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Created October 10, 2014 06:29
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  • Save pramodbiradar89/e527ee1a87088d924772 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pramodbiradar89/e527ee1a87088d924772 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/usr/sbin/rear -v -D mkrescu
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Relax-and-Recover 1.16.1 / Git
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Command line options: /usr/sbin/rear -v -D mkrescue
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Using log file: /var/log/rear/rear-debian.log
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including conf/Linux-i386.conf
+ . /usr/share/rear/conf/Linux-i386.conf
++ REQUIRED_PROGS=("${REQUIRED_PROGS[@]}" parted sfdisk)
++ PROGS=("${PROGS[@]}" grub partprobe lilo fdisk cfdisk)
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including conf/GNU/Linux.conf
+ . /usr/share/rear/conf/GNU/Linux.conf
++ PROGS=(${PROGS[@]} rpc.statd rpcbind bash mknod blkid vol_id udev_volume_id portmap readlink rpcinfo grep cat tac tr reboot halt shutdown killall5 killall chroot tee awk ip ifconfig nslookup route ifenslave ifrename nameif klogd syslog-ng syslogd rsyslogd echo cp date wc cut rm rmdir test init telinit ethtool expand sed mount umount insmod modprobe lsmod true false mingetty rmmod hostname uname sleep logger ps ln dirname basename mkdir tty ping netstat free traceroute less vi pico nano rmmod df ls dmesg du tar gzip netcat top iptraf joe pico getent id ldd strace rsync tail head find md5sum mkfs mkfs.ext2 mkfs.ext3 mkfs.ext4 mkfs.ext4dev mkfs.jfs mkfs.xfs mkfs.reiserfs mkfs.vfat mkfs.btrfs mkreiserfs fsck fsck.ext2 fsck.ext3 fsck.ext4 fsck.ext4dev fsck.xfs fsck.reiserfs reiserfsck fsck.btrfs btrfsck tune2fs tune4fs xfs_admin xfs_db btrfs jfs_tune reiserfstune expr egrep grep fgrep chmod chown stat mkswap swapon swapoff mknod touch scsi_id lsscsi logd initctl lspci usleep mktemp /bin/true strace which mkfifo seq openvt poweroff chacl getfacl setfacl attr getfattr setfattr mpath_wait strings xargs sg_inq)
++ LIBS=(${LIBS[@]} /lib*/libnss_dns* /lib*/libnss_files* /lib/*/libnss_dns* /lib/*/libnss_files* /lib*/libgcc_s* /lib*/libresolv* /usr/lib*/rsyslog/*so /lib*/rsyslog/*so /usr/lib*/syslog-ng/*)
++ MODULES=(${MODULES[@]} vfat nls_iso8859_1 nls_utf8 nls_cp437 af_packet unix nfs nfsv4 nfsv3 lockd sunrpc cifs usbcore usb_storage usbhid sr_mod ide_cd cdrom uhci_hcd ehci_hcd ohci_hcd zlib zlib-inflate zlib-deflate libcrc32c crc32c crc32c-intel)
++ COPY_AS_IS=(${COPY_AS_IS[@]} /dev /etc/inputr[c] /etc/protocols /etc/services /etc/rpc /etc/termcap /etc/terminfo /lib*/terminfo /usr/share/terminfo /etc/netconfig /etc/mke2fs.conf /etc/*-release /lib*/firmware /etc/localtime /etc/magic /usr/share/misc/magic /etc/dracut.conf /etc/dracut.conf.d /usr/lib/dracut)
++ KERNEL_CMDLINE=' selinux=0'
++ CLONE_USERS=("${CLONE_USERS[@]}" daemon rpc usbmuxd usbmux vcsa nobody)
++ CLONE_GROUPS=("${CLONE_GROUPS[@]}" tty usbmuxd usbmux fuse kvm)
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including /etc/rear/local.conf
+ . /etc/rear/local.conf
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Using build area '/tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ'
mkdir: created directory `/tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/rootfs'
mkdir: created directory `/tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp'
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Running mkrescue workflow
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Running 'prep' stage
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/default/
++ mkdir -p -v /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/rootfs/etc/rear
mkdir: created directory `/tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/rootfs/etc'
mkdir: created directory `/tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/rootfs/etc/rear'
