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Created December 30, 2021 14:41
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//install or update nvm using following curl
curl -o- | bash
//see latest nvm version
nvm version
//see list of node versions locally installed
nvm list
//see list of node version available in remote
nvm list available
//To install x.x.x node version
nvm install 17.3.0
//To use a version as default node or make a node version as default
nvm use 17.3.0
//check if the defaut version set as expected
node --version
npm --version
//Install package.json dependencies
npm install
//Shorthand install
npm i <package>
//Shorthand uninstall
npm un <package>
// update
npm up <package>
-S is the same as --save, and -D is the same as --save-dev.
//List globally installed packages
npm list -g --depth=0
//Uninstall global package
npm -g uninstall <name>
//Upgrade npm on Windows
//Update global packages
//To see which packages need updating, use:
npm outdated -g --depth=0
//To update global packages individually you can use:
npm update -g <package> <package> <package>
//list available scripts to run
npm run
//Update npm
npm install -g npm@latest
//# using windows? Then use
nvm install-latest-npm
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