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Created May 3, 2021 15:31
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SwiftUI: Adding sub and super scripts
import SwiftUI
//_{} subscript
//^{} superscript
//script font
struct SubSuperScriptText: View {
let inputString: String
let bodyFont: Font
let subScriptFont: Font
let baseLine: CGFloat
var body: some View {
var string = inputString
var text = Text("")
while let validIndex = string.firstIndex(where: { (char) -> Bool in return (char == "_" || char == "^") }) {
let mySubstringP1 = string[..<validIndex]
var mySubstringP2 = string[validIndex...]
text = text + Text(mySubstringP1) //add normal string to text
if mySubstringP2.count < 3 { //no possible sub or super
return text + Text(mySubstringP2).font(bodyFont)
var subscriptType = mySubstringP2.first!
mySubstringP2 = mySubstringP2.dropFirst() ///remove ^ _
var subScriptString = ""
if mySubstringP2.first != "{" { //not a subscript
subscriptType = Character(" ") //no subscript
} else if let subStringIndex = mySubstringP2.firstIndex(where: { (char) -> Bool in return (char == "}") }) {
mySubstringP2 = mySubstringP2.dropFirst() ///remove {
subScriptString = String(mySubstringP2[..<subStringIndex])
mySubstringP2 = mySubstringP2[subStringIndex...].dropFirst() //remove }
} else {
return Text("") //not balance string
switch subscriptType {
case "^":
text = text + Text(subScriptString)
case "_":
text = text + Text(subScriptString)
.baselineOffset(-1 * baseLine)
text = text + Text(subScriptString).font(bodyFont)
string = String(mySubstringP2)
text = text + Text(string).font(bodyFont)
return text
struct SubSuperScriptText_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
ScrollView {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Chemistry").font(.title3).padding([.top, .bottom])
SubSuperScriptText(inputString: "2NaOH + H_{2}SO_{4} → 2H_{2}O + Na_{2}SO_{4}", bodyFont: .callout, subScriptFont: .caption, baseLine: 6.0)
Text("Maths").font(.title3).padding([.top, .bottom])
SubSuperScriptText(inputString: "x^{2} + 20x + 100 = 0", bodyFont: .callout, subScriptFont: .caption, baseLine: 6.0)
SubSuperScriptText(inputString: "x^{2} + 10x + 10x + 100 = 0", bodyFont: .callout, subScriptFont: .caption, baseLine: 6.0)
SubSuperScriptText(inputString: "x(x + 10) + 10(x + 10) = 0", bodyFont: .callout, subScriptFont: .caption, baseLine: 6.0)
SubSuperScriptText(inputString: "(x + 10)(x + 10) = 0", bodyFont: .callout, subScriptFont: .caption, baseLine: 6.0)
SubSuperScriptText(inputString: "x = -10", bodyFont: .callout, subScriptFont: .caption, baseLine: 6.0)
SubSuperScriptText(inputString: "Demo^{TM}", bodyFont: .callout, subScriptFont: .caption, baseLine: 6.0)
}.padding([.leading, .trailing])
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