++ rm -f -v /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/rootfs/etc/rear/rescue.conf
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/default/
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ [[ -z '' ]]
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/default/
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/default/
++ [[ -n '' ]]
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/default/
++ [[ ! -z '' ]]
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ [[ ! -z '' ]]
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/default/
++ cat -
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/
++ [[ -z '' ]]
+++ sort
+++ ls /dev/ttyS0 /dev/ttyS1 /dev/ttyS2 /dev/ttyS3
++ for devnode in '$(ls /dev/ttyS[0-9]* | sort)'
++ stty -F /dev/ttyS0
++ for devnode in '$(ls /dev/ttyS[0-9]* | sort)'
++ stty -F /dev/ttyS1
++ for devnode in '$(ls /dev/ttyS[0-9]* | sort)'
++ stty -F /dev/ttyS2
++ for devnode in '$(ls /dev/ttyS[0-9]* | sort)'
++ stty -F /dev/ttyS3
++ has_binary getty
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type getty
++ return 0
++ GETTY=getty
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/
++ define_dhclients_variable
++ local x
++ dhclients=()
++ for x in '"${DHCLIENT_BIN##*/}"' '"${DHCLIENT6_BIN##*/}"' dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6
++ '[' x == x ']'
++ continue
++ for x in '"${DHCLIENT_BIN##*/}"' '"${DHCLIENT6_BIN##*/}"' dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6
++ '[' x == x ']'
++ continue
++ for x in '"${DHCLIENT_BIN##*/}"' '"${DHCLIENT6_BIN##*/}"' dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6
++ '[' xdhcpcd == x ']'
++ dhclients=(${dhclients[@]} "$x")
++ for x in '"${DHCLIENT_BIN##*/}"' '"${DHCLIENT6_BIN##*/}"' dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6
++ '[' xdhclient == x ']'
++ for d in '${dhclients[@]}'
++ '[' xdhcpcd = xdhclient ']'
++ dhclients=(${dhclients[@]} "$x")
++ for x in '"${DHCLIENT_BIN##*/}"' '"${DHCLIENT6_BIN##*/}"' dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6
++ '[' xdhcp6c == x ']'
++ for d in '${dhclients[@]}'
++ '[' xdhcpcd = xdhcp6c ']'
++ for d in '${dhclients[@]}'
++ '[' xdhclient = xdhcp6c ']'
++ dhclients=(${dhclients[@]} "$x")
++ for x in '"${DHCLIENT_BIN##*/}"' '"${DHCLIENT6_BIN##*/}"' dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6
++ '[' xdhclient6 == x ']'
++ for d in '${dhclients[@]}'
++ '[' xdhcpcd = xdhclient6 ']'
++ for d in '${dhclients[@]}'
++ '[' xdhclient = xdhclient6 ']'
++ for d in '${dhclients[@]}'
++ '[' xdhcp6c = xdhclient6 ']'
++ dhclients=(${dhclients[@]} "$x")
++ dhclients='dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6'
++ dhcp_interfaces_active
++ local my_dhclients
++ my_dhclients='dhcpcd dhclient dhcp6c dhclient6'
++ my_dhclients='dhcpcd|dhclient|dhcp6c|dhclient6'
++ ps -e
++ grep -qEs '[ /](dhcpcd|dhclient|dhcp6c|dhclient6)'
++ '[' 0 -eq 0 ']'
++ Log 'Running DHCP client found, enabling USE_DHCLIENT'
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:15 Running DHCP client found, enabling USE_DHCLIENT'
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Running DHCP client found, enabling USE_DHCLIENT
++ '[' '!' -z '' ']'
++ '[' '!' -z '' ']'
++ '[' -z '' ']'
++ for x in '${dhclients}'
++ has_binary dhcpcd
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type dhcpcd
++ return 1
++ for x in '${dhclients}'
++ has_binary dhclient
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type dhclient
++ return 0
+++ get_path dhclient
+++ type -p dhclient
++ define_dhclient_bins /sbin/dhclient
++ case ${1##*/} in
++ DHCLIENT_BIN=dhclient
++ for x in '${dhclients}'
++ has_binary dhcp6c
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type dhcp6c
++ return 1
++ for x in '${dhclients}'
++ has_binary dhclient6
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type dhclient6
++ return 1
++ COPY_AS_IS=("${COPY_AS_IS[@]}" "/etc/localtime" "/usr/lib/dhcpcd/*")
++ PROGS=("${PROGS[@]}" arping ipcalc usleep "${dhclients[@]}")
