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Forked from syed-afraz-ali/GetWeather.cs
Created December 9, 2016 12:37
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Simple CQRS using MediatR
using System;
using MediatR;
namespace MediatR_101
// The Query GetWeather that we will use to get weather status of any city
public class GetWeather : IRequest<Weather>
public GetWeather(String city)
City = city;
public String City { get; set; }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MediatR;
using StructureMap;
using StructureMap.Graph;
namespace MediatR_101
// Initializes Structuremap as the default DI container and sets up MediatR
public class IoC
public static IContainer GetContainer()
return new Container(cfg =>
cfg.Scan(scanner =>
cfg.For<SingleInstanceFactory>().Use<SingleInstanceFactory>(ctx => t => ctx.GetInstance(t));
cfg.For<MultiInstanceFactory>().Use<MultiInstanceFactory>(ctx => t => ctx.GetAllInstances(t));
using System;
using MediatR;
using StructureMap;
namespace MediatR_101
class Program
private static IContainer _container;
static void Main(string[] args)
_container = IoC.GetContainer();
// Example of using MediatR to Query for data
// Get an instance of MediatR from DI Container
var mediatR = _container.GetInstance<IMediator>();
// Send a Query to get Weather Status for a city
var weather = mediatR.Send(new GetWeather("Kuala Lumpur"));
// Example of using MediatR to Send
// one way 'Command' or 'Message'
// Send a Command to Update Weather of Kuala Lumpur to 25 C
mediatR.Send(new UpdateWeather("Kuala Lumpur", 25));
using System;
using MediatR;
namespace MediatR_101
// This class automatically handles the command for UpdateWeather sent to MediatR
// In real world project this class can be a Service, repository or any other componenet that will be interested to a particular message or command
public class UpdateHandler : RequestHandler<UpdateWeather>
protected override void HandleCore(UpdateWeather message)
Console.WriteLine("Weather for {0} was updated and temperature set to {1}", message.City,
using System;
using MediatR;
namespace MediatR_101
// Update Weather Command, this is a one way Command and we will not get any response against it
public class UpdateWeather : IRequest
public UpdateWeather(String city, Int32 temperature)
City = city;
Temperature = temperature;
public String City { get; set; }
public Int32 Temperature { get; set; }
using System;
namespace MediatR_101
// Weather Message that will be returned when some one queries for it
public class Weather
public String Summary { get; set; }
using System;
using MediatR;
namespace MediatR_101
// This class automatically handles the request for GetWeather query is sent to MediatR
// In real world project this class can be a Service, repository or any other componenet that will respond to a particular query
public class WeatherHandler : IRequestHandler<GetWeather, Weather>
public Weather Handle(GetWeather query)
return new Weather()
Summary = String.Format("Forecast for {0}, Partially cloudy.", query.City)
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