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Created January 5, 2023 19:22
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GitHub Actions to build a Mac AppStore app
- name: Import Apple Certificate
uses: apple-actions/import-codesign-certs@v1
create-keychain: true
keychain-password: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_CERTIFICATE_P12_PASSWORD }}
p12-file-base64: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_CERTIFICATE_P12 }}
p12-password: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_CERTIFICATE_P12_PASSWORD }}
- name: Import Mac Installer Certificate
uses: apple-actions/import-codesign-certs@v1
create-keychain: false
keychain-password: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_CERTIFICATE_P12_PASSWORD }}
p12-file-base64: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_INSTALLER_CERTIFICATE_P12 }}
- name: Download Mac Provisioning Profile
uses: apple-actions/download-provisioning-profiles@v1
bundle-id: 'com.kruegersystems.circuitmac'
profile-type: 'MAC_APP_STORE'
issuer-id: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_ISSUER_ID }}
api-key-id: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_KEY_ID }}
api-private-key: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- name: Fix Provisioning Profile Extension
shell: bash
run: |
for f in $HOME/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/*.mobileprovision; do
mv -- "$f" "${f%.mobileprovision}.provisionprofile"
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
submodules: true
- name: Update Version
if: ${{ true || (needs.check_deploy.outputs.should_deploy != 'false') }}
run: bash ${{github.run_number}}
- name: Restore Mac
run: |
msbuild /t:Restore /p:Configuration=Release iCircuit.Mac.sln
- name: Fix Mac Entitlements
run: |
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -x -c "Set Production" CircuitMac/Entitlements.plist
- name: Build Mac
id: build_mac
run: |
msbuild /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release /p:ArchiveOnBuild=true /p:CreatePackage=true /p:EnablePackageSigning=true /p:EnableCodeSigning=true "/p:CodeSigningKey=3rd Party Mac Developer Application" "/p:CodeSignProvision=iCircuit Mac Distribution" "/p:PackageSigningKey=3rd Party Mac Developer Installer" iCircuit.Mac.sln
ls -al CircuitMac/bin/Release/iCircuit-*.pkg
echo "::set-output name=mac_pkg_rel_path::$(ls CircuitMac/bin/Release/iCircuit-*.pkg)"
- run: echo ${{ steps.build_mac.outputs.mac_pkg_rel_path }}
- name: Upload Mac to TestFlight
if: ${{ needs.check_deploy.outputs.should_deploy != 'false' }}
uses: apple-actions/upload-testflight-build@v1
app-type: macos
app-path: ${{ steps.build_mac.outputs.mac_pkg_rel_path }}
issuer-id: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_ISSUER_ID }}
api-key-id: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_KEY_ID }}
api-private-key: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_PRIVATE_KEY }}
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