++ '[' '!' -z y ']'
++ cat -
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/
+++ get_path lvm
+++ type -p lvm
++ test -c /dev/mapper/control -a -x ''
++ return
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/
++ grep -q blocks /proc/mdstat
++ return
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/
++ [[ '' != ^[yY1] ]]
++ return
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/
++ ps ax
++ grep -v grep
++ grep -q systemd
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/
++ lsmod
++ grep -q -E '^vmxnet\b'
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/
++ lsmod
++ grep -q drbd
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/ISO/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/ISO/default/
++ [[ ! -d /var/lib/rear/output ]]
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/GNU/Linux/
++ '[' '!' -d /recovery ']'
++ mkdir -p /var/lib/rear/recovery
+++ ls -d /boot/grub
++ grubdir=/boot/grub
++ [[ ! -d /boot/grub ]]
++ has_binary grub-probe
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type grub-probe
++ return 0
++ grub-probe -t device /boot/grub
++ PROGS=("${PROGS[@]}" grub-install grub-mkdevicemap grub-probe grub-set-default grub-mkconfig grub-reboot grub-setup grub-mkimage grub-mkrelpath grub2-install grub2-mkdevicemap grub2-probe grub2-set-default grub2-mkconfig grub2-reboot grub2-setup grub2-mkimage grub2-mkrelpath grub-bios-setup grub2-bios-setup)
++ COPY_AS_IS=("${COPY_AS_IS[@]}" /etc/default/grub /etc/grub.d/* /etc/grub*.cfg /boot/grub* /usr/lib/grub* /usr/share/grub*)
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/default/
++ grep -qw noefi /proc/cmdline
++ modprobe -q efivars
FATAL: Error inserting efivars (/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/firmware/efivars.ko): No such device
++ [[ -d /sys/firmware/efi/vars ]]
++ [[ -d /sys/firmware/efi/efivars ]]
++ return
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/ISO/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/ISO/default/
++ read DEV total used available junk
+++ df -kP /var/lib/rear/output
++ case $DEV in
++ read DEV total used available junk
++ case $DEV in
++ let available=available/1024
++ test 215228 -gt 20
++ StopIfError 'Not enough space in /var/lib/rear/output [/dev/sda1]: only 215228 MB free, need 20 MB'
++ (( 0 != 0 ))
++ Log 'ISO Directory '\''/var/lib/rear/output'\'' [/dev/sda1] has 215228 MB free space'
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:15 ISO Directory '\''/var/lib/rear/output'\'' [/dev/sda1] has 215228 MB free space'
2014-10-10 07:44:15 ISO Directory '/var/lib/rear/output' [/dev/sda1] has 215228 MB free space
++ read DEV total used available junk
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/ISO/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/ISO/GNU/Linux/
++ '[' -x /usr/bin/genisoimage ']'
++ StopIfError 'Could not find '\''mkisofs'\'' compatible program. Please install '\''mkisofs'\'' or '\''genisoimage'\'' into your path or manually set ISO_MKISOFS_BIN [/usr/bin/genisoimage]'
++ (( 0 != 0 ))
++ Log 'Using '\''/usr/bin/genisoimage'\'' to create ISO images'
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:15 Using '\''/usr/bin/genisoimage'\'' to create ISO images'
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Using '/usr/bin/genisoimage' to create ISO images
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/ISO/Linux-i386/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/ISO/Linux-i386/
++ [[ ! -s '' ]]
++ for file in '/usr/{share,lib,libexec}/*/isolinux.bin'
++ [[ -s /usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin ]]
++ ISO_ISOLINUX_BIN=/usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin
++ break
++ [[ -s /usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin ]]
++ StopIfError 'Could not find '\''isolinux.bin'\''. Maybe you have to set ISO_ISOLINUX_BIN [/usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin] or install the syslinux package ?'
