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Forked from alexcasalboni/
Created February 3, 2016 12:04
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Google Vision API - Examples and Python utilities
import json
from utils_google import get_vision_api
from utils_image import (read_image, read_image_base64, save_image, draw_face, draw_box, draw_text)
inputfile = "input.jpg"
outputfile = "output.jpg"
def main():
vision = get_vision_api()
body = make_request(inputfile)
response = vision.images().annotate(body=body).execute()
show_results(inputfile, response, outputfile)
def make_request(inputfile):
""" Create a request batch (one file at a time) """
return {
"content": read_image_base64(inputfile)
"features": [
"maxResults": 10
"maxResults": 10
"maxResults": 20
def show_results(inputfile, data, outputfile):
#read original file
im = read_image(inputfile)
#draw face, boxes and text for each response
for r in data['responses']:
if 'faceAnnotations' in r:
draw_face(im, r['faceAnnotations'])
if 'labelAnnotations' in r:
strs = map(lambda a: a['description'], r['labelAnnotations'])
im = draw_text(im, ", ".join(strs))
for field in ['textAnnotations', 'logoAnnotations']:
if field in r:
for a in r[field]:
draw_box(im, a['boundingPoly']['vertices'])
#save to output file
save_image(outputfile, im)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import httplib2
import sys
from googleapiclient import discovery
from oauth2client import tools, file, client
# limited preview only (sorry!)
API_DISCOVERY_FILE = 'vision_discovery_v1alpha1.json'
""" Google Authentication Utilities """
def get_vision_api():
credentials = get_api_credentials('')
with open(API_DISCOVERY_FILE, 'r') as f:
doc =
return discovery.build_from_document(doc, credentials=credentials, http=httplib2.Http())
def get_api_credentials(scope, service_account=True):
""" Build API client based on oAuth2 authentication """
STORAGE = file.Storage('oAuth2.json') #local storage of oAuth tokens
credentials = STORAGE.get()
if credentials is None or credentials.invalid: #check if new oAuth flow is needed
if service_account: #server 2 server flow
with open('service_account.json') as f:
account = json.loads(
email = account['client_email']
key = account['private_key']
credentials = client.SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(email, key, scope=scope)
else: #normal oAuth2 flow
CLIENT_SECRETS = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'client_secrets.json')
FLOW = client.flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRETS, scope=scope)
PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, parents=[tools.argparser])
FLAGS = PARSER.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
credentials = tools.run_flow(FLOW, STORAGE, FLAGS)
return credentials
import cv2
from base64 import b64encode
""" read/write utilities """
def read_image(filename):
return cv2.imread(filename)
def save_image(filename, im):
cv2.imwrite(filename, im)
def read_image_base64(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
return b64encode(
""" OpenCV drawing utilities """
def draw_face(im, annotations):
for a in annotations:
tl ,br = draw_box(im, a['boundingPoly']['vertices'])
tl_,br_ = draw_box(im, a['fdBoundingPoly']['vertices'])
draw_angle(im, a['panAngle'], a['tiltAngle'], pt=tl_, size=br_[0]-tl_[0])
for landmark in a['landmarks']:
draw_point(im, landmark['position'])
def draw_angle(im, pan, tilt, pt, size):
x_delta = np.interp(pan, [-180,180], [-size,size])
y_delta = np.interp(tilt, [-180,180], [-size,size])
pt2 = (pt[0] + int(x_delta), pt[1] + int(y_delta))
cv2.arrowedLine(im, pt, pt2, (0,255,0))
def extract_vertices(vertices):
""" Extract two opposite vertices from a list of 4 (assumption: rectangle) """
min_x,max_x,min_y,max_y = float("inf"),float("-inf"),float("inf"),float("-inf")
for v in vertices:
if v.get('x',min_y) < min_x:
min_x = v.get('x')
if v.get('x',max_y) > max_x:
max_x = v.get('x')
if v.get('y',min_y) < min_y:
min_y = v.get('y')
if v.get('y',max_y) > max_y:
max_y = v.get('y')
v1 = next(v for v in vertices if v.get('x') == min_x and v.get('y') == min_y)
v2 = next(v for v in vertices if v.get('x') == max_x and v.get('y') == max_y)
return v1,v2
def draw_box(im, vertices):
v1,v2 = extract_vertices(vertices)
pt1 = (v1.get('x',0), v1.get('y',0))
pt2 = (v2.get('x',0), v2.get('y',0))
cv2.rectangle(im, pt1, pt2, (0,0,255))
return pt1, pt2
def draw_point(im, position):
pt = (int(position.get('x',0)), int(position.get('y',0))), pt, 3, (0,0,255))
return pt
def draw_text(im, text):
font_face = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
thickness = 1
for scale in np.arange(2,0,-0.2):
(w,h),baseline = cv2.getTextSize(text, font_face, scale, thickness)
if w <= im.shape[1]:
new_img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(im, 0, baseline*4, 0, 0, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0)
cv2.putText(new_img, text, (baseline*2,new_img.shape[0]-baseline), font_face, scale, (255,255,255), thickness)
return new_img
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