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Created November 27, 2013 19:29
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autopeek / autopoke
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
module GenS (AutoStorable) where
import Control.Applicative
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Word
import Foreign
class AutoStorable a
instance (Generic a, AutoStorable a, GStorable (Rep a)) => Storable a where
peek = fmap to . gpeek . castPtr
poke p = gpoke (castPtr p) . from
sizeOf = gsizeof . from
alignment = galignment . from
class GStorable a where
gpeek :: Ptr (a p) -> IO (a p)
gpoke :: Ptr (a p) -> (a p) -> IO ()
gsizeof :: (a p) -> Int
galignment :: (a p) -> Int
instance GStorable U1 where
gpeek _ = return U1
gpoke _ U1 = return ()
gsizeof _ = 0
galignment _ = 0
instance GStorable f => GStorable (M1 i c f) where
gpeek p = M1 <$> gpeek (castPtr p)
gpoke p = gpoke (castPtr p) . unM1
gsizeof = gsizeof . unM1
galignment = galignment . unM1
instance (Storable a) => GStorable (K1 i a) where
gpeek p = K1 <$> peek (castPtr p)
gpoke p = poke (castPtr p) . unK1
gsizeof = sizeOf . unK1
galignment = alignment . unK1
instance (GStorable f, GStorable g) => GStorable ((:*:) f g) where
gpeek p = do
a <- gpeek (castPtr p)
(a :*:) <$> gpeek (p `plusPtr` gsizeof a)
gpoke p (a :*: b) =
gpoke (castPtr p) a >> gpoke (p `plusPtr` gsizeof a) b
gsizeof _ = gsizeof (undefined :: f p) +
gsizeof (undefined :: g p)
galignment _ = max (galignment (undefined :: f p))
(galignment (undefined :: g p))
instance (GStorable f, GStorable g) => GStorable ((:+:) f g) where
gpeek p = do
n <- peek (castPtr p)
case n :: Word8 of
0 -> L1 <$> gpeek (incPtr p)
1 -> R1 <$> gpeek (incPtr p)
gpoke p (L1 f) = poke (castPtr p) (0 :: Word8) >> gpoke (incPtr p) f
gpoke p (R1 g) = poke (castPtr p) (1 :: Word8) >> gpoke (incPtr p) g
gsizeof _ = max (gsizeof (undefined :: f p))
(gsizeof (undefined :: g p)) + 1
galignment _ = max (galignment (undefined :: f p))
(galignment (undefined :: g p))
incPtr :: Ptr a -> Ptr b
incPtr p = castPtr (p `plusPtr` 1)
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
import Control.Applicative
import GHC.Generics
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import GenS
data Timeval = Timeval { tv_time_t, tv_usec_t :: CLong }
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance AutoStorable Timeval
foreign import ccall "gettimeofday"
c'gettimeofday :: Ptr Timeval -> Ptr () -> IO CInt
gettimeofday :: IO Timeval
gettimeofday = outparam (`c'gettimeofday` nullPtr)
data Timespec = Timespec { ts_time_t :: CTime, ts_tv_nsec :: CLong }
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance AutoStorable Timespec
data Clock = ClockRealtime
| ClockMonotonic
| ClockProcessCputimeId
| ClockThreadCputimeId
| ClockMonotonicRaw
| ClockRealtimeCoarse
| ClockMonotonicCoarse
| ClockBoottime
| ClockRealtimeAlarm
| ClockBoottimeAlarm
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
foreign import ccall "clock_gettime"
c'clock_gettime :: Word32 -> Ptr Timespec -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "clock_settime"
c'clock_settime :: Word32 -> Ptr Timespec -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "clock_getres"
c'clock_getres :: Word32 -> Ptr Timespec -> IO CInt
clockGetTime, clockGetRes :: Clock -> IO Timespec
clockGetTime = outparam . c'clock_gettime . fromEnumG
clockGetRes = outparam . c'clock_getres . fromEnumG
clockSetTime :: Clock -> Timespec -> IO Bool
clockSetTime clk ts = (== 0) <$> with ts (c'clock_settime $ fromEnumG clk)
-- ###
outparam :: Storable a => (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO a
outparam f = alloca $ \p -> f p >> peek p
fromEnumG :: (Enum a, Num b) => a -> b
fromEnumG = fromIntegral . fromEnum
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