++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ dirname /usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin
++ SYSLINUX_DIR=/usr/lib/syslinux
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/ISO/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/ISO/GNU/Linux/
+++ url_scheme
+++ local url=
+++ local scheme=
+++ echo
+++ grep -q :
+++ echo
++ local scheme=
++ case "$scheme" in
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including prep/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/prep/default/
++ [[ -f /etc/sysconfig/bootloader ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop0
++ [[ loop0 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop0 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop0 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop0 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop0 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop1
++ [[ loop1 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop1 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop1 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop1 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop1 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop2
++ [[ loop2 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop2 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop2 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop2 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop2 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop3
++ [[ loop3 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop3 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop3 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop3 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop3 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop4
++ [[ loop4 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop4 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop4 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop4 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop4 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop5
++ [[ loop5 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop5 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop5 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop5 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop5 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop6
++ [[ loop6 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop6 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop6 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop6 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop6 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop7
++ [[ loop7 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop7 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop7 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop7 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop7 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=sda
++ [[ sda = hd* ]]
++ [[ sda = sd* ]]
+++ get_device_name /sys/block/sda
+++ local name=/sys/block/sda
+++ name=sda
+++ [[ -n sda ]]
+++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local device dev_number mapper_number
+++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda ]]
+++ [[ -r /sys/block/sda/dm/name ]]
+++ dev_number=8:0
+++ name=sda
+++ echo /dev/sda
+++ return 1
++ devname=/dev/sda
++ dd if=/dev/sda bs=512 count=4
++ strings
4+0 records in
4+0 records out
2048 bytes (2.0 kB) copied, 0.00769949 s, 266 kB/s
++ grep -q EFI /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/bootloader
++ grep -q GRUB /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/bootloader
++ echo GRUB
++ return
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Finished running 'prep' stage in 0 seconds
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Running 'layout/save' stage
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
++ LogPrint 'Creating disk layout'
++ Log 'Creating disk layout'
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:15 Creating disk layout'
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Creating disk layout
++ Print 'Creating disk layout'
++ test 1
++ echo -e 'Creating disk layout'
++ Log 'Preparing layout directory.'
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:15 Preparing layout directory.'
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Preparing layout directory.
