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Latest versions:

Notes from discussion in Slack with Conjure author -

Install Conjure on Ubuntu 20.04 - working

A guide to installing and first time use of Conjure and Neovim, using vim-plug as a plugin manager. This guide builds on getting started with clojure neovim by Oliver Caldwell and assumes no experience with neovim.

For a more automated approach, try (not yet tested with conjure)

History of #conjure channel from Clojurians Slack

Install neovim (plugin) requirements

Install pip3 package manager for python3 (the default in Ubuntu 20.04). sudo apt install python-pip3

Add msgpack package via pip3 (required for the deoplete plugin for neovim) Shougo/deoplete.nvim#1073 pip3 install --upgrade msgpack

Install neovim

Use Ubuntu apt command to install neovim version: 0.4.3-3 sudo apt install neovim

Set nvim as the default vim command sudo update-alternatives --config vim

Install vim-plug

Follow instructions for neovim install on Ubuntu at:

sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \'

This created the following tree structure under ~/.local/share/nvim

├── shada
│   └── main.shada
├── site
│   └── autoload
│       └── plug.vim
└── swap

Create a neovim init file with essentail configuration

Create a directory for the neovim init file mkdir ~/.config/nvim

Create a new init.vim file nvim ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

Add plugins for conjure and a few supporting plugins

call plug#begin(stdpath('data') . '/plugged')

" Conjure
Plug 'Olical/conjure', {'tag': 'v4.3.1'}

" Conjure support - jack-in with nrepl dependencies
Plug 'tpope/vim-dispatch'
Plug 'clojure-vim/vim-jack-in'
" Only in Neovim:
Plug 'radenling/vim-dispatch-neovim'

call plug#end()

The plugins will be saved to the ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged/ directory.

A long list of suggested plugins can be found in the Conjure authors neovim configuration

Plugins download

Run neovim and run :PlugInstall to install all the packages defined in the ~/.config/nvim/init.vim file.

Use :PlugUpdate to update packages managed by vim-plug. Use :PlugUpgrade to update the vim-plug package itself.

Learning to use Conjure

:help conjure opens the conjure documentation in neovim. Use j to scroll down, k to scroll up.

:ConjureSchool command will start an interactive tutorial and introduce Conjure's workflow and key mappings

Start a REPL on the command line

Using practicalli/clojure-deps-edn aliases, run a REPL with nrepl and cider-nrepl

clojure -X:middleware/nrepl

Then open a Clojure file and Conjure will (magically) connect to the running REPL and pop-up a connect message in the top right corner.

Starting a REPL from Vim

Start neovim with a Clojure file, nvim src/practialli/playground.clj or run nvim and then open a file to edit :e src/practicalli/playground.clj. A Clojure file is any ending in *.clj, *.cljc or .edn.

Start a REPL from within neovim

:Clj command to start a REPL using Clojure CLI Tools :Lein command to start a REPL using Leiningen

Neovim switches to a terminal state, use C-\ C-n to leave the terminal state. Use :N or :previous to switch back to the source code buffer

, c f to connect to the REPL from Conjure, or simply open a Clojure file. Automated connection will be added in a future version on Conjure.

The vim-jack-in plugin enables Neovim to call out to Clojure tools or Leiningen to start a REPL and connect to it once its started.

A full screen REPL log is displayed. , l q to close the log window and return to the Clojure file.
, l v to create a vertical split between code and REPL log, , l h for a horizontal split.

Evaluating code

With the maplocalleader key set to ,

, e b evaluates the current buffer , e f evaluate the code in the file (from the file system) , e e evaluate the current expression , e r evaluate top level form (root) , e ! evaluate current form and replace with result

NOTE: Conjure results appear in a pop-up panel which displays until the cursor is moved. Whilst the pop-up is displaying, it is not possible to quit a file with :q. Move the cursor or use g t to change tabs to remove the popup.

Neovim commands

: in Vim normal mode to start entering a command q: to popup a list of recent commands

File management

nvim src.clj deps.edn will open three files

:n or :next to switch to the next file, :2next to jump 2 files, :last for the last file. :N or :previous to switch to the previous file

C-^ to toggle to last shown file

Navigation within projects

g d go to definition of current symbol

General vim commands

:cd changes the current working directory, use by :e

:lcd ^ but local to the current window

:windo lcd ^ for all windows in the current tab

:pwd prints the current working directory

:e! reloads the current buffer, discarding unsaved changes

:find to search for file names relative to the path option (set path?) and open them.


Install the Deoplete plugin (from Olical configuration)

" Completion support
Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim' | Plug 'ncm2/float-preview.nvim'

Quit neovim to load the updted configuration (unless there is someway to reload the configuration)

Run neovim and :PlugInstall to install all plugins defined in the ~/.config/nvim/init.vim configuration

Running tests


Structural editing


Refactor code


Working Themes


Matches the theme used for Spacemacs

Add following to vim-plug section

" Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox'

After vim-plug section, configure the specific Gruvbox theme settings, in this case to use the light theme and use powerline fonts (not sure that makes a difference)

let g:airline_solarized_bg='light'
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1


Plug 'lifepillar/vim-solarized8'

set background=light
colorscheme solarized8

Themes to try

Status (powerline) theme


Plug 'hardcoreplayers/spaceline.vim'
Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons'

Config The one colorscheme seems to render consistently, the space colorscheme does not render consistently (tested with gruvbox theme)

let g:spaceline_colorscheme = 'one'

statusline themse to try

Spacemacs style keymappings to enhance the neovim experience

Spacemacs like mappings for window interactions using SPC w prefix. stowed/.config/nvim/fnl/dotfiles/module/mapping.fnl:20

Configured with a combination of:

Useful keybinding reference:

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Olical commented Sep 1, 2020

wrt running tests, the Clojure specific help (:help clojure-client-clojure-nrepl) lists the testing mappings such as , t n to test the current namespace. There's nothing in the way of formatting and refactoring yet but solutions for those will arrive eventually. I normally use == or =- to use Neovim's built in indentation of forms. (I think this might require vim-sexp` although I'm not 100% sure)

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Olical commented Sep 1, 2020

Also there's tools namespace reloading mappings, those might be worth a mention!

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