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Last active March 31, 2018 16:57
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Save prabirshrestha/10028584 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Server side reactjs rendering in Nancy with React.NET
public class Bootstrapper : DefaultNancyBootstrapper
protected override void RequestStartup(TinyIoCContainer container, IPipelines pipelines, NancyContext context)
base.RequestStartup(container, pipelines, context);
var react = new ReactEnvironment(
new JavaScriptEngineFactory(),
new ReactSiteConfiguration(),
new NullReactCache(),
new NancyReactFileSystem(container.Resolve<IRootPathProvider>()));
/** @jsx React.DOM */
// views/hello.jsx
var HelloWorld = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
<div>Hello {this.props.firstName} {this.props.lastName}.</div>
public class HelloWorldModule : NancyModule
public HelloWorldModule(IReactEnvironment react)
Get["/"] = _ => {
var hellojs = react.LoadJsxFile("~/views/hello.jsx");
var component = react.CreateComponent("HelloWorld", new Person { firstName = "Prabir", lastName = "Shrestha"});
/// var component = react.CreateComponent("HelloWorld", new { firstName = "Prabir", lastName = "Shrestha" });
var html = component.RenderHtml();
return html;
public class NancyReactFileSystem : IFileSystem
private readonly IRootPathProvider _rootPathProvider;
public NancyReactFileSystem(IRootPathProvider rootPathProvider)
_rootPathProvider = rootPathProvider;
public string MapPath(string relativePath)
if (relativePath.StartsWith("~/"))
return Path.Combine(_rootPathProvider.GetRootPath(), relativePath.Substring(2));
return relativePath;
public string ReadAsString(string relativePath)
return File.ReadAllText(MapPath(relativePath));
public class NullReactCache : ICache
public T GetOrInsert<T>(string key, TimeSpan slidingExpiration, Func<T> getData, IEnumerable<string> cacheDependencyFiles = null,
IEnumerable<string> cacheDependencyKeys = null)
return getData();
public class Person
public string firstName { get; set; }
public string lastName { get; set; }
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Hi guys,
We are using nancyfx for our current web application and we need to integrate reactjs big calendar component. The problem is that the said component is using webpack, babel and node.js for transpiliing to javascript and I have no idea how to achieve this in .net especially in NancyFx environmnet. Can your repository/code convert the pieces from bigcalendar repository and make them available for use in nancyfx project.
Thanking in anticipation

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and plz let me know what github repository the above code is using?

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