++ mkdir -p -v /var/lib/rear/layout
++ mkdir -p -v /var/lib/rear/recovery
++ mkdir -p -v /var/lib/rear/layout/config
++ DISKLAYOUT_FILE=/var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
++ '[' -e /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf ']'
++ Log 'Removing old layout file.'
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:15 Removing old layout file.'
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Removing old layout file.
++ :
++ LAYOUT_FILE=/var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
++ LAYOUT_DEPS=/var/lib/rear/layout/diskdeps.conf
++ LAYOUT_TODO=/var/lib/rear/layout/disktodo.conf
++ :
++ :
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
++ UdevQueryName=
++ type -p udevinfo
++ type -p udevadm
++ UdevQueryName='udevadm info --query=name --name'
++ [[ -z udevadm info --query=name --name ]]
++ ls /dev/disk/by-id
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/ata-SAMSUNG_MZ7TD256HAFV-000L7_S16GNYAD901654
++ ID_NEW=sda
++ echo ata-SAMSUNG_MZ7TD256HAFV-000L7_S16GNYAD901654 sda
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/ata-SAMSUNG_MZ7TD256HAFV-000L7_S16GNYAD901654-part1
++ ID_NEW=sda1
++ echo ata-SAMSUNG_MZ7TD256HAFV-000L7_S16GNYAD901654-part1 sda1
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/ata-SAMSUNG_MZ7TD256HAFV-000L7_S16GNYAD901654-part2
++ ID_NEW=sda2
++ echo ata-SAMSUNG_MZ7TD256HAFV-000L7_S16GNYAD901654-part2 sda2
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/ata-SAMSUNG_MZ7TD256HAFV-000L7_S16GNYAD901654-part5
++ ID_NEW=sda5
++ echo ata-SAMSUNG_MZ7TD256HAFV-000L7_S16GNYAD901654-part5 sda5
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_SAMSUNG_MZ7TD25S16GNYAD901654
++ ID_NEW=sda
++ echo scsi-SATA_SAMSUNG_MZ7TD25S16GNYAD901654 sda
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_SAMSUNG_MZ7TD25S16GNYAD901654-part1
++ ID_NEW=sda1
++ echo scsi-SATA_SAMSUNG_MZ7TD25S16GNYAD901654-part1 sda1
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_SAMSUNG_MZ7TD25S16GNYAD901654-part2
++ ID_NEW=sda2
++ echo scsi-SATA_SAMSUNG_MZ7TD25S16GNYAD901654-part2 sda2
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_SAMSUNG_MZ7TD25S16GNYAD901654-part5
++ ID_NEW=sda5
++ echo scsi-SATA_SAMSUNG_MZ7TD25S16GNYAD901654-part5 sda5
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/usb-MBIL_SSM_Moser_Baer_Disk_9BC41300520471CF-0:0
++ ID_NEW=sdb
++ echo usb-MBIL_SSM_Moser_Baer_Disk_9BC41300520471CF-0:0 sdb
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/usb-MBIL_SSM_Moser_Baer_Disk_9BC41300520471CF-0:0-part1
++ ID_NEW=sdb1
++ echo usb-MBIL_SSM_Moser_Baer_Disk_9BC41300520471CF-0:0-part1 sdb1
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x5002538500000000
++ ID_NEW=sda
++ echo wwn-0x5002538500000000 sda
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x5002538500000000-part1
++ ID_NEW=sda1
++ echo wwn-0x5002538500000000-part1 sda1
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x5002538500000000-part2
++ ID_NEW=sda2
++ echo wwn-0x5002538500000000-part2 sda2
++ read ID
+++ udevadm info --query=name --name /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x5002538500000000-part5
++ ID_NEW=sda5
++ echo wwn-0x5002538500000000-part5 sda5
++ read ID
++ [[ -f /var/lib/rear/recovery/diskbyid_mappings ]]
++ Log 'Saved diskbyid_mappings'
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:15 Saved diskbyid_mappings'
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Saved diskbyid_mappings
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+++ get_version parted -v
+++ TERM=dumb
+++ parted -v
+++ sed -rn 's/^[^0-9\.]*([0-9]+\.[-0-9a-z\.]+).*$/\1/p'
+++ head -1
++ parted_version=2.3
++ [[ -n 2.3 ]]
++ BugIfError 'Function get_version could not detect parted version.'
++ (( 0 != 0 ))
++ version_newer 2.3 1.8.2
++ v1list=(${1//[-.]/ })
++ local v1list
++ v2list=(${2//[-.]/ })
++ local v2list
++ local max=2
++ (( 2 < 3 ))
++ max=3
++ local pos
+++ seq 0 2
++ for pos in '$(seq 0 $(( max -1 )))'
++ (( 10#02 < 10#01 ))
++ (( 10#02 > 10#01 ))
++ return 0
++ version_newer 2.3 1.6.23
++ v1list=(${1//[-.]/ })
++ local v1list
++ v2list=(${2//[-.]/ })
++ local v2list
++ local max=2
++ (( 2 < 3 ))
++ max=3
++ local pos
+++ seq 0 2
++ for pos in '$(seq 0 $(( max -1 )))'
++ (( 10#02 < 10#01 ))
++ (( 10#02 > 10#01 ))
++ return 0
++ Log 'Saving disk partitions.'
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:15 Saving disk partitions.'
2014-10-10 07:44:15 Saving disk partitions.
