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Created September 3, 2014 12:54
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module Main where
{- программа на Haskell для статьи -}
import qualified Data.Text as T --
import Data.List
parse :: String -> [[String]]
parse text = splitPerBlocks $ getLines text
getLines :: String -> [String]
getLines text = map trim $ splitLines text
where trim = T.unpack . T.strip
splitLines text1 = T.splitOn (T.pack "\n") $ T.pack text1
splitPerBlocks :: [String] -> [[String]]
splitPerBlocks = splitPerBlocksRecursiveFold []
splitPerBlocksRecursiveFold :: [[String]] -> [String] -> [[String]]
splitPerBlocksRecursiveFold blocks lns
| length lns < 20 = blocks
| length linesWithoutHeaderAndFlag >= 20 = let first20Lines = take 20 linesWithoutHeaderAndFlag
otherLines = drop 20 linesWithoutHeaderAndFlag
newFoundBlocks = blocks ++ [first20Lines]
in splitPerBlocksRecursiveFold newFoundBlocks otherLines
| otherwise = blocks
where linesWithoutHeaderAndFlag = dropFlagLine . dropHeaderLine $ lns
dropHeaderLine :: [String] -> [String]
dropHeaderLine lns
| isInfixOf "Container No." $ head lns = tail lns
| otherwise = lns
dropFlagLine :: [String] -> [String]
dropFlagLine lns
| length lns <= 20 = lns
| isInfixOf "Flag:" $ lns !! 20 = take 20 lns ++ drop 21 lns
| otherwise = lns
main = do
s <- getContents
print $ length $ parse s
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Maru1337 commented Sep 11, 2016

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import           Data.List.Split
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy    as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as XL
main :: IO ()
main =
  map TL.strip .TL.lines <$> XL.readFile "in.txt" >>=
   XL.writeFile "out.txt" .TL.unlines .concatMap (TL.replicate 50 "-":)
   .checklast .chunksOf 20 .filter shit >> putStrLn "Done!"
  where shit l       = not .or $ map (`TL.isInfixOf` l) [ "Container No.","Flag:" ]
        checklast xs = if 20 > length (last xs) then init xs else xs

Вроде бы вот так. Ну только аут в файл и блоки явно поделены, чтобы визуально понятно было.

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