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Created July 6, 2014 15:42
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Ideal `ENTROPY` from the perspective of Fortuna
The ideal interface for an entropy-device from the perspective of Fortuna.
module type ENTROPY = sig
(* With a pull-based design, there is the problem of wasted work. Since the
* client of the entropy does not know how often there is something worth
* checking, it might do it too frequently / infrequently. If it stalls, there
* is the added problem of accumulating unbounded entropy in the provider (we
* probably can't access hashes at this level, plus, that would be a RNG-level
* thing to do).
* Instead, an entropy device should signal that it has **some** (no
* guarantees here) bits to announce and hand them off the whoever is
* listening. The frequency of this is in tune with the system's actual
* ability to collect new noise - our handler can be called from various
* parts of the system and get, for example, their internal timings etc.
* The `source` distinguished sources. It's expected to be a small number
* (around a byte) and it plays in with fortuna's internal entropy gathering
* logic.
* The Cstruct.t is whatever bits of noise the source can muster. It's up to
* the handler to convert those into usable RNG.
* The contract is that the handler is non-blocking and actually *fast*, so
* that it can frequently be fed with odd bits of noise from various sources
* in the system.
type handler : source:int -> Cstruct.t -> unit
val handler : handler -> unit
val start : unit -> unit Lwt.t
(* On unix, we can easily mock the entire arrangement with /dev/urandom. *)
module Unix_entropy (T : V1_LWT.TIME) : ENTROPY = struct
let period = 1.
and source = "/dev/urandom"
let h = ref None
let handler f = h := Some f
let refeed fd =
match !h with
| None -> ()
| Some f ->
let cs = Cstruct.create 17 in
Lwt_cstruct.(complete (read fd) cs) >>= fun _ ->
f (Cstruct.get_uint8 cs 0) (Cstruct.sub cs 1 16) ;
let start () =
let rec loop fd = refeed fd >> T.sleep period >> loop fd
lwt fd = Lwt_unix.openfile [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0 source in
refeed fd >> async (loop fd)
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