial function application *)
fun tryapplyd (f : 'a -> 'b option) (x : 'a) (v : 'b) : 'b =
case f x of
(SOME y) => y
| NONE => v;
infix 6 |=>;
infix 6 |->;
fun (x |-> y) eq f = (fn x' => if eq x x' then SOME y else f x);
fun (x |=> y) eq = (x |-> y) eq (fn _ => NONE);
(* val psubst : ('a, 'a formula) func -> 'a formula -> 'a formula *)
fun psubst subfn = onatoms (fn p => tryapplyd subfn p (Atom p));
fun psubst_ex () =
psubst ((P "p" |=> fm1) prop_eq) fm3;
(*** Negation normal form ***)
fun dual False = True
| dual True = False
| dual (Atom p) = (Atom p)
| dual (Not p) = Not (dual p)
| dual (And (p,q)) = Or(dual p, dual q)
| dual (Or (p,q)) = And(dual p, dual q)
| dual _ = raise (Fail "Formula involves connectives ==> or <=>");
(* Recursively simplify a proposition by using tautologies like double negation, etc.
fun psimplify1 (Not False) = True
| psimplify1 (Not True) = False
| psimplify1 (Not (Not p)) = p
| psimplify1 (And (p, False)) = False
| psimplify1 (And (False,p)) = False
| psimplify1 (And (p,True)) = p
| psimplify1 (And (True,p)) = p
| psimplify1 (Or (p,False)) = p
| psimplify1 (Or (False,p)) = p
| psimplify1 (Or (p,True)) = True
| psimplify1 (Or (True,p)) = True
| psimplify1 (Implies (False,p)) = True
| psimplify1 (Implies (p,True)) = True
| psimplify1 (Implies (True,p)) = p
| psimplify1 (Implies (p,False)) = Not p
| psimplify1 (Iff (p,True)) = p
| psimplify1 (Iff (True,p)) = p
| psimplify1 (Iff (False,False)) = True
| psimplify1 (Iff (p,False)) = Not p
| psimplify1 (Iff (False,p)) = Not p
| psimplify1 fm = fm
fun psimplify (Not p) = psimplify1 (Not (psimplify p))
| psimplify (And (p,q)) = psimplify1 (And(psimplify p,psimplify q))
| psimplify (Or (p,q)) = psimplify1 (Or(psimplify p,psimplify q))
| psimplify (Implies (p,q)) = psimplify1 (Implies(psimplify p,psimplify q))
| psimplify (Iff(p,q)) = psimplify1 (Iff(psimplify p,psimplify q))
| psimplify fm = fm
fun psimp_ex () =
let val x = Atom (P "x")
val y = Atom (P "y")
val z = Atom (P "z")
[psimplify (Implies (Implies(True, Iff(x,False)),
Not(Or(y, And(False,z))))),
psimplify (Or(Implies(Implies(x,y),True),
Not False))]
(* Tests if a literal is positive or negative. *)
fun negative (Not p) = true
| negative _ = false;
fun positive (lit : 'a Formula) : bool = not(negative lit);
fun negate (Not p) = p
| negate p = Not p;
(* Transform a formula into Negation Normal Form. *)
fun nnf1 (And (p,q)) = And(nnf1 p, nnf1 q)
| nnf1 (Or (p,q)) = Or(nnf1 p, nnf1 q)
| nnf1 (Implies (p,q)) = Or(nnf1 (Not p),nnf1 q)
| nnf1 (Iff(p,q)) = Or(And(nnf1 p,nnf1 q),
And(nnf1 (Not p), nnf1 (Not q)))
| nnf1 (Not(Not p)) = nnf1 p
| nnf1 (Not(And(p,q))) = Or(nnf1 (Not p), nnf1 (Not q))
| nnf1 (Not(Or(p,q))) = And(nnf1 (Not p), nnf1 (Not q))
| nnf1 (Not(Implies(p,q))) = And(nnf1 p, nnf1(Not q))