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop0
++ [[ loop0 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop0 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop0 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop0 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop0 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop1
++ [[ loop1 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop1 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop1 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop1 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop1 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop2
++ [[ loop2 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop2 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop2 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop2 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop2 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop3
++ [[ loop3 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop3 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop3 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop3 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop3 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop4
++ [[ loop4 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop4 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop4 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop4 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop4 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop5
++ [[ loop5 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop5 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop5 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop5 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop5 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop6
++ [[ loop6 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop6 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop6 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop6 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop6 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=loop7
++ [[ loop7 = hd* ]]
++ [[ loop7 = sd* ]]
++ [[ loop7 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ loop7 = vd* ]]
++ [[ loop7 = xvd* ]]
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=sda
++ [[ sda = hd* ]]
++ [[ sda = sd* ]]
+++ get_device_name /sys/block/sda
+++ local name=/sys/block/sda
+++ name=sda
+++ [[ -n sda ]]
+++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local device dev_number mapper_number
+++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda ]]
+++ [[ -r /sys/block/sda/dm/name ]]
+++ dev_number=8:0
+++ name=sda
+++ echo /dev/sda
+++ return 1
++ devname=/dev/sda
+++ get_disk_size sda
+++ local disk_name=sda
++++ get_block_size sda
++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/queue/logical_block_size ']'
++++ echo 512
+++ local block_size=512
+++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/size ']'
+++ BugIfError 'Could not determine size of disk sda, please file a bug.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local nr_blocks=500118192
+++ local disk_size=256060514304
+++ echo 256060514304
++ devsize=256060514304
+++ parted -s /dev/sda print
+++ grep -E 'Partition Table|Disk label'
+++ cut -d : -f 2
+++ tr -d ' '
++ disktype=msdos
++ echo 'disk /dev/sda 256060514304 msdos'
++ extract_partitions /dev/sda
++ declare device=/dev/sda
+++ get_sysfs_name /dev/sda
+++ local name=sda
+++ name=sda
+++ [[ -e /sys/block/sda ]]
+++ echo sda
+++ return 0
++ declare sysfs_name=sda
+++ get_block_size sda
+++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/queue/logical_block_size ']'
+++ echo 512
++ declare block_size=512
++ sysfs_paths=(/sys/block/$sysfs_name/$sysfs_name*)
++ declare -a sysfs_paths
++ declare path sysfs_path
++ [[ 3 -eq 0 ]]
++ :
++ declare partition_name partition_prefix start_block
++ declare partition_nr size start
++ for path in '"${sysfs_paths[@]}"'
+++ get_device_name sda1
+++ local name=sda1
+++ name=sda1
+++ [[ -n sda1 ]]
+++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local device dev_number mapper_number
+++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda1 ]]
+++ name=sda1
+++ echo /dev/sda1
+++ return 1
++ partition_name=/dev/sda1
++ partition_name=sda1
++ partition_name=sda1
+++ get_partition_number sda1
+++ local partition=sda1
++++ echo sda1
++++ grep -o -E '[0-9]+$'
+++ local number=1
+++ '[' 1 -gt 0 ']'
+++ StopIfError 'Partition number '\''1'\'' of partition sda1 is not a valid number.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ (( 1 <= 128 ))
+++ StopIfError 'Partition sda1 is numbered '\''1'\''. More than 128 partitions is not supported.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ echo 1
++ partition_nr=1
++ partition_prefix=sda
