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Last active November 4, 2015 20:59
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let encodev ?(encoding=`UTF_8) xs =
let b = Buffer.create 16 in
let e = Uutf.encoder encoding (`Buffer b) in
List.iter (fun x -> Uutf.encode e (`Uchar x) |> ignore) xs;
Uutf.encode e `End |> ignore;
Buffer.contents b
module S = struct
open Scanf
let rec bscans sc =
try bscanf sc "0x%x %r" bscans (fun i is -> i::is)
with _ ->
try bscanf sc "U+%x %r" bscans (fun i is -> i::is)
with _ -> []
let scans s = sscanf s "%r" bscans (fun is -> is)
module P = struct
let list ?(brackets=("","")) ?(sep=" ") p oc xs =
let rec go = function
| [] -> ()
| [x] -> p oc x
| x::xs -> p oc x ; print_string sep ; go xs in
let (l, r) = brackets in
output_string oc l; go xs; output_string oc r
let u oc = Printf.fprintf oc "U+%04X"
module Sequence_io = struct
let rec read_lines ic f =
match input_line ic with
| line -> f line; read_lines ic f
| exception End_of_file -> ()
| exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) -> read_lines ic f
let xf ic oc =
let open Sequence in
Sequence_io.read_lines ic @@ fun line ->
let us = S.scans line in
Printf.fprintf oc "* %a: |%s|\n%!"
P.(list ~brackets:("[", "]") ~sep:", " u) us (encodev us)
let () = xf stdin stdout
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