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Created March 10, 2023 17:29
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bash snippets
// Place your snippets for shellscript here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and
// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the
// same ids are connected.
// Example:
"shebang": {
"prefix": "shebang bash",
"body": [
"set -euo pipefail"
"description": "bash shebanag + set euo"
// source :
// "echo": {
// "prefix": "e",
// "body": [
// "echo \"${0:Hello World}\""
// ],
// "description": "Echo"
// },
// "function": {
// "prefix": "fn",
// "body": [
// "${1:function_name}() {",
// "\t$0",
// "}"
// ],
// "description": "Function"
// },
"function with definitions": {
"prefix": "fnd",
"body": [
"# Description",
"# Globals:",
"# - EXPORT_1 : which contains ...",
"# Arguments:",
"# - \\$1 : the first paramter (eg. param1)",
"# Outputs:",
"# Returns:",
"${1:lib}::${2:function_name}() {",
" local -r ${3:PARAM_1}=\"\\${1:?\"${2:function_name} is missing a parameter\"}\"",
" $0",
" export ${4:EXPORT_1}",
"description": "Function in a libary with definitions of params and exports"
// "if": {
// "prefix": "if",
// "body": [
// "if [[ $1 ]]; then",
// "\t$0",
// "fi"
// ],
// "description": "if block"
// },
"if else": {
"prefix": "ife",
"body": [
"if [[ $1 ]]; then",
"description": "if else block"
"elif": {
"prefix": "elif",
"body": [
"elif [[ $1 ]]; then",
"description": "elif block"
// "until": {
// "prefix": "until",
// "body": [
// "until [[ $1 ]]; do",
// "\t$0",
// "done"
// ],
// "description": "until block"
// },
"main": {
"prefix": "main",
"body": [
"main() {",
"main \"$@\""
"description": "a main function declaration with passthrough of all paramters passed to the file"
"const": {
"prefix": "const",
"body": [
"local -r ${1:VARIABLE}=\"${0}\""
"description": "creates a local readonly variable ie. a constant (this is meant for use within functions only)"
"TODO": {
"prefix": "todo",
"body": [
"# TODO: (${1:author}) ${0:description}"
"description": "creates a local readonly variable ie. a constant"
// source:
"test_string_empty": {
"prefix": "test_string_empty",
"body": "test -z \"$${0:VAR}\"",
"description": "A test to check the lengh of VAR is zero (i.e. it is empty) and returns TRUE if so."
"test_string_equal": {
"prefix": "test_string_equal",
"body": "test \"$${0:VAR1}\" = \"$${1:VAR2}\"",
"description": "A test to compare two different STRINGS and returns TRUE if they are of equal value."
"test_string_not_empty": {
"prefix": "test_string_not_empty",
"body": "test -n \"$${0:VAR}\"",
"description": "A test that checks the length of a STRING is greater than zero and returns TRUE if so."
"test_string_not_equal": {
"prefix": "test_string_not_equal",
"body": "test \"$${0:VAR1}\" != \"$${1:VAR2}\"",
"description": "A test to compare two different STRINGS. Returns TRUE if they are NOT of equal value."
"test_int_equal": {
"prefix": "test_int_equal",
"body": "test \"$${0:VAR1}\" -eq \"$${1:VAR2}\"",
"description": "A test to compare two different INTEGERS. Returns TRUE if they are of equal value."
"test_int_great_equal": {
"prefix": "test_int_great_equal",
"body": "test \"$${0:VAR1}\" -ge \"$${1:VAR2}\"",
"description": "A test to compare two different INTEGERS. Returns TRUE if INTEGER1 is of equal or greater value than INTEGER2."
"test_int_great_than": {
"prefix": "test_int_great_than",
"body": "test \"$${0:VAR1}\" -gt \"$${1:VAR2}\"",
"description": "A test to compare two different INTEGERS. Returns TRUE if INTEGER1 is greater than INTEGER2 in value."
"test_int_less_equal": {
"prefix": "test_int_less_equal",
"body": "test \"$${0:VAR1}\" -le \"$${1:VAR2}\"",
"description": "A test to compare two different INTEGERS. Returns TRUE if INTEGER1 is less than or equal to INTEGER2 in value."
"test_int_less_than": {
"prefix": "test_int_less_than",
"body": "test \"$${0:VAR1}\" -lt \"$${1:VAR2}\"",
"description": "A test to compare two different INTEGERS. Returns TRUE if INTEGER1 is less than INTEGER2 in value."
"test_int_not_equal": {
"prefix": "test_int_not_equal",
"body": "test \"$${0:VAR1}\" -ne \"$${1:VAR2}",
"description": "A test to compare two different INTEGERS. Returns TRUE if INTEGER1 is NOT equal to INTEGER2 in value."
"test_exist": {
"prefix": "test_exist_file",
"body": "test -e \"$${0:VAR}\"",
"description": "A test to check if FILE exists."
"test_exist_file": {
"prefix": "test_exist_regular_file",
"body": "test -f \"$${0:VAR}\"",
"description": "A test to check if FILE exists and is a regular file."
"test_exist_directory": {
"prefix": "test_exist_directory",
"body": "test -d \"$${0:VAR}\"",
"description": "A test to check if a FILE exists and is a directory."
"test_exist_readable": {
"prefix": "test_exist_readable",
"body": "test -r \"$${0:VAR}\"",
"description": "A test to check if FILE exists and read permission is granted."
