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Created March 10, 2022 01:48
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Shows how to import CoreML files using F# and the CoreML Protocol Buffers
module Neural.CoreMLSupport
open Data
open Neural.Layers
open CoreML.Specification
open FSharp.NativeInterop
#nowarn "9"
let rec modelDataFromCoreML (min : System.IO.Stream) : ModelData =
//let modelFile = "/Users/fak/Downloads/my_model.mlmodel"
//let modelFile = "/Users/fak/Downloads/Resnet50.mlmodel"
//let modelFile = "/Users/fak/Downloads/DeepLabV3.mlmodel"
//let modelFile = "/Users/fak/Dropbox/Projects/ImageClassifier/ImageClassifier/Resources/MobileNetV2.mlmodel"
//let modelFile = "/Users/fak/Dropbox/Projects/Neural/Research/TwistySub.mlmodel"
//use min = System.IO.File.OpenRead modelFile
let m = CoreML.Specification.Model.Parser.ParseFrom min
let layers, inputPreproc, inputArrayShape, inputImageShape, classLabels =
match m.NeuralNetworkClassifier with
| null ->
match m.NeuralNetworkRegressor with
| null ->
match m.NeuralNetwork with
| null -> failwithf "No neural network in the CoreML model"
| nn -> nn.Layers, nn.Preprocessing, nn.ArrayInputShapeMapping, nn.ImageInputShapeMapping, Array.empty
| nn -> nn.Layers, nn.Preprocessing, nn.ArrayInputShapeMapping, nn.ImageInputShapeMapping, Array.empty
| nn ->
let labels =
match nn.Int64ClassLabels|>Option.ofObj, nn.StringClassLabels|>Option.ofObj with
| _, Some c -> c.Vector |> Array.ofSeq
| Some c, _ -> c.Vector |> string |> Array.ofSeq
| _ -> Array.empty
nn.Layers, nn.Preprocessing, nn.ArrayInputShapeMapping, nn.ImageInputShapeMapping, labels
let inputs = m.Description.Input
let outputs = m.Description.Output
printfn "-----------------"
printfn "INPUTS = %A" inputs
printfn "OUTPUTS = %A" outputs
printfn "PREPROC = %A" inputPreproc
printfn "INARRAY = %A" inputArrayShape
printfn "INIMAGE = %A" inputImageShape
printfn "CLASSES = %A" classLabels
//for l in layers do
// printfn "%O\t%s\tIN: %A\tOUT: %A" l.LayerCase l.Name l.Input l.Output
let data = newModelData ()
let minputsMaps =
|> Seq.mapi (fun i x ->
let iname = x.Name
let pp = inputPreproc |> Seq.tryPick (fun x -> if iname = x.FeatureName then Some x else None)
x, { convertInputLayer i pp x with Name = (if x.Name = null then "" else x.Name) })
|> Array.ofSeq
let minputs = minputsMaps |> snd
let minputIds, data = insertAll minputs data
let moutputsMaps =
|> Seq.mapi (fun i x -> x, { convertOutputLayer i x classLabels with Name = (if x.Name = null then "" else x.Name) })
|> Array.ofSeq
let moutputs = moutputsMaps |> snd
let moutputIds, data = insertAll moutputs data
let mlayersMaps =
|> Seq.mapi (fun i x -> x, { convertLayer i x with Name = (if x.Name = null then "" else x.Name) })
|> Array.ofSeq
let mlayers = mlayersMaps |> snd
let mlayerIds, data = insertAll mlayers data
let minstsMaps =
let numCols = 10
Seq.concat [ (minputsMaps |> Seq.mapi (fun i (x, y) -> x.Name, minputIds.[i], None))
(mlayersMaps |> Seq.mapi (fun i (x, y) -> x.Name, mlayerIds.[i], Some x))
(moutputsMaps |> Seq.mapi (fun i (x, y) -> x.Name, moutputIds.[i], None)) ]
|> Seq.mapi (fun i (name, layer, nnlayer) ->
let inst =
Layer = layer
Trainable = true
Frame = { X = (double (i % numCols)) * 175.0; Y = (double (i / numCols)) * 200.0; Width = 100.0; Height = 100.0 }
DisplayValue = None
DisplayShape = None
CompileErrors = Array.empty
nnlayer, inst)
|> Array.ofSeq
let minsts = minstsMaps |> snd
let minstIds, data = insertAll minsts data
let newOutMap = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, _> ()
for i, inp in minputsMaps |> Seq.indexed do
let name = (fst inp).Name
newOutMap.Add(name, (Array.empty, minstIds.[i]))
for i, inp in mlayersMaps |> Seq.indexed do
let outputs = (fst inp).Output
if outputs.Count > 0 then
let name = (fst inp).Output.[0]
newOutMap.Add(name, ((fst inp).Input|>Array.ofSeq, minstIds.[i + minputsMaps.Length]))