| nnf1 (Not(Iff(p,q))) = Or(And(nnf1 p,nnf1(Not q)),
And(nnf1(Not p),nnf1 q))
| nnf1 fm = fm
fun nnf fm = nnf1 (psimplify fm)
fun nenf1 (Not(Not p)) = nenf1 p
| nenf1 (Not(And(p,q))) = Or(nenf1(Not p),nenf1(Not q))
| nenf1 (Not(Or(p,q))) = And(nenf1(Not p),nenf1(Not q))
| nenf1 (Not(Implies(p,q))) = And(nenf1 p,nenf1(Not q))
| nenf1 (Not(Iff(p,q))) = Iff(nenf1 p,nenf1(Not q))
| nenf1 (And(p,q)) = And(nenf1 p,nenf1 q)
| nenf1 (Or(p,q)) = Or(nenf1 p,nenf1 q)
| nenf1 (Implies(p,q)) = Or(nenf1(Not p),nenf1 q)
| nenf1 (Iff(p,q)) = Iff(nenf1 p,nenf1 q)
| nenf1 fm = fm
fun nenf fm = nenf(psimplify fm)
(*** DNF and CNF ***)
(* We now need to transform a formula into a conjunction of clauses, or
disjunction reality, we will be using lists of literals to encode
clauses or disjuncts. So we need to transform a formula to a list of literals
(or a list of lists of literals), and vice-versa.
fun list_conj [] = True
| list_conj (l::[]) = l
| list_conj (l::ls) = foldr And l ls;
fun list_disj [] = False
| list_disj (l::[]) = l
| list_disj (l::ls) = foldr Or l ls;
fun mk_lits pvs v =
list_conj (map (fn p => if eval p v then p else Not p) pvs);
(* Produce a list of valuations satisfying a `subfn : 'a Valuation -> bool`. *)
fun all_sat_valuations subfn v eq [] = if subfn v then [v] else []
| all_sat_valuations subfn v eq (p::ps) =
let fun v' t q = if eq q p then t else v(q)
in (all_sat_valuations subfn (v' false) eq ps) @
(all_sat_valuations subfn (v' true) eq ps)
fun dnf fm =
let val pvs = atoms fm
val satvals = all_sat_valuations (eval fm) (fn _ => false) prop_eq pvs
list_disj (map (mk_lits (map (fn p => Atom p) pvs)) satvals)
fun rawdnf fm =
fun distrib (And(p,Or(q,r))) = Or(distrib(And(p,q)),distrib(And(p,r)))
| distrib (And(Or(p,q),r)) = Or(distrib(And(p,r)),distrib(And(q,r)))
| distrib fm = fm
case fm of
(And(p,q)) => distrib(And(rawdnf p, rawdnf q))
| (Or(p,q)) => Or(rawdnf p,rawdnf q)
| _ => fm
fun rawdnf_ex () =
let val p = Atom (P "p")
val q = Atom (P "q")
val r = Atom (P "r")
in rawdnf (And(Or(p,And(q,r)),
Or(Not p, Not r)))
(* set-based DNF *)
fun union (ord : 'a -> 'a -> int) (l : 'a list) (r : 'a list) : 'a list =
let fun cmp (x,y) = if ord x y < 0 then LESS
else if ord x y > 0 then GREATER
else EQUAL
fun u l [] = l
| u [] r = r
| u (l as h1::t1) (r as h2::t2) = case cmp (h1,h2) of
EQUAL => h1 :: (u t1 t2)
| LESS => h1 :: (u t1 r)
| GREATER => h2 :: (u l t2)
in u (setify ord l) (setify ord r)
(* allpairs : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list *)
fun allpairs (f : 'a -> 'b -> 'c) ([] : 'a list) (l2 : 'b list) = []
| allpairs f (h1::t1) l2 = foldr (fn (x,a) => f h1 x :: a) (allpairs f t1 l2) l2;
fun clause_ord [] r = ~1
| clause_ord l [] = 1
| clause_ord (h1::t1 : Prop Formula list) (h2::t2 : Prop Formula list) =
case form_cmp h1 h2 of
