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Created July 1, 2011 18:12
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Save praeclarum/1059106 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A very simple wrapper over MySqlConnection to simplify querying
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
namespace CircuitGallery
public class IndexedAttribute : Attribute
public class Database : IDisposable
IDbConnection _conn = null;
class TypeMap
string _tableName;
List<TypeMapCol> _cols;
TypeMapCol _pkCol;
string _insertText = null;
string _getText = null;
public TypeMap (Type type)
_tableName = type.Name;
_cols = new List<TypeMapCol> ();
foreach (var p in type.GetProperties ()) {
if (p.CanWrite) {
var col = new Database.TypeMapCol (p, p.Name);
if (col.IsPK)
_pkCol = col;
_cols.Add (col);
if (_pkCol != null)
GetGetText ();
GetInsertText ();
public void Migrate (IDbConnection conn)
var existingCols = new Dictionary<string, TypeMapCol> ();
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
var schema = conn.Database;
cmd.CommandText = "select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = '" + _tableName + "' and table_schema = '" + schema + "'";
using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
while (reader.Read ()) {
var colName = (string)reader ["column_name"];
existingCols [colName] = null;
if (existingCols.Count == 0) {
// Create the table
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
var head = " ";
sb.AppendFormat ("create table `{0}` (", _tableName);
sb.AppendLine ();
foreach (var col in _cols) {
sb.Append (head);
sb.Append ("`");
sb.Append (col.ColumnName);
sb.Append ("` ");
sb.Append (col.ColumnType);
if (col.IsPK) {
sb.Append (" primary key auto_increment");
sb.AppendLine ();
head = " ,";
foreach (var col in _cols) {
sb.Append (head);
if (col.IsIndexed) {
sb.AppendLine ("INDEX(`" + col.ColumnName + "`)");
head = " ,";
sb.AppendLine (");");
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString ();
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();
} else {
foreach (var col in _cols) {
if (!existingCols.ContainsKey (col.ColumnName)) {
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.AppendFormat ("alter table `{0}` add column `{1}` {2}", _tableName, col.ColumnName, col.ColumnType);
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString ();
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();
if (col.IsIndexed && !col.IsPK) {
sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.AppendFormat ("create index `{0}` on `{1}`(`{2}`)",
_tableName + "_" + col.ColumnName,
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString ();
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();
void GetGetText ()
_getText = string.Format ("select * from `{0}` where `{1}` = ?p0 limit 1", _tableName, _pkCol.ColumnName);
public T Get<T> (IDbConnection conn, object pk) where T : new()
if (_pkCol == null) {
throw new ArgumentException (_tableName + " has no PK");
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
cmd.CommandText = _getText;
var p = cmd.CreateParameter ();
p.ParameterName = "p0";
p.Value = pk;
cmd.Parameters.Add (p);
using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
var all = ReadAll<T> (reader);
return all.FirstOrDefault ();
void GetInsertText ()
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.Append ("insert into `");
sb.Append (_tableName);
sb.Append ("`(");
var head = "";
foreach (var col in _cols) {
if (!col.IsPK) {
sb.Append (head);
sb.Append ("`");
sb.Append (col.ColumnName);
sb.Append ("`");
head = ",";
sb.Append (") values (");
head = "";
var pi = 0;
foreach (var col in _cols) {
if (!col.IsPK) {
sb.Append (head);
sb.Append ("?p" + pi);
head = ",";
sb.Append (")");
_insertText = sb.ToString ();
public void Insert (IDbConnection conn, object obj)
var pi = 0;
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
cmd.CommandText = _insertText;
pi = 0;
foreach (var col in _cols) {
if (!col.IsPK) {
var p = cmd.CreateParameter ();
p.ParameterName = "p" + pi;
p.Value = col.Prop.GetValue (obj, null);
if (p.Value == null) {
p.Value = DBNull.Value;
cmd.Parameters.Add (p);
if (_pkCol != null) {
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
cmd.CommandText = "select last_insert_id()";
var id = cmd.ExecuteScalar ();
_pkCol.Prop.SetValue (obj, Convert.ToInt32(id), null);
public void Update (IDbConnection conn, object obj, string[] propsToUpdate)
if (_pkCol == null) {
throw new NotSupportedException (obj + " doesn't have a primary key and cannot be updated");
var i = 0;
// Find the props
var colsToUpdate = default(TypeMapCol[]);
if (propsToUpdate.Length > 0) {
colsToUpdate = new Database.TypeMapCol[propsToUpdate.Length];
for (i = 0; i < propsToUpdate.Length; i++) {
var gotit = false;
for (var j = 0; !gotit && j < _cols.Count; j++) {
if (propsToUpdate [i] == _cols [j].PropertyName) {
colsToUpdate [i] = _cols [j];
gotit = true;
if (!gotit) {
throw new ArgumentException (propsToUpdate [i] + " not found in " + _tableName);
} else {
throw new NotSupportedException ("No props");
