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Created April 27, 2021 11:22
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import SwiftUI
struct SwipeContainerCell: ViewModifier {
enum VisibleButton {
case none
case left
case right
@State private var offset: CGFloat = 0
@State private var oldOffset: CGFloat = 0
@State private var visibleButton: VisibleButton = .none
let leadingButtons: [CellButtons]
let trailingButton: [CellButtons]
let maxLeadingOffset: CGFloat
let minTrailingOffset: CGFloat
let onClick: (CellButtons) -> Void
init(leadingButtons: [CellButtons], trailingButton: [CellButtons], onClick: @escaping (CellButtons) -> Void) {
self.leadingButtons = leadingButtons
self.trailingButton = trailingButton
maxLeadingOffset = CGFloat(leadingButtons.count) * buttonWidth
minTrailingOffset = CGFloat(trailingButton.count) * buttonWidth * -1
self.onClick = onClick
func reset() {
visibleButton = .none
offset = 0
oldOffset = 0
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
ZStack {
.contentShape(Rectangle()) ///otherwise swipe won't work in vacant area
.offset(x: offset)
.gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 15, coordinateSpace: .local)
.onChanged({ (value) in
let totalSlide = value.translation.width + oldOffset
if (0...Int(maxLeadingOffset) ~= Int(totalSlide)) || (Int(minTrailingOffset)...0 ~= Int(totalSlide)) { //left to right slide
offset = totalSlide
///can update this logic to set single button action with filled single button background if scrolled more then buttons width
.onEnded({ value in
withAnimation {
if visibleButton == .left && value.translation.width < -20 { ///user dismisses left buttons
} else if visibleButton == .right && value.translation.width > 20 { ///user dismisses right buttons
} else if offset > 25 || offset < -25 { ///scroller more then 50% show button
if offset > 0 {
visibleButton = .left
offset = maxLeadingOffset
} else {
visibleButton = .right
offset = minTrailingOffset
oldOffset = offset
///Bonus Handling -> set action if user swipe more then x px
} else {
GeometryReader { proxy in
HStack(spacing: 0) {
HStack(spacing: 0) {
ForEach(leadingButtons) { buttonsData in
Button(action: {
withAnimation {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.20) { ///call once hide animation done
}, label: {
CellButtonView.init(data: buttonsData, cellHeight: proxy.size.height)
}.offset(x: (-1 * maxLeadingOffset) + offset)
HStack(spacing: 0) {
ForEach(trailingButton) { buttonsData in
Button(action: {
withAnimation {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.20) { ///call once hide animation done
}, label: {
CellButtonView.init(data: buttonsData, cellHeight: proxy.size.height)
}.offset(x: (-1 * minTrailingOffset) + offset)
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