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Last active September 24, 2015 09:04
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GPG me.
ocamlfind ocamlopt -linkpkg -package lwt,lwt.unix,lwt.syntax,nocrypto,nocrypto.unix -syntax camlp4o -o gpg
((e 65537)
open Nocrypto
open Uncommon
open Lwt
open Sexplib
module Hash = Hash.SHA256
module Oaep = Rsa.OAEP(Hash)
module Aes = Cipher_block.AES.CTR
let (&.) f g x = f (g x)
let ctr = Cs.create_with 16 0
let enc ~key cs =
let sec = Rng.generate 32 in
let penc = Oaep.encrypt ~key sec in
let senc = Aes.(encrypt ~key:(of_secret sec) ~ctr cs) in
let mac = Hash.hmac ~key:sec senc in
Cs.concat [ penc; mac; senc ]
let dec ~key cs =
let ks = cdiv (Rsa.priv_bits key) 8 in
let (penc, cs') = Cstruct.split cs ks in
let (mac, senc) = Cstruct.split cs' Hash.digest_size in
match Oaep.decrypt ~key penc with
| None -> failwith "Someone was mucking with the encrypted key :("
| Some sec ->
if not Cstruct.(equal mac @@ Hash.hmac ~key:sec senc) then
failwith "Someone was mucking with the encrypted data :("
else Aes.(decrypt ~key:(of_secret sec) ~ctr senc)
let lwt_write_file name s =
lwt ch = Lwt_io.(open_file ~mode:Output name) in
Lwt_io.write ch s >> Lwt_io.close ch
let lwt_read_file name =
lwt ch = Lwt_io.(open_file ~mode:Input name) in
try_lwt ch finally Lwt_io.close ch
let xform kfun f kf i o =
lwt key = lwt_read_file kf >|= kfun in i >|= Cstruct.(to_string &. f ~key &. of_string) >>= Lwt_io.write o
let encrypt = xform (Rsa.pub_of_sexp &. Sexp.of_string) enc
and decrypt = xform (Rsa.priv_of_sexp &. Sexp.of_string) dec
let generate base =
let key = Rsa.generate 4096 in
let key' = Rsa.pub_of_priv key in
let name = base ^ ".priv"
and name' = base ^ ".pub" in
lwt_write_file name (Sexp.to_string_hum (Rsa.sexp_of_priv key)) <&>
lwt_write_file name' (Sexp.to_string_hum (Rsa.sexp_of_pub key'))
let main () =
Nocrypto_entropy_unix.initialize ();
match Sys.argv with
| [| _; "enc"; kf |] -> encrypt kf Lwt_io.stdin Lwt_io.stdout
| [| _; "dec"; kf |] -> decrypt kf Lwt_io.stdin Lwt_io.stdout
| [| _; "gen"; kf |] -> generate kf
| _ -> failwith "Nope."
let () = (main ())
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pqwy commented Sep 24, 2015

This is how we securely message @pqwy now.

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