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Last active May 5, 2018 06:31
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Q-Learning Implementation to solve maze escape problem using Reinformcement Learning
@author: Prakhar
import random
from termcolor import colored
class QLearning:
def __init__(self):
# initializing the environment here
# ideally should have made a different class
self.state_action_mat = {
self.state_action_reward_mat = {
self.q_matrix = {}
self.goal_state = 5
self.gamma = 0.5
self.final_state = 5
self.episodes = 50
self.states = 6
def populate_qmat(self):
for state in xrange(self.states):
for action in xrange(self.states):
self.q_matrix[(state, action)] = 0
def random_state(self):
return random.choice(self.state_action_mat.keys())
def max_reward_next_state(self, state):
candidates = {}
for s, val in self.q_matrix.iteritems():
if s[0] == state:
candidates[s] = val
temp = sorted(candidates.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return temp[0][1]
def find_action(self, state):
candidates = {}
for s, val in self.q_matrix.iteritems():
if s[0] == state:
candidates[s] = val
temp = sorted(candidates.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return temp[0][0][1]
# Instance of QLearning
qlearn = QLearning()
# initialize Q-Matrix to 0(Zero) score values
# loop through multiple episodes
for e in xrange(qlearn.episodes):
# start with initial random state
initial_state = qlearn.random_state()
start = initial_state
# steps taken to reach the goal
steps = 0
# path
path = []
# till goal is reached in each episode
while True:
steps += 1
# find action from a particular state with max Q-value
action = qlearn.find_action(initial_state)
# set this to next state
nextstate = action
# find qmax for the next state
qmax_next_state = qlearn.max_reward_next_state(nextstate)
# update the q matrix
reward = qlearn.state_action_reward_mat.get((initial_state, action))
# transition not possible from state to state
if not reward:
reward = -1
# update the Q-matrix
qlearn.q_matrix[(initial_state, action)] = reward + qlearn.gamma * qmax_next_state
# path update
# traverse to the next state
initial_state = nextstate
if initial_state == qlearn.final_state:
print ('Reached the goal in the episode number {} in {}'.\
format(colored(e, 'red'), colored(steps,'green')))
path = []
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