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Last active June 16, 2020 08:49
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Unit Testing with Azure SQL Database
class MyAnalysis:
'''Class for doing some analysis on the items'''
def __init__(self, db_server, db_database, db_username, db_password):
self.logger = logging.getLogger('my.operation')
self.db_server = db_server
self.db_database = db_database
self.db_username = db_username
self.db_password = db_password
def analysis(self):
analysis_data = {}
db_obj = MyDBOperation(self.db_server, self.db_database, self.db_username, self.db_password)
some_items = db_obj.get_some_valid_items()
for item in some_items:
analysis_data['id'] = item['col_a']
# etc.
# Some more Logic for analysis
return analysis_data
class MyDBOperation:
'''Class for DB Operations for Azure SQL DB'''
def __init__(self, db_server, db_database, db_username, db_password):
self.logger = logging.getLogger('my.dboperation')
self.db_server = db_server
self.db_database = db_database
self.db_username = db_username
self.db_password = db_password
def _connect(self):
self.cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=' +
self.db_server + ';DATABASE='+ self.db_database +
';UID=' + self.db_username + ';PWD=' +
except Exception as ex:
raise SqlConnectException(ex)
def _reconnect(self):
if not self.cnxn:
def get_some_valid_items(self):
'''Get Some Items with all data'''
some_items = []
cursor = self.cnxn.cursor()
"select col_a,col_b,col_c,col_d,col_e from some_table where col_status = 'VALID';")
columns = [column[0] for column in cursor.description]
results = []
for row in cursor.fetchall():
results.append(dict(zip(columns, row)))
for item in results:
# Some Logic to parse and filter the results
# and accept the items accordingly
except Exception as ex:
raise SqlGetQueryException(ex)
if cursor:
if self.cnxn:
return registered_items
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