EQUAL => clause_ord t1 t2
| LESS => ~1
| GREATER => 1;
fun pure_distrib (s1 : Prop Formula list list) (s2 : Prop Formula list list)
: Prop Formula list list
= setify clause_ord (allpairs (union fm_ord) s1 s2);
fun purednf (fm : Prop Formula) : Prop Formula list list =
case fm of
And(p,q) => pure_distrib (purednf p) (purednf q)
| Or(p,q) => union clause_ord (purednf p) (purednf q)
| _ => [[fm]];
fun non p x = not(p x);
fun intersect cmp [] l2 = []
| intersect cmp l1 [] = []
| intersect cmp l r =
let fun inter (l1 as h1::t1) (l2 as h2::t2) =
(case cmp(h1,h2) of
EQUAL => h1::(intersect cmp t1 t2)
| LESS => intersect cmp t1 l2
| GREATER => intersect cmp l1 t2)
fun ord x y =
(case cmp(x,y) of
EQUAL => 0
| GREATER => 1
| LESS => ~1)
in inter (setify ord l) (setify ord r)
fun trivial (lits : Prop Formula list) : bool =
let val (pos,neg) = List.partition positive lits
in not (null (intersect fm_cmp pos (map negate neg)))
fun pure_dnf_ex () =
let val p = Atom (P "p")
val q = Atom (P "q")
val r = Atom (P "r")
in purednf (And (Or (p, And(q,r)),
(Or(Not p, Not r))))
fun isSubset (ord : 'a -> 'a -> int) (xs1 : 'a list) (xs2 : 'a list) : bool =
case (xs1,xs2) of
([], l2) => true
| (l1,[]) => false
| (h1::t1,h2::t2) =>
(let val r = ord h1 h2
in if r = 0 then isSubset ord t1 t2
else if r < 0 then false
else isSubset ord xs1 t2
fun isProperSubset (ord : 'a -> 'a -> int) (xs1 : 'a list) (xs2 : 'a list) : bool =
let fun isProp [] l2 = false
| isProp l1 [] = true
| isProp (l1 as h1::t1) (h2::t2) =
(let val r = ord h1 h2
in if r = 0 then isProp t1 t2
else if r < 0 then false
else isSubset ord l1 t2
in isProp (setify ord xs1) (setify ord xs2)
fun simp_dnf False = []
| simp_dnf True = [[]]
| simp_dnf fm =
let val djs = List.filter (non trivial) (purednf (nnf fm))
in List.filter (fn d => not(List.exists (fn d' => isProperSubset fm_ord d' d) djs))
fun dnf fm = list_disj (map list_conj (simp_dnf fm));
fun dnf_ex () =
let val p = Atom (P "p")
val q = Atom (P "q")
val r = Atom (P "r")
in dnf (And (Or (p, And(q,r)),
(Or(Not p, Not r))))
fun pure_cnf fm = map (map negate) (purednf (nnf (Not fm)));
fun simpcnf False = [[]]
| simpcnf True = []
| simpcnf fm =
let val cjs = List.filter (non trivial) (pure_cnf fm)
in List.filter (fn c => not(List.exists (fn c' => isProperSubset fm_ord c' c)
fun cnf fm = list_conj(map list_disj (simpcnf fm));
val fm6 =
let val p = Atom (P "p")
val q = Atom (P "q")
val r = Atom (P "r")
in And (Or (p, And(q,r)),
(Or(Not p, Not r)))
val fm7 =
let val p = Atom (P "p")
val q = Atom (P "q")
val r = Atom (P "r")
val s = Atom (P "s")
in And (Or (p, And(q,Not r)),
fun cnf_ex () =
let val p = Atom (P "p")
val q = Atom (P "q")
val r = Atom (P "r")
in cnf (And (Or (p, And(q,r)),
(Or(Not p, Not r))))
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