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The Learning path for
;; # Colours and Shapes in Clojure
;; Clojure is a functional programming language. The behaviour of your code is expressed by calling one or more functions.
;; Each function has a particular thing it does when you call it. We will discover functions that:
;; * draw particular shapes
;; * add a colour to a shape
;; * help you combine shapes
;; ## Calling a function
;; A function is called by putting its name within a `list`. A `list` is represented by an open and close round bracket: `()`
;; We have create several functions that will draw a shape for you in this web page. You just need to call the function and tell it how big a shape you want.
;; For example, when we call the `circle` function, we need to tell it what size of circle to draw.
;; Put the cursor at the end of the code below (in the white box) and press `Ctrl+Enter` on a PC or `Cmd+Enter` on a Mac
(circle 25)
;; #### Exercise: Create a circle of size 50 (or any other size you like)
;; ## Arguments
;; A function can take zero or more arguments. Arguments affect the behaviour of a function.
;; So if you give a bigger number as an argument to the `circle` function, then a bigger circle is drawn. The argument represents the radius of the circle.
;; What happens if we give `circle` more that one argument
(circle 20 30)
;; Arguments must match the same number as the argument takes
;; Different functions can take a different number of arguments
(rectangle 20 10)
;; ## Functions return a value
;; func returns a value
(+ 1 2 3 4 5)
;; because functions take a value, then you can use func as an argument
(circle (* 5 5))
;; Make a rectangle that is half high as it is wide
(rectangle 40 (/ 40 2))
;; Adding Colours
;; We can give our shapes colours by using the `colorize` function
;; A colour is a string
(colorize "green" (circle 25))
(colorize "blue" (circle (* 5 5)))
;; Creating a rectangle
(rectangle 250 100)
;; Now colourise the rectangle
(colorize "blue" (rectangle 250 100))
;; # Collections
;; So far we have seen simple values, such as 1, "blue", ....
["red" "orange" "yellow" "green" "blue" "indigo" "violet"]
;; rather than type it out all over gain, give it a name
(def rainbow ["red" "orange" "yellow" "green" "blue" "indigo" "violet"])
;; Periodic table
;; We can group simple values together in collections.
;; We can group collections of collections in collections...
(def periodic-table-of-elements
[["gold" "Au"] ["silver" "Ag"] ["platinum" "Pt"] ["palladium" "Pd"] ["Tennessine" "Ts"]])
;; ## What colours are available
;; so how did we get the coloured shapes in the collection of colours?
;; Calling a function returns a value, so we can also include a function call in a collection.
;; Lets see this by defining our favourite colours
;; simple representation
(def my-fav-colours-simple ["blue" "green"])
;; We also want to see what the colour looks like, so we can include a function that will draw a shape with that particular colour
(def my-fav-colours
[["blue" (colorize "blue" (square 25))]
["green" (colorize "green" (square 25))]])
;; To avoid duplication then we can use a function to iterate over a collection
(mapv (fn [color-name]
[color-name (colorize color-name (square 25))])
;; ## filter
;; a special case of map that only returns values that match a certain criteria..
;; Clojure has a function called odd? that will tell you if a number is odd or even. It returns true if the number is odd and false if it is not.
(odd? 1)
;; Odd? only takes one value, so if we want to process lots of values in a collection, we need to use another function with odd.
(filter odd? [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])
(filter even? [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9])
;; adding to our fav colours
(def more-fav-colours-simple ["blue" "lightskyblue" "darkslateblue" "midnightblue"
"green" "springgreen"])
;; Here is a helper function that will determine if a colour is a kind of blue, if you evalute this funciton, then we can use it in our filter
(defn is-blue? [color]
(clojure.string/includes? color "blue"))
(filter is-blue? more-fav-colours-simple)
;; There is a handy function we have written for you called
(colors-named "green")
;; # Defining functions
;; Defining functions allows you to create your own specific behaviour.
;; We have seen a function definition with the `is-blue?` function, so lets have a look at this in more detail
;; #### nice picture of the syntax of a function
;; ## fix bugs using structural editing
;; given a piece of code, can you spot the bug and fix it using structural editing (barf, slurp, raise)
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