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Created November 27, 2013 02:29
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peek / poke
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Peek (
module Data.Monoid
, Store, runStore, store, stores
, Restorable, restore
, AutoSize, autoSizeOf
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
import Foreign
data Store = Store (Ptr () -> IO (Ptr ()))
runStore :: Store -> Ptr a -> IO ()
runStore (Store f) p = f (castPtr p) >> return ()
store :: Storable a => a -> Store
store a = Store $ \p ->
(p `plusPtr` sizeOf a) <$ poke (castPtr p) a
stores :: [Store] -> Ptr a -> IO ()
stores = runStore . mconcat
instance Monoid Store where
mempty = Store return
Store f `mappend` Store g = Store $ f >=> g
class Restorable a b where
_restore :: a -> Ptr () -> IO b
instance Restorable a a where
_restore = const . return
instance (Restorable b c, Storable a) => Restorable (a -> b) c where
_restore f p = do
a <- peek (castPtr p)
_restore (f a) (p `plusPtr` sizeOf a)
restore :: Restorable f a => f -> Ptr a -> IO a
restore f = _restore f . castPtr
class AutoSize a where autoSizeOf :: a -> Int
instance AutoSize a where autoSizeOf _ = 0
instance (AutoSize b, Storable a) => AutoSize (a -> b) where
autoSizeOf f = (\a -> autoSizeOf (f a) + sizeOf a) undefined
import Control.Applicative
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
data Point = Point Int Int
deriving (Show)
sizeOf_int = sizeOf (undefined :: Int)
instance Storable Point where
sizeOf _ = 2 * sizeOf_int
alignment _ = 2 * sizeOf_int
peek p = Point <$> peek (castPtr p)
<*> peek (p `plusPtr` sizeOf_int )
poke p (Point x y) = do
poke (castPtr p) x
poke (castPtr p `plusPtr` sizeOf_int) y
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Peek
data Point = Point Int Int
deriving (Show)
instance Storable Point where
sizeOf _ = autoSizeOf Point
alignment = sizeOf
peek = restore Point
poke p (Point x y) = stores [store x, store y] p
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