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Last active September 25, 2017 16:24
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Display remote images in emacs eshell buffer
;; The stackoverflow answer
;; extends eshell/cat function to display images inline in *eshell*
;; buffer, so that
;; eshell:~> cat my-image.png
;; works just fine.
;; However, this doesn't work if the eshell buffer's default-directory
;; is remote, and the image file is located on the remote host. cat just
;; dumps the contents of the image file into *eshell* buffer.
;; I extend the function below to display remote images, albeit with a
;; little quirk. The image file name should be the full path including
;; the tramp protocol and host prefixes (for example:
;; /ssh:remote-host:/path/to/image.png)
;; eshell:~> cat /ssh:remote-host:/path/to/image.png
;; This is required even if you are already *in* the remote directory
;; containing the image.
;; # this doesn't work
;; eshell:/ssh:remote-host:/path/to> cat image.png
;; # this works
;; eshell:/ssh:remote-host:/path/to> cat $PWD/image.png
;; TODO:
;; - fix the above quirk
;; - clean up local copy before returning
(defun my/iimage-mode-refresh--eshell/cat (orig-fun &rest args)
"Display image when using cat on it."
(cl-flet ((maybe-localize-remote-file (file)
(if (file-remote-p file)
(let ((local-file (concat "/tmp/" (file-name-nondirectory file))))
(eshell/cp file local-file)
(let ((image-path (cons default-directory iimage-mode-image-search-path)))
(dolist (arg args)
(let ((imagep nil)
(dolist (pair iimage-mode-image-regex-alist)
(when (and (not imagep)
(setq arg (maybe-localize-remote-file arg))
(string-match (car pair) arg)
(setq file (match-string (cdr pair) arg))
(setq file (locate-file file image-path)))
(setq imagep t)
(add-text-properties 0 (length arg)
`(display ,(create-image file)
(eshell-buffered-print arg)
(when (not imagep)
(apply orig-fun (list arg)))))
(advice-add 'eshell/cat :around #'my/iimage-mode-refresh--eshell/cat)
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