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Created August 27, 2018 12:15
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Resize changes
bool ArapahoV2::Detect(
const cv::Mat & inputMat,
float thresh,
float hier_thresh,
int & objectCount)
int count = 0;
objectCount = 0;
threshold = thresh;
// Early exits
if (!bSetup)
EPRINTF("Not Setup!\n");
return false;
if (inputMat.empty())
EPRINTF("Error in inputImage! [bgr = %d, w = %d, h = %d]\n",
!, inputMat.cols != net->w,
inputMat.rows != net->h);
return false;
//Convert to rgb
cv::Mat inputRgb;
cvtColor(inputMat, inputRgb, CV_BGR2RGB);
// Convert the bytes to float
cv::Mat floatMat;
inputRgb.convertTo(floatMat, CV_32FC3, 1 / 255.0);
cv::Mat resizedFloatMat = floatMat;
if (floatMat.rows != net->h || floatMat.cols != net->w)
DPRINTF("Detect: Resizing image to match network \n");
resize(floatMat, resizedFloatMat, cv::Size(net->w, net->h));
if (resizedFloatMat.channels() != 3)
EPRINTF("Detect: channels = %d \n", resizedFloatMat.channels());
return false;
// Get the image to suit darknet
cv::Mat floatMatChannels[3];
cv::Mat planarFloatMatTemp, planarFloatMat;
cv::split(resizedFloatMat, floatMatChannels);
vconcat(floatMatChannels[0], floatMatChannels[1], planarFloatMatTemp);
vconcat(planarFloatMatTemp, floatMatChannels[2], planarFloatMat);
__Detect((float*), thresh, hier_thresh, objectCount);
return true;
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