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Created October 23, 2022 12:36
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# ------------------------------------------
# Build and run Practicalli Gameboard API Service
# Author: Practicalli
# Builder image:
# Official Clojure Docker image with Java 17 (eclipse-temurin) and Clojure CLI
# Run-time image:
# Official Java Docker image with Java 17 (eclipse-temurin)
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------
# Setup Builder container
FROM clojure:temurin-17-alpine AS builder
# Set Clojure CLI version (defaults to latest release)
# Create directory for project code (working directory)
RUN mkdir -p /build
# Set Docker working directory
WORKDIR /build
# Cache and install Clojure dependencies
# Add before copying code to cache the layer even if code changes
COPY deps.edn Makefile /build/
RUN make deps
# Copy project to working directory
COPY ./ /build
# ------------------------
# Test and Package application via Makefile
# `make all` calls `deps`, `test-ci`, `dist` and `clean` tasks
# using shared library cache mounted by pipeline process
# `dist` task packages Clojure service as an uberjar
# creating: /build/practicalli-gameboard-api-service.jar
# using the command `clojure -X:package/uberjar`
# Run task from Makefile
RUN make all
# End of Docker builder image
# ------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------
# Docker container to run Practicalli Gameboard API Service
# run locally using: docker-compose up --build
# ------------------------
# Setup Run-time Container
# Official OpenJDK Image
FROM eclipse-temurin:17-alpine
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors=""
LABEL io.github.practicalli.service="Gameboard API Service"
LABEL"Practicalli Engineering Team"
LABEL version="1.0"
LABEL description="Gameboard API service"
# Add Curl and jq binaries for manual running of system integration scripts
RUN apk add --no-cache \
curl~=7.83.1 \
# Create Non-root group and user to run service securely
RUN addgroup -S practicalli && adduser -S practicalli -G practicalli
# Create directory to contain service archive, owned by non-root user
RUN mkdir -p /service && chown -R practicalli. /service
# Tell docker that all future commands should run as the appuser user
USER practicalli
# Copy service archive file from Builder image
WORKDIR /service
COPY --from=builder /build/practicalli-gameboard-api-service.jar /service/practicalli-gameboard-api-service.jar
# Add System Integration testing scripts
RUN mkdir -p /service/test-scripts
COPY --from=builder /build/test-scripts/curl--* /service/test-scripts/
# ------------------------
# Set Service Environment variables
# optional over-rides for Integrant configuration
# Expose port of HTTP Server
# ------------------------
# Run service
# JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable for setting JVM options
# Use JVM options that optomise running in a container
# For very low latency, use the Z Garbage collector
# "-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC"
ENV JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS "-XshowSettings:system -XX:+UseContainerSupport -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=90"
# Start service (override default `jshell` entrypoint command of image)
CMD ["java", "-jar", "/service/practicalli-gameboard-api-service.jar"]
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