"test_exist_writeable": {
"prefix": "test_exist_writeable",
"body": "test -w \"$${0:VAR}\"",
"description": "A test to check if FILE exists and write permission is granted."
"test_exist_executable": {
"prefix": "test_exist_executable",
"body": "test -x \"$${0:VAR}\"",
"description": "A test to check if FILE exists and execute (or search) permission is granted."
"test_exist_link": {
"prefix": "test_exist_link",
"body": "test -h \"$${0:VAR}\"",
"description": "A test to check if FILE exists and is a symbolic link (same as -L)."
"test_file_equal": {
"prefix": "test_file_equal",
"body": "test \"$${0:VAR}\" -ef \"$${1:VAR}\"",
"description": "A test to check if FILE1 and FILE2 have the same device and inode numbers."
"test_file_new_than": {
"prefix": "test_file_new_than",
"body": "test \"$${0:VAR}\" -nt \"$${1:VAR}\"",
"description": "A test to check if FILE1 is newer (modification date) than FILE2."
"test_file_old_than": {
"prefix": "test_file_old_than",
"body": "test \"$${0:VAR}\" -ot \"$${1:VAR}\"",
"description": "A test to check if FILE1 is older than FILE2."
// source:
"bash": {
"prefix": [
"body": "${1|#!/bin/bash,#!/usr/bin/env bash|}\n",
"description": [
"Option 1:\n",
"Description: Shebang Bash executor.\n",
"Option 2:\n",
"#!/usr/bin/env bash\n",
"Description: Shell searchs for the first match of bash in the $PATH environment variable.\n",
"It can be useful if you aren't aware of the absolute path or don't want to search for it.\n"
"echo": {
"prefix": "echo",
"body": "echo \"${0:message}\"",
"description": "Echo a message."
"read": {
"prefix": "read",
"body": "read -r ${0:VAR}",
"description": "Read input of ${VAR}."
"if": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": "if [[ ${0:condition} ]]; then\n\t${1}\nfi",
"description": "An IF statement."
"elseif": {
"prefix": "elseif",
"body": "elif [[ ${0:condition} ]]; then\n\t${1}",
"description": "Add an elseif to an if statement."
"else": {
"prefix": "else",
"body": "else\n\t${0:command}",
"description": "else"
"for_in": {
"prefix": "for_in",
"body": "for ${0:VAR} in $${1:LIST}\ndo\n\techo \"$${0:VAR}\"\ndone\n",
"description": "for loop in list"
"for_i": {
"prefix": "for_i",
"body": "for ((${0:i} = 0; ${0:i} < ${1:10}; ${0:i}++)); do\n\techo \"$${0:i}\"\ndone\n",
"description": "An index-based iteration for loop."
"while": {
"prefix": "while",
"body": "while [[ ${1:condition} ]]; do\n\t${0}\ndone\n",
"description": "A while loop by condition."
"until": {
"prefix": "until",
"body": "until [[ ${1:condition} ]]; do\n\t${0}\ndone\n",
"description": "until loop by condition"
"function": {
"prefix": "function",
"body": "${1:name} ()\n{\n\t${0}\n}",
"description": [
"This defines a function named name.\n",
"The reserved word function is optional.\n",
"If the function reserved word is supplied, the parentheses are optional.\n",
"1. Recommended way:\n",
"name() {}\n",
"2. C-like-way:\nfunction name [()] {}"
"case": {
"prefix": "case",
"body": "case \"$${0:VAR}\" in\n\t${1:1}) echo 1\n\t;;\n\t${2:2|3}) echo 2 or 3\n\t;;\n\t*) echo default\n\t;;\nesac\n",
"description": [
"case word in [ [(] pattern [ | pattern ] ... ) list ;; ] ... esac\n",
"A case command first expands word, and tries to match it against each pattern in turn."
"break": {
"prefix": "break",
"body": "break ${0}",
"description": [
"The break command tells Bash to leave the loop straight away.\n",
"Enter the break or break (n) where n=number of loops."
"expr": {
"prefix": "expr",
"body": "expr ${0:1 + 1}",
"description": "Calculate numbers with Bash."
// source:
"prefix": "file_read_by_line",
"body": "{\nwhile IFS= read -r \"lineNum\"\ndo\n\techo \"\\${lineNum}\"\ndone\n} < \"${0:FILE_NAME}\"",
"description": "Read a text file line by line."
"prefix": "file_batch_rename",
"body": "ls | xargs -i mv {} {}.${1:old}",
"description": "Rename all files in a directory."
"prefix": "awk_substr",
"body": "echo \"${1:VAR_OR_STRING}\" | awk '{print substr(\\$0,0,length(\\$0)-${2|AMOUNT_TO_CUT_BY,1,2,3|}'",
"description": "A sub string with awk. Change AMOUNT_TO_CUT_BY to a valid integer."
"prefix": "awk_printf",
"body": "awk -F ':' '{printf(\"filename:%10s,linenumber:%s,columns:%s,linecontent:%s\\n\",FILENAME,NR,NF,\\$0)\\}' /etc/passwd",
"description": "A printf example inside of awk."
"prefix": "awk_for_loop",
"body": "awk -F ':' 'BEGIN {count=0;} {name[count] = \\$1;count++;\\}; END{for (i = 0; i < NR; i++) print i, name[i]\\}' /etc/passwd",
"description": "A loop example in awk to show all users in /etc/passwd"
// todo: parse and add stuff from
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