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Last active June 17, 2020 20:01
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CSS trick on word-wrap for table content

Just came across this scenerio... word-wrap on table td's don't work the work around for this is adding a wraper div and then applying word-wrap:break-word on it. But then this is not a semantic solution whichc adds extra divs around content.

Another work around is adding table-layout:fixed on the main table and then addding word-wrap:break-word on td's.

adsfdsafsdfsadfsdafsadfsd table content right

css: table{ table-layout:fixed; } table td{ word-wrap:break-word; width:300px; }

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@damien-biasotto THIS. I've fiddled around some stylesheets and didn't know white-space: nowrap takes precedence and causes non-breaking behavior.

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@damien-biasotto THIS +1!!!

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@damien-biasotto Thank you! I've been cursing the css gods and their mighty malevolence! This gave me some sanity back finally.

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