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Last active December 7, 2015 18:32
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module Option = struct
let (>>=) a fb = match a with Some x -> fb x | _ -> None
let (>|=) a f = match a with Some x -> Some (f x) | _ -> None
type ('k, 'v) tree =
| Tip
| Node of 'k * 'v * int * ('k, 'v) tree * ('k, 'v) tree
type ('k, 'v) t = { gen : int ; size : int ; tree : ('k, 'v) tree }
let rec adjoin t1 t2 = match (t1, t2) with
| (_, Tip) -> t1
| (Tip, _) -> t2
| (Node (k1, v1, g1, l1, r1), Node (k2, v2, g2, l2, r2)) ->
if g1 < g2 then
Node (k1, v1, g1, l1, adjoin r1 t2)
else Node (k2, v2, g2, adjoin t1 l2, r2)
let remove k t =
let open Option in
let rec go k1 = function
| Tip -> None
| Node (k, v, g, l, r) ->
match compare k1 k with
| -1 -> go k1 l >|= fun (x, l) -> (x, Node (k, v, g, l, r))
| 1 -> go k1 r >|= fun (x, r) -> (x, Node (k, v, g, l, r))
| _ -> Some (v, adjoin l r) in
go k t.tree >|= fun (x, tree) -> (x, { t with tree ; size = t.size - 1 })
let add k v ({ gen; _ } as t) =
let rec go k1 v1 = function
| Tip -> Node (k1, v1, gen, Tip, Tip)
| Node (k, v, g, l, r) ->
if k1 <= k then
Node (k, v, g, go k1 v1 l, r)
else Node (k, v, g, l, go k1 v1 r) in
{ tree = go k v t.tree ; gen = gen + 1 ; size = t.size + 1 }
let find k t = Option.(remove k t >|= fun (x, t) -> (x, add k x t))
let oldest t = match t.tree with
| Tip -> None
| Node (k, v, _, _, _) -> Some (k, v)
let drop t = match t.tree with
| Tip -> None
| Node (_, _, _, l, r) ->
Some { t with tree = adjoin l r ; size = t.size - 1 }
let size t = t.size
module Dequeue = struct
type 'a node = {
contents : 'a ;
mutable next : 'a node option ;
mutable prev : 'a node option
type 'a t = {
mutable first : 'a node option ;
mutable last : 'a node option
let detach t n =
let np = n.prev and nn = in
( match np with
| None -> t.first <- nn
| Some x -> <- nn ; n.prev <- None );
( match nn with
| None -> t.last <- np
| Some x -> x.prev <- np ; <- None )
let append t n =
let on = Some n in
match t.last with
| Some x as l -> <- on ; t.last <- on ; n.prev <- l
| None -> t.first <- on ; t.last <- on
let fresh x = { contents = x ; prev = None ; next = None }
let create () = { first = None ; last = None }
type ('a, 'b) t = {
ht : ('a, ('a * 'b) Dequeue.node) Hashtbl.t ;
dq : ('a * 'b) Dequeue.t ;
let create () = { ht = Hashtbl.create 16 ; dq = Dequeue.create () }
let oldest t =
match t.dq.Dequeue.first with
| Some n -> Some n.Dequeue.contents
| None -> None
let size t = Hashtbl.length
let add k v t =
let n = Dequeue.fresh (k, v) in
Hashtbl.add k n;
Dequeue.append t.dq n
let remove k t =
let n = Hashtbl.find k in
Hashtbl.remove k;
Dequeue.detach t.dq n
with Not_found -> ()
let find k t =
let n = Hashtbl.find k in
Dequeue.( detach t.dq n; append t.dq n );
Some (snd n.Dequeue.contents)
with Not_found -> None
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