let conns = ResizeArray<Connection> ()
for x in newOutMap do
let thisInst = snd x.Value
let inputNames = fst x.Value
if inputNames.Length > 0 then
for i, iname in inputNames |> Seq.indexed do
let s = { Instance = snd newOutMap.[iname]; Port = "O" }
let d = { Instance = thisInst; Port = if i > 0 then sprintf "I%d" i else "I" }
let c = { Source = s; Destination = d }
for i, outp in moutputsMaps |> Seq.indexed do
let name = (fst outp).Name
match newOutMap.TryGetValue name with
| true, (_, outInst) ->
let s = { Instance = outInst; Port = "O" }
let d = { Instance = minstIds.[i+inputs.Count+layers.Count]; Port = "I" }
let c = { Source = s; Destination = d }
| _ -> ()
let cids, data = insertAll (conns.ToArray()) data
let model = { data.Root with Instances = minstIds; Connections = cids }
let data = updateRoot model data
let data = optimizeModel (Id data.RootId) data
validateModelData (Id data.RootId) data
and convertInputLayer (i : int) (pp : NeuralNetworkPreprocessing option) (desc : FeatureDescription) : Layer =
let typ = convertInputFeatureType pp desc
let kind = InputLayer { InputIndex = i; Kind = typ }
newLayer kind
and convertOutputLayer (i : int) (desc : FeatureDescription) (classLabels : string[]) : Layer =
let typ = convertOutputFeatureType None desc classLabels
let kind = OutputLayer { OutputIndex = i; Kind = typ }
newLayer kind
and convertImageType (pp : NeuralNetworkPreprocessing option) (img : ImageFeatureType) =
let cs =
match img.ColorSpace with
| ImageFeatureType.Types.ColorSpace.Bgr -> BgrColorSpace
| ImageFeatureType.Types.ColorSpace.Grayscale -> GrayColorSpace
| _ -> RgbColorSpace
let scale, rb, gb, bb =
match pp with
| Some pp when pp.PreprocessorCase = NeuralNetworkPreprocessing.PreprocessorOneofCase.Scaler ->
pp.Scaler.ChannelScale, pp.Scaler.RedBias, pp.Scaler.GreenBias, pp.Scaler.BlueBias
| _ -> (1.0f / 127.5f), -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f
let c =
ColorSpace = cs
ChannelScale = scale
RedBias = rb
GreenBias = gb
BlueBias = bb
(img.Width |> Expr.ofInt64), (img.Height |> Expr.ofInt64), c
and convertInputFeatureType (pp : NeuralNetworkPreprocessing option) (desc : FeatureDescription) : InputKind<Expr> =
match desc.Type.TypeCase with
| FeatureType.TypeOneofCase.ImageType ->
let w, h, c = convertImageType pp desc.Type.ImageType
ImageInput {Width=w;Height=h;Channels=c}
| _ ->
ArrayInput [| Expr.oneInt |]
and convertOutputFeatureType (pp : NeuralNetworkPreprocessing option) (desc : FeatureDescription) (classLabels : string[]) : OutputKind =
match desc.Type.TypeCase, classLabels with
| FeatureType.TypeOneofCase.ImageType, _ ->
let _, _, c = convertImageType pp desc.Type.ImageType
ImageOutput c
| _, [||] -> ArrayOutput
| _, _ -> OneHotOutput classLabels
and convertLayer (i : int) (layer : NeuralNetworkLayer) : Layer =
let kind, weights =
match layer.LayerCase with
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Activation ->
let a =
match layer.Activation.NonlinearityTypeCase with
| ActivationParams.NonlinearityTypeOneofCase.None -> IdentityActivation
| ActivationParams.NonlinearityTypeOneofCase.ReLU -> ReLUActivation
| ActivationParams.NonlinearityTypeOneofCase.LeakyReLU -> LeakyReLUActivation (layer.Activation.LeakyReLU.Alpha |> Expr.ofFloat)
| ActivationParams.NonlinearityTypeOneofCase.ThresholdedReLU -> ThresholdActivation (layer.Activation.ThresholdedReLU.Alpha |> Expr.ofFloat, Expr.zeroFloat)
| ActivationParams.NonlinearityTypeOneofCase.Tanh -> TanhActivation
| ActivationParams.NonlinearityTypeOneofCase.Linear ->
match layer.Activation.Linear.Alpha, layer.Activation.Linear.Beta with
| 1.0f, 0.0f -> IdentityActivation
| a, b -> LinearActivation (a |> Expr.ofFloat, b |> Expr.ofFloat)
| x ->
LinearActivation (Expr.oneFloat, Expr.zeroFloat)
ActivationLayer a, Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.AddBroadcastable
