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Forked from rockBreaker/boids.clj
Created April 3, 2016 19:33
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Clojure dojo code for boids (quick and dirty with quil)
(defn location []
[(rand-int 255) (rand-int 255)])
(defn init-locations
(for [i (range 5)] (location)))
(defn dist-vector
[[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]
[(- x1 x2) (- y1 y2)])
(defn distance
[b1 b2]
(let [[dx dy] (dist-vector b1 b2)]
(math/sqrt (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy)))))
(defn vec-add
[[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]
[(+ x1 x2) (+ x2 y2)])
(defn rescale-vec
[n v]
(map #(/ % n) v))
(defn limit [v]
(map #(mod % 500) v))
(defn update-locations
(for [b locations]
(filter #(not= b %) locations)
(map #(dist-vector b %))
(reduce vec-add)
(rescale-vec (- (count locations) 1))
(rescale-vec 1.5)
(vec-add b)
(map math/abs)
(map math/round)
(defn setup []
; Set frame rate to 30 frames per second.
(q/frame-rate 30)
; Set color mode to HSB (HSV) instead of default RGB.
(q/color-mode :hsb)
; setup function returns initial state. It contains
; circle color and position.
{:color 0
:angle 0
:locations (init-locations)})
(defn update-state [state]
; Update sketch state by changing circle color and position.
{:color (mod (+ (:color state) 0.7) 255)
:angle (+ (:angle state) 0.1)
:locations (update-locations (:locations state))})
(defn draw-state [state]
; Clear the sketch by filling it with light-grey color.
(q/background 240)
; Set circle color.
(q/fill 200 200 100)
(let [locations (:locations state)]
(for [[x y] locations]
(q/ellipse x y 20 20)))))
(q/defsketch hello-quil
:title "You spin my circle right round"
:size [500 500]
; setup function called only once, during sketch initialization.
:setup setup
; update-state is called on each iteration before draw-state.
:update update-state
:draw draw-state
; This sketch uses functional-mode middleware.
; Check quil wiki for more info about middlewares and particularly
; fun-mode.
:middleware [m/fun-mode])
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