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Created March 14, 2019 16:19
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R functions that allow to check whether named lists are a subset of a bigger list.
# written as part of the sealr package:
#' This function checks that all claims passed in the \code{claims} argument of the jwt function are
#' correct.
#' @param token JWT extracted with jose::jwt_decode_hmac.
#' @param claims named list of claims to check in the JWT. Claims can be nested.
#' @return TRUE if the all claims are present in the JWT, FALSE if not.
#' @importFrom purrr map2_lgl
#' @export
check_all_claims <- function(token, claims){
claim_values <- claims
claim_names <- names(claims)
results <- purrr::map2_lgl(claim_names, claim_values, check_claim, token = token)
#' This function checks that a claim passed to the jwt function is valid in the
#' given JWT.
#' A claim consists of a claim name (e.g. "iss") and a claim value (e.g. "company A").
#' Claim values can also be named lists themselves.
#' The function recursively extracts the value for claim_name from the token.
#' If the claim_value is atomic, it compares
#' the retrieved value with the claimed value. Otherwise, it applies check_claim
#' to claim_value recursively.
#' @param claim_name name of the claim in the JWT, e.g. "iss".
#' @param claim_value value the claim should have to pass the test.
#' @param token JWT extracted with jose::jwt_decode_hmac.
#' @return TRUE if the claim is present in the JWT, FALSE if not.
#' @importFrom purrr vec_depth map2_lgl
#' @export
check_claim <- function(claim_name, claim_value, token){
# recursion at end, claim_value is just atomic (e.g. "Alice")
if(purrr::vec_depth(claim_value) == 1){
token_claim_value <- token[[claim_name]]
# claim does not exist in token
if (is.null(token_claim_value)) {
# compare token value with expected value
return(identical(token_claim_value, claim_value))
} else {
# claim_value is a list --> recurse
# cannot subset token because claim_name does not exist in token
# -> wrong claim_value
if (!claim_name %in% names(token)){
# recursively apply to all elements of claim_value
return(all(c(purrr::map2_lgl(names(claim_value), claim_value, check_claim,
token = token[[claim_name]]))))
TEST_TOKEN <- list(iss = "plu",
user = list(
name = list(
lastname = "Smith",
firstname = "Alice"),
id = "1234",
admin = TRUE
iat = 123456789,
company = list(
id = 1,
name = "a plumber company"
check_all_claims(TEST_TOKEN, claims = list(
user = list(admin = TRUE),
company = list(id = 1),
iss = "plu"
check_all_claims(TEST_TOKEN, claims = list(
user = list(admin = TRUE, id = "5678"),
company = list(id = 1),
iss = "plu"
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