+++ get_disk_size sda/sda1
+++ local disk_name=sda/sda1
++++ get_block_size sda
++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/queue/logical_block_size ']'
++++ echo 512
+++ local block_size=512
+++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/sda1/size ']'
+++ BugIfError 'Could not determine size of disk sda/sda1, please file a bug.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local nr_blocks=479799296
+++ local disk_size=245657239552
+++ echo 245657239552
++ size=245657239552
++ [[ -r /sys/block/sda/sda1/start ]]
++ start_block=2048
++ start=1048576
++ echo '1 245657239552 1048576'
++ for path in '"${sysfs_paths[@]}"'
+++ get_device_name sda2
+++ local name=sda2
+++ name=sda2
+++ [[ -n sda2 ]]
+++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local device dev_number mapper_number
+++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda2 ]]
+++ name=sda2
+++ echo /dev/sda2
+++ return 1
++ partition_name=/dev/sda2
++ partition_name=sda2
++ partition_name=sda2
+++ get_partition_number sda2
+++ local partition=sda2
++++ echo sda2
++++ grep -o -E '[0-9]+$'
+++ local number=2
+++ '[' 2 -gt 0 ']'
+++ StopIfError 'Partition number '\''2'\'' of partition sda2 is not a valid number.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ (( 2 <= 128 ))
+++ StopIfError 'Partition sda2 is numbered '\''2'\''. More than 128 partitions is not supported.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ echo 2
++ partition_nr=2
++ partition_prefix=sda
+++ get_disk_size sda/sda2
+++ local disk_name=sda/sda2
++++ get_block_size sda
++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/queue/logical_block_size ']'
++++ echo 512
+++ local block_size=512
+++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/sda2/size ']'
+++ BugIfError 'Could not determine size of disk sda/sda2, please file a bug.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local nr_blocks=2
+++ local disk_size=1024
+++ echo 1024
++ size=1024
++ [[ -r /sys/block/sda/sda2/start ]]
++ start_block=479803390
++ start=245659335680
++ echo '2 1024 245659335680'
++ for path in '"${sysfs_paths[@]}"'
+++ get_device_name sda5
+++ local name=sda5
+++ name=sda5
+++ [[ -n sda5 ]]
+++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local device dev_number mapper_number
+++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda5 ]]
+++ name=sda5
+++ echo /dev/sda5
+++ return 1
++ partition_name=/dev/sda5
++ partition_name=sda5
++ partition_name=sda5
+++ get_partition_number sda5
+++ local partition=sda5
++++ echo sda5
++++ grep -o -E '[0-9]+$'
+++ local number=5
+++ '[' 5 -gt 0 ']'
+++ StopIfError 'Partition number '\''5'\'' of partition sda5 is not a valid number.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ (( 5 <= 128 ))
+++ StopIfError 'Partition sda5 is numbered '\''5'\''. More than 128 partitions is not supported.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ echo 5
++ partition_nr=5
++ partition_prefix=sda
+++ get_disk_size sda/sda5
+++ local disk_name=sda/sda5
++++ get_block_size sda
++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/queue/logical_block_size ']'
++++ echo 512
+++ local block_size=512
+++ '[' -r /sys/block/sda/sda5/size ']'
+++ BugIfError 'Could not determine size of disk sda/sda5, please file a bug.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local nr_blocks=20314112
+++ local disk_size=10400825344
+++ echo 10400825344
++ size=10400825344
++ [[ -r /sys/block/sda/sda5/start ]]
++ start_block=479803392
++ start=245659336704
++ echo '5 10400825344 245659336704'
++ sort -n /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions_unsorted
++ [[ ! -s /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions ]]
++ declare disk_label
++ [[ -n y ]]
++ parted -m -s /dev/sda print
+++ grep '^/' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/parted
+++ cut -d : -f 6
++ disk_label=msdos
++ cp /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions-data
++ declare type
++ [[ msdos = \m\s\d\o\s ]]
++ declare -i has_logical
++ read partition_nr size start junk
++ (( 1 > 4 ))
++ declare type=primary
++ sed -i '/^1 /s/$/ primary/' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions
++ read partition_nr size start junk
++ (( 2 > 4 ))
++ declare type=primary
++ sed -i '/^2 /s/$/ primary/' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions
++ read partition_nr size start junk
++ (( 5 > 4 ))
++ has_logical=1
++ sed -i '/^5 /s/$/ logical/' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions
++ read partition_nr size start junk
++ [[ msdos = \g\p\t ]]
++ declare flags flaglist
++ [[ -n y ]]
++ read partition_nr size start junk
+++ grep '^1:' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/parted
+++ cut -d : -f 7
+++ tr -d ,
+++ tr -d ';'
++ flaglist=boot
++ flags=
++ for flag in '$flaglist'
++ [[ boot = boot ]]
