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Created March 12, 2011 20:45
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* program: naturalmergesort.cpp
* Program is an implementation of a 2-way natural mergesort with the addition,
* that it counts the number of comparisions needed by the merging-process.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int count; //counts comparisions, ignore it
void merge(int *, int, int, int, int *);
// naturalmergesort goes through the array, lets say [2 4 6 -5 12 3 ...]
// and takes in this example: 2 4 6 and -5 12, two sequences that are already
// in order and gives them to the function merge. merge merges these to sequences
// into one.
void naturalmergesort(int * arr, int l, int r, int* pcount){
// arr is the array that we have to sort
// l for left is the position we start
// r for right is where we end
// ignore int* pcount
int ll, mm, rr;
// ll is the left end of the part of the array we are going to
// give the function merge to merge.
// mm is the end of the first sub-sequence of the given array, that
// is already ok'ish
// the 2nd sequence starts at mm+1 and ends at rr
// merge then merges these two into one
rr = l - 1;
// start at the beginning again after going through the
// array once, now merging subsequences ~twice as long, but only
// half as many
while(rr < r){ // stay inside the original array!
ll = rr + 1; // ll = start of subsequence
mm = ll; // end of first subsequence
// move to the right as long as...
while(mm < r && arr[mm+1] >= arr[mm]){
// first subsequence is now from ll to mm
if(mm < r){
rr = mm + 1;
while(rr < r && arr[rr+1] >= arr[rr]){
// second one is from mm+1 to rr
// merge them:
merge(arr, ll, mm, rr, pcount);
// in case we get to the end of the array with the first
// sequence
rr = mm;
}while(ll != l); // if ll is l, the we had at most two subsequences for
// the whole array, and those two got handled by merge
// therefore no need to start at the beginning again
void merge(int * arr, int l, int m, int r, int * p2count){
// again, ignore p2count, just a very not elegant method to count the
// comparisions needed, because for some reason i wasnt allowed to use a
// global variable
// the other variables:
// arr the original array, l the position, where the first sequence of
// number starts, it ends at m. from m+1 to r is the second.
// these two get merged
int * b; // is the array where we copy the merged result
b = new int [r-l+1]; //r-l+1 = length of the two sequences we want to
// merge
int h, i, j, k;
i = l;
j = m+1;
k = l;
// more variables... sorry! but below is just a very typical merge-function
// while there are numbers left in both sequences, do ...
while(i <= m && j <= r){
// if the number in the left sequence is lower, copy it to the
// array b and move the pointer i in the left sequence one to the right
if(arr[i] <= arr[j]){
b[k-l] = arr[i];
// else if the number in the right sequence is lower, copy it and
// move the pointer to the right
b[k-l] = arr[j];
(*p2count)++; //ignore
// no more numbers in the left sequence, just take the right sequence now
if(i > m){
for(h = j; h <= r; h++){
b[k+h-j-l] = arr[h];
// no more numbers in the right sequence, copy the rest in the left one
for(h = i; h <= m; h++){
b[k+h-i-l] = arr[h];
// copy the now sorted numbers back into the original array arr
for(h = l; h <= r; h++){
arr[h] = b[h-l];
delete [] b;
int main(){
int count; // ignore
// input will have the form:
// 2 (being the number of sequences we will have to sort)
// 10 -2 -3 1 5 14 200 6 77 99 10 (first number = how many numbers in the sequence, the rest of the numbers ARE the sequence)
// 7 -2 0 2 3 4 -100 17000
int t, n; // t = number of sequences to come, n = first number in the line
// in the example above: t = 2, n = 10, later n = 7
// read in the numbers and copy them into the array called arr
for(cin >> t; t > 0; --t){
count = 0;
cin >> n;
int * arr;
arr = new int [n];
for(int k = 0; k < n; k++){
cin >> arr[k];
naturalmergesort(arr, 0, n-1, &count);
cout << count << " " << endl; // ignore
// output ordered sequences of numbers
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
cout << arr[i] << " ";
delete [] arr;
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