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Last active September 19, 2022 06:31
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  • Save prabapro/f3f3edbef4b993221cc05d794f2b7fcd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save prabapro/f3f3edbef4b993221cc05d794f2b7fcd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function initApp() {
vidyardEmbed.api.addReadyListener(function (data, player) {
function (result) {
var videoTitle =;
var videoUuid = result.player.uuid;
var videoUrl = '' + videoUuid;
var videoDuration = Math.round(
var videoDurationInMsec =
var videoCurrentTime = Math.round(result.player.status.currentTime);
var videoCurrentTimeInMsec = result.player.status.currentTime * 1000;
var videoProvider = 'Vidyard';
if (result.event === 1) {
event: 'vidyard.video_start',
video_provider: videoProvider,
video_title: videoTitle,
video_uuid: videoUuid,
video_url: videoUrl,
video_duration: videoDuration,
video_duration_in_msec: videoDurationInMsec,
video_current_time: videoCurrentTime,
video_current_time_in_msec: videoCurrentTimeInMsec,
video_percent: result.event,
} else if (result.event === 100) {
event: 'vidyard.video_complete',
video_provider: videoProvider,
video_title: videoTitle,
video_uuid: videoUuid,
video_url: videoUrl,
video_duration: videoDuration,
video_duration_in_msec: videoDurationInMsec,
video_current_time: videoCurrentTime,
video_current_time_in_msec: videoCurrentTimeInMsec,
video_percent: result.event,
} else {
event: 'vidyard.video_progress',
video_provider: videoProvider,
video_title: videoTitle,
video_uuid: videoUuid,
video_url: videoUrl,
video_duration: videoDuration,
video_duration_in_msec: videoDurationInMsec,
video_current_time: videoCurrentTime,
video_current_time_in_msec: videoCurrentTimeInMsec,
video_percent: result.event,
// console.log(result);
[1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 100]
player.on('pause', function () {
// Prevent firing the event when Vidyard adds the end cards.
var currentTimeInMs = player.status.currentTime * 1000;
var videoDurationInMS =
if (currentTimeInMs < videoDurationInMS - 1000) {
event: 'vidyard.video_pause',
video_provider: 'Vidyard',
video_uuid: player.uuid,
video_url: '' + player.uuid,
video_duration: Math.round(
video_duration_in_msec: videoDurationInMS,
video_current_time: Math.round(player.status.currentTime),
video_current_time_in_msec: currentTimeInMs,
// console.log(player);
? initApp(window.vidyardEmbed)
: (window.onVidyardAPI = function (vyApi) {
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"name": "Vidyard Listener for GTM by Praba Ponnambalam - v1.2",
"container": {
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"accountId": "6005146704",
"containerId": "90246344",
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"value": "<script>\n function initApp() {\n vidyardEmbed.api.addReadyListener(function(data, player) {\n vidyardEmbed.api.progressEvents(function(result) {\n var videoTitle =;\n var videoUuid = result.player.uuid;\n var videoUrl = '' + videoUuid;\n var videoDuration = Math.round(result.player.metadata.chapters_attributes[0].video_attributes.length_in_seconds);\n var videoDurationInMsec = result.player.metadata.chapters_attributes[0].video_attributes.length_in_milliseconds;\n var videoCurrentTime = Math.round(result.player.status.currentTime);\n var videoCurrentTimeInMsec = result.player.status.currentTime * 1000;\n var videoProvider = 'Vidyard';\n if (result.event === 1) {\n dataLayer.push({\n event: 'vidyard.video_start',\n video_provider: videoProvider,\n video_title: videoTitle,\n video_uuid: videoUuid,\n video_url: videoUrl,\n video_duration: videoDuration,\n video_duration_in_msec: videoDurationInMsec,\n video_current_time: videoCurrentTime,\n video_current_time_in_msec: videoCurrentTimeInMsec,\n video_percent: result.event,\n });\n } else if (result.event === 100) {\n dataLayer.push({\n event: 'vidyard.video_complete',\n video_provider: videoProvider,\n video_title: videoTitle,\n video_uuid: videoUuid,\n video_url: videoUrl,\n video_duration: videoDuration,\n video_duration_in_msec: videoDurationInMsec,\n video_current_time: videoCurrentTime,\n video_current_time_in_msec: videoCurrentTimeInMsec,\n video_percent: result.event,\n });\n } else {\n dataLayer.push({\n event: 'vidyard.video_progress',\n video_provider: videoProvider,\n video_title: videoTitle,\n video_uuid: videoUuid,\n video_url: videoUrl,\n video_duration: videoDuration,\n video_duration_in_msec: videoDurationInMsec,\n video_current_time: videoCurrentTime,\n video_current_time_in_msec: videoCurrentTimeInMsec,\n video_percent: result.event,\n });\n }\n // console.log(result);\n },\n [1, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 100]);\n player.on('pause', function() {\n // Prevent firing the event when Vidyard adds the end cards.\n var currentTimeInMs = player.status.currentTime * 1000;\n var videoDurationInMS = player.metadata.chapters_attributes[0].video_attributes.length_in_milliseconds;\n if (currentTimeInMs < videoDurationInMS - 1000) {\n dataLayer.push({\n event: 'vidyard.video_pause',\n video_provider: 'Vidyard',\n video_title:,\n video_uuid: player.uuid,\n video_url: '' + player.uuid,\n video_duration: Math.round(player.metadata.chapters_attributes[0].video_attributes.length_in_seconds),\n video_duration_in_msec: videoDurationInMS,\n video_current_time: Math.round(player.status.currentTime),\n video_current_time_in_msec: currentTimeInMs,\n });\n }\n // console.log(player);\n });\n });\n }\n window.vidyardEmbed ? initApp(window.vidyardEmbed) : (window.onVidyardAPI = function(vyApi) {\n initApp(vyApi);\n });\n</script>"
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