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Last active December 15, 2015 01:48
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Save prafulfillment/5182130 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Testing out pytest.
import pytest
######### CONSTANTS #########
######### TEST #########
def test_func(assert_stmt, func_to_test, apply_penalties):
# Track global vars
d = {}
# !!!Unsafe!!!
# func_to_test & assert_stmt are both strings
exec(func_to_test[1], d, d)
exec(assert_stmt[1], d, d)
######### MAIN #########
Apply list of tests to list of python programs.
The tests and programs are retrieved from a server as `string`s.
import pytest
import requests
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call, __multicall__):
# execute all other hooks to obtain the report object
rep = __multicall__.execute()
# set an report attribute for each phase of a call, which can
# be "setup", "call", "teardown"
setattr(item, "rep_" + rep.when, rep)
return rep
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption("--challenge", action="store", default="1",
help="list of challenge ids to pass to test functions")
######### HELPERS #########
def get_x_json(challenge_id, x):
"Retrieve (Solutions|Sabotages) for given challenge_id from site"
DOMAIN = 'http://localhost:8000'
API_CALL = '{0}/api/challenge/{1}/{2}/'.format(DOMAIN, challenge_id, x)
get_xs = requests.get(API_CALL, auth=('thebest', 'wafful'))
s_json = get_xs.json()
x_json = s_json[x]
return x_json
def get_sabotages(challenge_id):
"Retrieve Sabotages for given challenge_id from site"
sabotage_json = get_x_json(challenge_id, 'sabotages')
sabotages = [(sa['resource_id'], sa['sabotage']) for sa in sabotage_json]
return sabotages
def get_solutions(challenge_id):
"Retrieve Solutions for given challenge_id from site"
solutions_json = get_x_json(challenge_id, 'solutions')
solutions = []
for s in solutions_json:
solutions.append((s['resource_id'], s['solution']))
return solutions
def penalize_solution(solution_id):
def reward_sabotage(sabotage_id):
######### FIXTURES #########
#@pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=get_solutions(1))
#def func_to_test(request):
#return request.param
#@pytest.fixture(scope="function", params=get_sabotages(1))
#def assert_stmt(request):
#challenge_id = request.config.option.challenge
#return request.param
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
challenge_id = metafunc.config.option.challenge
metafunc.parametrize("assert_stmt", get_sabotages(challenge_id))
metafunc.parametrize("func_to_test", get_solutions(challenge_id))
def apply_penalties(request):
Penalize Solutions for failing Sabotages.
Reward successful Sabotages.
def fin():
if request.node.rep_setup.passed:
if request.node.rep_call.failed:
sabotage = request.getfuncargvalue('assert_stmt')
solution = request.getfuncargvalue('func_to_test')
solution_id = solution[0]
sabotage_id = sabotage[0]
elif request.node.rep_setup.failed:
# Unsure what to do on setup failure
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