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Add ->
BinopLayer "+", Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Batchnorm ->
let weights =
seq {
if layer.Batchnorm.Beta <> null then
"Beta", weightsToTensor layer.Batchnorm.Beta
if layer.Batchnorm.Gamma <> null then
"Gamma", weightsToTensor layer.Batchnorm.Gamma
if layer.Batchnorm.Mean <> null then
"Mean", weightsToTensor layer.Batchnorm.Mean
if layer.Batchnorm.Variance <> null then
"Variance", weightsToTensor layer.Batchnorm.Variance
|> Map.ofSeq
let layerc =
{ NormalizationConfig<Expr>.DefaultBatchNorm with
Epsilon = layer.Batchnorm.Epsilon |> Expr.ofFloat
NormalizationLayer layerc, weights
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Concat ->
let c = layer.Concat
if c.SequenceConcat then
failwith "Sequence cat not supported"
ConcatenationLayer { ConcatenationAxis = Expr.oneInt }, Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Convolution ->
let conv = layer.Convolution
if conv.IsDeconvolution then
failwith "Deconvolution not supported"
let weights =
match conv.Weights with
| null -> Map.empty
| weights ->
let tweights = weightsToTensor weights
match conv.HasBias, layer.Convolution.Bias with
| _, null
| false, _ -> seq{"Weights", tweights}|>Map.ofSeq
| true, bias ->
let tbias = weightsToTensor bias
seq{"Weights", tweights;"Biases", tbias}|>Map.ofSeq
Filters = int conv.OutputChannels |> Expr.ofInt
KernelSizes = conv.KernelSize |> toExprArray
Strides = conv.Stride |> toExprArray
Dilation = conv.DilationFactor |> toExprArray
UseBias = conv.HasBias
Groups = int conv.NGroups |> Expr.ofInt
Padding =
match conv.ConvolutionPaddingTypeCase with
| ConvolutionLayerParams.ConvolutionPaddingTypeOneofCase.Valid -> Neural.Layers.ValidPadding
| ConvolutionLayerParams.ConvolutionPaddingTypeOneofCase.Same
| _ -> Neural.Layers.SamePadding
Activation = None
Normalization = None
Bias = ZerosInitializer
Kernel = WeightsInitializer.Uniform
}, weights
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Flatten ->
FlattenLayer { FlattenDimensions = Expr.oneInt }, Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.FlattenTo2D ->
FlattenLayer { FlattenDimensions = Expr.twoInt }, Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.GreaterThan ->
ActivationLayer (GreaterThan (layer.GreaterThan.Alpha |> Expr.ofFloat)), Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.InnerProduct ->
DenseLayer { DenseConfig<Expr>.Default with Units = layer.InnerProduct.OutputChannels |> Expr.ofUInt64 }, Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.LoadConstant ->
let c = layer.LoadConstant
let shape = c.Shape
let weights =
match c.Data with
| null -> Map.empty
| v -> seq{"Value", weightsToTensor v}|>Map.ofSeq
let c =
VariableShape = shape |> toExprArray
Initializer = WeightsInitializer.Uniform
VariableLayer c, weights
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Multiply ->
BinopLayer "*", Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Padding ->
match layer.Padding.PaddingTypeCase with
| PaddingLayerParams.PaddingTypeOneofCase.Constant when layer.Padding.PaddingAmounts.BorderAmounts_.Count = 2 ->
let h = layer.Padding.PaddingAmounts.BorderAmounts_.[0]
let v = layer.Padding.PaddingAmounts.BorderAmounts_.[1]
PaddingLayer (sprintf "%dx%d = %g" h.EndEdgeSize v.EndEdgeSize layer.Padding.Constant.Value), Map.empty
| _ ->
PaddingLayer (sprintf "%O" layer.Padding.PaddingTypeCase), Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Permute ->
let p = layer.Permute
TransposeLayer { TransposeAxes = p.Axis |> toExprArray; IsPermutation = true }, Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Pooling ->
let pooling = layer.Pooling
let kind =
match pooling.Type with
| PoolingLayerParams.Types.PoolingType.Average -> AveragePooling (not pooling.AvgPoolExcludePadding)
| PoolingLayerParams.Types.PoolingType.L2 -> L2NormPooling
| PoolingLayerParams.Types.PoolingType.Max | _ -> MaxPooling
