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Created December 13, 2021 09:12
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using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Jobs;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
namespace bench
public class Program
public static void Main()
[SimpleJob(launchCount: 1, warmupCount: 2, targetCount: 5, runtimeMoniker: RuntimeMoniker.Net60)]
public class Primes
private List<uint> _numbers;
private static readonly ulong[] witnesses1 = new ulong[] { 9345883071009581737 };
private const uint witnesses1Max = 341531;
private static readonly ulong[] witnesses2 = new ulong[] { 15, 13393019396194701 };
private const uint witnesses2Max = 716169301;
private static readonly ulong[] witnesses3 = new ulong[] { 2, 7, 61 };
public void Setup()
const int limit = 50_000_000;
_numbers = Enumerable.Range(1, limit).Select(i => (uint)i).ToList();
public IList<uint> PrimeListClassic()
return GetPrimeListClassic(_numbers);
public IList<uint> PrimeListWithParallelMillerRabin()
return GetPrimeListWithParallel(_numbers);
private static IList<uint> GetPrimeListClassic(IList<uint> numbers)
var primeList = new List<uint>();
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Count; i++)
var currentItem = numbers[i];
if (IsPrime(currentItem)) primeList.Add(currentItem);
return primeList;
private static IList<uint> GetPrimeListWithParallel(IList<uint> numbers)
var primeNumbers = new ConcurrentBag<uint>();
Parallel.ForEach(numbers, number =>
if (IsPrime(number))
return primeNumbers.ToList();
public static bool IsPrime(uint value)
if ((value & 1) == 0) return value == 2;
if ((value % 3) == 0) return value == 3;
if ((value % 5) == 0) return value == 5;
if ((value % 7) == 0) return value == 7;
if (value == 1) return false;
if (value < 1000000)
for (uint i = 11, skip = 2; (i <= ushort.MaxValue) && (i * i <= value); i += skip, skip = 6 - skip)
if (value % i == 0) return false;
return true;
if (((value % 11) == 0) || ((value % 13) == 0) || ((value % 17) == 0)
|| ((value % 19) == 0) || ((value % 23) == 0) || ((value % 29) == 0)
|| ((value % 31) == 0) || ((value % 37) == 0) || ((value % 41) == 0)
|| ((value % 43) == 0) || ((value % 47) == 0) || ((value % 53) == 0)
|| ((value % 59) == 0) || ((value % 61) == 0) || ((value % 67) == 0)
|| ((value % 71) == 0) || ((value % 73) == 0) || ((value % 79) == 0)
|| ((value % 83) == 0) || ((value % 89) == 0) || ((value % 97) == 0)
return (value <= 97);
return IsPrimeMR(value);
public static bool IsPrimeMR(uint value)
if (value >= witnesses2Max) return InternalIsPrimeMR(value, witnesses3);
else if (value >= witnesses1Max) return InternalIsPrimeMR(value, witnesses2);
else return InternalIsPrimeMR(value, witnesses1);
private static bool InternalIsPrimeMR(uint value, ulong[] witnesses)
uint valLessOne = value - 1;
uint d = valLessOne / 2;
uint s = 1;
while ((d & 1) == 0)
d /= 2;
for (uint i = 0; i < witnesses.Length; i++)
uint a;
ulong aL = witnesses[i];
if (aL >= value)
aL %= value;
if (aL < 2) continue;
a = (uint)aL;
if (a == valLessOne) continue;
uint x = InternalModPow(a, d, value);
if (x == 1) continue;
for (uint r = 1; (x != valLessOne) && (r < s); r++)
x = (uint)((x * (ulong)x) % value);
if (x == 1) return false;
if (x != valLessOne) return false;
return true;
public static uint ModPow(uint b, uint e, uint m)
if (b == 0 || m == 0) return 0;
return InternalModPow(b, e, m);
private static readonly uint sqrtMax = (uint)Math.Sqrt(uint.MaxValue);
private static uint InternalModPow(uint b, uint e, uint m)
switch (e)
case 0: return 1;
case 1: return b % m;
case 2: return (b <= sqrtMax) ? (b * b) % m : (uint)((b * (ulong)b) % m);
uint result = 1;
while (true)
if ((e & 1) != 0)
result = (uint)((result * (ulong)b) % m);
if (e == 1) return result;
e /= 2;
b = (uint)((b * (ulong)b) % m);
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