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Created April 19, 2017 17:07
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Smart Citizen API basic processing example
SmartCitizen API - basic example
This example demonstrate how to do a basic call to the SmartCitizen API
to retrieve historical data from one device.
For more info:
This code is under public domain.
long lastUpdate = 0;
long updateInterval = 20;
String resourceURL = "";
void setup() {
void draw() {
if (millis() - lastUpdate > (updateInterval*1000)) {
void getData() {
JSONObject sckData = loadJSONObject(resourceURL);
JSONObject data = sckData.getJSONObject("data"); // This contains your requested device info and data.
String timeStamp = data.getString("recorded_at");
JSONArray sensors = data.getJSONArray("sensors"); // You can get general device information from here
JSONObject lightSensor = sensors.getJSONObject(0); // You can get properties from an specific datapoint to do whatever you want.
float light = lightSensor.getFloat("value");
JSONObject humSensor = sensors.getJSONObject(2); // You can get properties from an specific datapoint to do whatever you want.
float hum = humSensor.getFloat("value");
JSONObject tempSensor = sensors.getJSONObject(3); // You can get properties from an specific datapoint to do whatever you want.
float temp = tempSensor.getFloat("value");
JSONObject no2Sensor = sensors.getJSONObject(4); // You can get properties from an specific datapoint to do whatever you want.
float no2 = no2Sensor.getFloat("value");
JSONObject coSensor = sensors.getJSONObject(5); // You can get properties from an specific datapoint to do whatever you want.
float co = coSensor.getFloat("value");
JSONObject noiseSensor = sensors.getJSONObject(7); // You can get properties from an specific datapoint to do whatever you want.
float noise = noiseSensor.getFloat("value");
println("lastPost >> " + timeStamp + " @ Temp: " + temp + " ªC | " + hum + " % rel | " + co + " kOhm | " + no2 + " kOhm | " + light + " lux | " + noise + " dB");
lastUpdate = millis();
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