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Alternating between Haskell and PDP-11 assembler

Dave Thomas pragdave

Alternating between Haskell and PDP-11 assembler
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Stephenson, G. R. (1967). Cultural acquisition of a specific learned response among rhesus monkeys. In: Starek,
D., Schneider, R., and Kuhn, H. J. (eds.), Progress in Primatology, Stuttgart: Fischer, pp. 279-288.
mentioned in: Galef, B. G., Jr. (1976). Social Transmission of Acquired Behavior: A Discussion of Tradition and
Social Learning in Vertebrates. In: Rosenblatt, J.S., Hinde, R.A., Shaw, E. and Beer, C. (eds.), Advances in the
study of behavior, Vol. 6, New York: Academic Press, pp. 87-88:
[...] Stephenson (1967) trained adult male and female rhesus monkeys to avoid manipulating an object and then
placed individual naïve animals in a cage with a trained individual of the same age and sex and the object in
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #
module Rouge
module Lexers
class EmbeddedJSX < RegexLexer
tag :xml_inside_jsx
def self.analyze_text(text)
# encoding: utf-8
input = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15 ]
# Need to box the value to make it mutable
State =
# divide the input into runs of consecutive numbers
s = input.slice_before( do |value, state|
(_, state.last_value = value != state.last_value.succ, value)[0]
input = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15 ]
# Need to box the value to make it mutable
State =
def returning(value) yield; value; end
# divide the input into runs of consecutive numbers
s = input.slice_before( do |value, state|
returning(value != state.last_value.succ) do
NAME = "ruby3" # eg: JAERLANG, RAILS -*- ruby -*-
# This stanza is for the creation of the code .zip and .tgz files.
# It's also used for the .mobi file
TITLE = "Programming Ruby 1.9"
AUTHOR = "Thomas, with Fowler and Hunt"
require "../PPStuff/util/rake/main.rb"
# A poor implementation of FizzBuzz, just to show code coverage stuff
1.upto(100).with_object('') do |i, x|
if i % 3 == 0
x += 'Fizz'
if i % 5 == 0
x += 'Buzz'
if x.empty?
require 'coverage'
require_relative 'fizzbuzz.rb'
Coverage.result.each do |file_name, counts|
File.readlines(file_name).each_with_index do |code_line, line_number|
count = counts[line_number] || "--"
STDERR.printf "%3s: %s", count, code_line
# Ask Nokogiri to find the row containing the header names
headers ='thead > tr')
# Create a hash that maps the column name to the column index, so I can access subsequent
# rows' data by name
header_map ='th')
.with_object({}) {|(name, index), hash| hash[name] = index}
def m(*args)
print "Args to m: ", args.inspect, " Result: "
n = 6
o = 2
# Imagine using a language where whitespace is significant? Pah!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<fo:root xmlns:fo="" xmlns:rx="">
<!-- ============================================================ -->
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<!-- This file makes a part of RenderX XSL Test Suite -->
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<!-- Author: Alexander Peshkov -->
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<!-- (c) RenderX, 2003 -->
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