// Build the query
var sb = new StringBuilder ();
sb.Append ("update `");
sb.Append (_tableName);
sb.Append ("` set ");
var head = "";
for (i = 0; i < colsToUpdate.Length; i++) {
sb.Append (head);
sb.Append ("`");
sb.Append (colsToUpdate [i].ColumnName);
sb.Append ("`=");
sb.Append ("?p");
sb.Append (i);
head = ",";
sb.Append (" where `");
sb.Append (_pkCol.ColumnName);
sb.Append ("` = ?p");
sb.Append (i);
// Execute it
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
cmd.CommandText = sb.ToString ();
for (i = 0; i < colsToUpdate.Length; i++) {
var p = cmd.CreateParameter ();
p.ParameterName = "?p" + i;
p.Value = colsToUpdate [i].Prop.GetValue (obj, null);
if (p.Value == null) {
p.Value = DBNull.Value;
cmd.Parameters.Add (p);
var idp = cmd.CreateParameter ();
idp.ParameterName = "?p" + i;
idp.Value = _pkCol.Prop.GetValue (obj, null);
cmd.Parameters.Add (idp);
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();
public List<T> ReadAll<T> (IDataReader reader) where T : new ()
var list = new List<T> ();
var fields = new TypeMapCol [reader.FieldCount];
for (var i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) {
var name = reader.GetName (i);
fields [i] = _cols.FirstOrDefault (c => c.PropertyName == name);
var values = new object [fields.Length];
while (reader.Read ()) {
var obj = new T ();
reader.GetValues (values);
for (var i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) {
var col = fields [i];
if (col == null) continue;
var val = values [i];
if (val is DBNull) {
col.Prop.SetValue (obj, null, null);
} else {
col.Prop.SetValue (obj, val, null);
list.Add (obj);
return list;
class TypeMapCol
public readonly bool IsPK;
public readonly bool IsIndexed;
public readonly string PropertyName;
public readonly string ColumnName;
public readonly string ColumnType;
public readonly PropertyInfo Prop;
public TypeMapCol (PropertyInfo prop, string colName)
PropertyName = prop.Name;
ColumnName = colName;
Prop = prop;
IsPK = (PropertyName == "Id");
IsIndexed = prop.GetCustomAttributes (typeof(StringLengthAttribute), true).Length > 0;
if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(string)) {
var sls = prop.GetCustomAttributes (typeof(StringLengthAttribute), true);
if (sls.Length > 0) {
var len = ((StringLengthAttribute)sls [0]).MaximumLength;
ColumnType = "varchar(" + len + ")";
} else {
ColumnType = "text";
} else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(int)) {
ColumnType = "int";
} else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime)) {
ColumnType = "datetime";
} else {
throw new NotSupportedException ("Unsupported column type: " + prop.PropertyType);
static Dictionary<Type, TypeMap> _typeMaps = new Dictionary<Type, TypeMap> ();
TypeMap GetTypeMap (object obj)
return GetTypeMap (obj.GetType ());
TypeMap GetTypeMap (Type type)
lock (_typeMaps) {
var typeMap = default(TypeMap);
if (_typeMaps.TryGetValue (type, out typeMap)) {
return typeMap;
} else {
typeMap = new TypeMap (type);
_typeMaps [type] = typeMap;
if (_conn != null)
typeMap.Migrate (_conn);
return typeMap;
public Database ()
public void Dispose ()
if (_conn != null) {
_conn.Dispose ();
_conn = null;
void EnsureConnected ()
if (_conn == null) {
var cs = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings ["MySql"].ConnectionString;
var mysql = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection (cs);
mysql.Open ();
_conn = mysql;
public void CreateTable<T> () where T : new()
EnsureConnected ();
GetTypeMap (typeof (T));
public T Get<T> (object pk) where T : new()
if (pk == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("pk");
EnsureConnected ();
var map = GetTypeMap (typeof(T));
return map.Get<T> (_conn, pk);
public void Insert<T> (T obj)
if (obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("obj");
EnsureConnected ();
var map = GetTypeMap (obj);
map.Insert (_conn, obj);
public void Update<T> (T obj, params string[] propsToUpdate)
if (obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("obj");
if (propsToUpdate == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("propsToUpdate");
EnsureConnected ();
var map = GetTypeMap (obj);
map.Update (_conn, obj, propsToUpdate);
IDbCommand CreateCommand (string query, params object[] args)
EnsureConnected ();
var cmd = _conn.CreateCommand ();
var t = new StringBuilder ();
var pi = 0;
foreach (var ch in query) {
if (ch == '?') {
t.Append ("?p");
t.Append (pi++);
} else {
t.Append (ch);
cmd.CommandText = t.ToString ();
pi = 0;
foreach (var a in args) {
var p = cmd.CreateParameter ();
p.Value = a;
p.ParameterName = "p" + pi;
cmd.Parameters.Add (p);
return cmd;
public List<T> Query<T> (string query, params object[] args) where T : new()
using (var cmd = CreateCommand (query, args)) {
var map = GetTypeMap (typeof(T));
using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
return map.ReadAll<T> (reader);
public int Execute (string query, params object[] args)
using (var cmd = CreateCommand (query, args)) {
return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ();
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