let c =
KernelSizes = pooling.KernelSize |> toExprArray
Padding =
match pooling.PoolingPaddingTypeCase with
| PoolingLayerParams.PoolingPaddingTypeOneofCase.Valid -> Neural.Layers.ValidPadding
| PoolingLayerParams.PoolingPaddingTypeOneofCase.Same
| _ -> Neural.Layers.SamePadding
Strides = pooling.Stride |> toExprArray
Global = pooling.GlobalPooling
Kind = kind
PoolingLayer c, Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Reshape ->
let r = layer.Reshape
let mode =
match r.Mode with
| ReshapeLayerParams.Types.ReshapeOrder.ChannelFirst -> ChannelsFirst
| _ -> ChannelsLast
let shape = r.TargetShape |> toInt64ExprArray
ReshapeLayer {Reshape = shape; Mode=mode}, Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.ResizeBilinear ->
let ysize = layer.ResizeBilinear.TargetSize.[0]
let xsize = layer.ResizeBilinear.TargetSize.[1]
let scale = TargetSize (xsize |> Expr.ofUInt64, ysize |> Expr.ofUInt64)
let align =
match layer.ResizeBilinear.Mode.SamplingMethod with
| SamplingMode.Types.Method.StrictAlignEndpointsMode -> true
| SamplingMode.Types.Method.AlignEndpointsMode -> true
| _ -> false
UpsampleLayer { UpScale=scale; Sampling=LinearSampling; AlignCorners=align }, Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Reduce ->
let r = layer.Reduce
let kind =
match r.Mode with
| ReduceLayerParams.Types.ReduceOperation.Argmax -> ReductionKind.ArgMaxReduction
//| ReduceLayerParams.Types.ReduceOperation.Argmin -> ReductionKind.ArgMinReduction
| ReduceLayerParams.Types.ReduceOperation.Max -> ReductionKind.MaxReduction
| ReduceLayerParams.Types.ReduceOperation.Avg -> ReductionKind.MeanReduction
| ReduceLayerParams.Types.ReduceOperation.Min -> ReductionKind.MinReduction
| ReduceLayerParams.Types.ReduceOperation.Sum -> ReductionKind.SumReduction
| ReduceLayerParams.Types.ReduceOperation.L1 -> ReductionKind.L1NormReduction
| _ -> failwithf "Reduction type not supported: %O" r.Mode
let axes =
match r.Axis with
| ReduceLayerParams.Types.ReduceAxis.C -> [| 1 |]
| ReduceLayerParams.Types.ReduceAxis.Chw -> [| 1; 2; 3 |]
| ReduceLayerParams.Types.ReduceAxis.H -> [| 2 |]
| ReduceLayerParams.Types.ReduceAxis.Hw -> [| 2; 3 |]
| ReduceLayerParams.Types.ReduceAxis.W -> [| 3 |]
| _ -> failwithf "Reduction axis not supported: %O" r.Axis
ReductionLayer { ReductionAxes = axes |> toIntExprArray; Kind = kind }, Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Softmax ->
ActivationLayer (SoftmaxActivation Expr.oneInt), Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Transpose ->
TransposeLayer { TransposeAxes = layer.Transpose.Axes |> toExprArray; IsPermutation = false }, Map.empty
| NeuralNetworkLayer.LayerOneofCase.Unary ->
//printfn "UNKNOWN UNARY %O" layer.Unary.Type
match layer.Unary.Type with
| UnaryFunctionLayerParams.Types.Operation.Threshold ->
UnopLayer (ThresholdUnop (layer.Unary.Alpha |> Expr.ofFloat)), Map.empty
| _ -> UnopLayer (UnknownUnop (sprintf "%O a=%g" layer.Unary.Type layer.Unary.Alpha)), Map.empty
| _ ->
failwithf "Unsupported CoreML Layer: %O" layer.LayerCase
//DenseLayer DenseConfig<Expr>.Default, Map.empty
{ newLayer kind with Weights = weights }
and private toShape x : Shape =
x |> int |> Shape.ofSeq
and private toIntArray (x : uint64 seq) : int[] =
x |> int |> Array.ofSeq
and private toExprArray (x : uint64 seq) : Expr[] =
x |> Expr.ofUInt64 |> Array.ofSeq
and private toIntExprArray (x : int seq) : Expr[] =
x |> Expr.ofInt |> Array.ofSeq
and private toInt64ExprArray (x : int64 seq) : Expr[] =
x |> Expr.ofInt64 |> Array.ofSeq
and weightsToTensor (w : WeightParams) : Neural.Tensor =
match w.FloatValue with
| f when f <> null && f.Count > 0 ->
let n = f.Count
let shape = [|1;n;1;1|]
let t = Neural.Tensor.Fill (0.0f, shape)
let fp = t.Floats
for i in 0 .. (n - 1) do
NativePtr.set fp i f.[i]
| _ -> Neural.Tensor.Fill (0.0f, [|1;1;1;1|])
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