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Created March 23, 2014 16:56
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#include <CapacitiveSensor.h>
CapacitiveSensor capSensor = CapacitiveSensor(4,2);
const int numReadings = 10;
long readings[numReadings]; // the readings from the analog input
int index = 0; // the index of the current reading
long total = 0; // the running total
long average = 0; // the average
boolean isOn = false;
long prevTimeChanged = 0;
void setup()
// initialize serial communication with computer:
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
// initialize all the readings to 0:
for (int thisReading = 0; thisReading < numReadings; thisReading++)
readings[thisReading] = 0;
void loop() {
// subtract the last reading:
total= total - readings[index];
// read from the sensor:
readings[index] = capSensor.capacitiveSensor(300);
// add the reading to the total:
total= total + readings[index];
// advance to the next position in the array:
index = index + 1;
// if we're at the end of the array...
if (index >= numReadings)
// ...wrap around to the beginning:
index = 0;
// calculate the average:
average = total / numReadings;
// send it to the computer as ASCII digits
long currentTime = millis();
if (average > 35.0 && (currentTime - prevTimeChanged > 2000)) {
prevTimeChanged = currentTime;
if (isOn) {
isOn = false;
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
else {
isOn = true;
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
delay(1); // delay in between reads for stability
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