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Created December 6, 2012 17:41
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Project Euler -- problem 19
;; Project Euler -- Problem 19
;; You are given the following information, but you may prefer to do
;; some research for yourself.
;; * 1 Jan 1900 was a Monday.
;; * Thirty days has September,
;; April, June and November.
;; All the rest have thirty-one,
;; Saving February alone,
;; Which has twenty-eight, rain or shine.
;; And on leap years, twenty-nine.
;; * A leap year occurs on any year evenly divisible by 4, but not
;; on a century unless it is divisible by 400.
;; How many Sundays fell on the first of the month during the twentieth
;; century (1 Jan 1901 to 31 Dec 2000)?
;; (ns euler.019)
(defn leap-year?
"is year a leap year?"
(letfn [(is-multiple? [a b] (zero? (rem a b)))]
(and (is-multiple? year 4)
(or (not (is-multiple? year 100))
(is-multiple? year 400)))))
(def month-days [31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31])
(def month-days-leap (assoc month-days 1 (inc (second month-days))))
(defn month-firsts
"return ordinal dates of first day of each month of the year, and
the first month of the following year"
(letfn [(zeroes [n] (take n (cycle [0])))
(left-fill-zeroes [n xs] (concat (zeroes (- n (count xs))) xs))]
(concat [0]
(loop [acc (zeroes 12) md md]
(if (empty? md)
(recur (map + acc (left-fill-zeroes (count acc) md)) (butlast md)))))))
(defn month-first-days
"return days-of-the-week for first day of each month (sunday = 0)"
[year yfd]
(map #(rem (+ yfd %) 7) (month-firsts (if (leap-year? year) month-days-leap month-days))))
(defn count-sundays
"return the number of sundays in the first days of each month in a
year; yfd is the day-of-the-week the first of the year falls on"
[year yfd]
(count (filter #(zero? %) (butlast (month-first-days year yfd)))))
(defn next-year-first-day
"return day-of-the-week the following year's first day falls on; yfd
is the day-of-the-week the first of this year falls on"
[year yfd]
(last (month-first-days year yfd)))
(loop [total-count 0
year 1901
yfd (last (month-first-days 1900 1))]
(if (> year 2000)
(recur (+ total-count (count-sundays year yfd)) (inc year) (next-year-first-day year yfd)))))
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