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Last active October 27, 2017 21:28
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  • Save prail/e9c2180569518fc403d6de9a422d1dbe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save prail/e9c2180569518fc403d6de9a422d1dbe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gets a random picture from the nasa APOD.

APOD Desktop

To set this up you'll need to set your desktop background to slideshow mode. Create a directory in your pictures folder called APOD The script will put pictures in the directory. Set up a windows service to run the script once a day. profit! The script also creates a file on your desktop named description.txt it contains the pictures descript in a nice readable format if you're curious. Be careful when changing the APOD_DIRECTORY! This directory is removed and recreated very often so don't set it to something important like your Pictures directory.

import requests, json, getpass, os
#Configuration variables.
API_KEY="DEMO_KEY" #You can replace this with your NASA api key if you'd like.
DESCRIPTION_FILE=r"C:\Users\{}\Desktop\description.txt".format(getpass.getuser()) #Where you want the description file put.
APOD_DIRECTORY=r"C:\Users\{}\Pictures\APOD".format(getpass.getuser()) #The directory where the image will be stored. Don't set this to something you don't want deleted!!!
API_ENDPOINT=r"{}".format(API_KEY) #Don't really need to change this.
def make_lines(text):
for char in text:
if i > 80:
return buf
os.system('rmdir /S /Q "{}"'.format(APOD_DIRECTORY))
req=requests.get(API_ENDPOINT, verify=False)
if req.status_code ==
apod = json.loads(req.content.decode("utf-8"))
f.write(make_lines(apod["explanation"].split(" "*3)[0]))
r = requests.get(apod["hdurl"], verify=False, stream=True)
with open(APOD_DIRECTORY+r"\image.png", 'ab') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content():
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prail commented Oct 18, 2017

This is mostly because I have no idea what to set my desktop to usually. 😆

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