++ flags=boot,
++ [[ -z boot, ]]
++ sed -i '/^1 /s/$/ boot/' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions
++ read partition_nr size start junk
+++ grep '^2:' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/parted
+++ cut -d : -f 7
+++ tr -d ,
+++ tr -d ';'
++ flaglist=
++ flags=
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ flags=none
++ sed -i '/^2 /s/$/ none/' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions
++ read partition_nr size start junk
+++ grep '^5:' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/parted
+++ cut -d : -f 7
+++ tr -d ,
+++ tr -d ';'
++ flaglist=
++ flags=
++ [[ -z '' ]]
++ flags=none
++ sed -i '/^5 /s/$/ none/' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions
++ read partition_nr size start junk
++ [[ msdos = \m\s\d\o\s ]]
++ [[ -n 1 ]]
++ cp /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions-data
++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk
++ (( 1 > 4 ))
++ has_binary sfdisk
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type sfdisk
++ return 0
+++ sfdisk -c /dev/sda 1
++ declare partition_id=83
++ [[ 83 = 5 ]]
++ [[ 83 = f ]]
++ [[ 83 = 85 ]]
++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk
++ (( 2 > 4 ))
++ has_binary sfdisk
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type sfdisk
++ return 0
+++ sfdisk -c /dev/sda 2
++ declare partition_id=5
++ [[ 5 = 5 ]]
++ sed -i '/^2 /s/ primary / extended /' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions
++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk
++ (( 5 > 4 ))
++ continue
++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk
++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk
++ partition_name=/dev/sda1
+++ get_device_name /dev/sda1
+++ local name=sda1
+++ name=sda1
+++ [[ -n sda1 ]]
+++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local device dev_number mapper_number
+++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda1 ]]
+++ name=sda1
+++ echo /dev/sda1
+++ return 1
++ echo 'part /dev/sda 245657239552 1048576 primary boot /dev/sda1'
++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk
++ partition_name=/dev/sda2
+++ get_device_name /dev/sda2
+++ local name=sda2
+++ name=sda2
+++ [[ -n sda2 ]]
+++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local device dev_number mapper_number
+++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda2 ]]
+++ name=sda2
+++ echo /dev/sda2
+++ return 1
++ echo 'part /dev/sda 1024 245659335680 extended none /dev/sda2'
++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk
++ partition_name=/dev/sda5
+++ get_device_name /dev/sda5
+++ local name=sda5
+++ name=sda5
+++ [[ -n sda5 ]]
+++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local device dev_number mapper_number
+++ [[ -d /sys/block/sda5 ]]
+++ name=sda5
+++ echo /dev/sda5
+++ return 1
++ echo 'part /dev/sda 10400825344 245659336704 logical none /dev/sda5'
++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=sdb
++ [[ sdb = hd* ]]
++ [[ sdb = sd* ]]
+++ get_device_name /sys/block/sdb
+++ local name=/sys/block/sdb
+++ name=sdb
+++ [[ -n sdb ]]
+++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local device dev_number mapper_number
+++ [[ -d /sys/block/sdb ]]
+++ [[ -r /sys/block/sdb/dm/name ]]
+++ dev_number=8:16
+++ name=sdb
+++ echo /dev/sdb
+++ return 1
++ devname=/dev/sdb
+++ get_disk_size sdb
+++ local disk_name=sdb
++++ get_block_size sdb
++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sdb/queue/logical_block_size ']'
++++ echo 512
+++ local block_size=512
+++ '[' -r /sys/block/sdb/size ']'
+++ BugIfError 'Could not determine size of disk sdb, please file a bug.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local nr_blocks=7634944
+++ local disk_size=3909091328
+++ echo 3909091328
++ devsize=3909091328
+++ parted -s /dev/sdb print
+++ grep -E 'Partition Table|Disk label'
+++ cut -d : -f 2
+++ tr -d ' '
++ disktype=msdos
++ echo 'disk /dev/sdb 3909091328 msdos'
++ extract_partitions /dev/sdb
++ declare device=/dev/sdb
+++ get_sysfs_name /dev/sdb
+++ local name=sdb
+++ name=sdb
+++ [[ -e /sys/block/sdb ]]
+++ echo sdb
+++ return 0
++ declare sysfs_name=sdb
+++ get_block_size sdb
+++ '[' -r /sys/block/sdb/queue/logical_block_size ']'
+++ echo 512
++ declare block_size=512
++ sysfs_paths=(/sys/block/$sysfs_name/$sysfs_name*)
++ declare -a sysfs_paths
++ declare path sysfs_path
++ [[ 1 -eq 0 ]]
++ :
++ declare partition_name partition_prefix start_block
++ declare partition_nr size start
++ for path in '"${sysfs_paths[@]}"'
+++ get_device_name sdb1
+++ local name=sdb1
+++ name=sdb1
+++ [[ -n sdb1 ]]
+++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local device dev_number mapper_number
+++ [[ -d /sys/block/sdb1 ]]
+++ name=sdb1
+++ echo /dev/sdb1
+++ return 1
++ partition_name=/dev/sdb1
++ partition_name=sdb1
++ partition_name=sdb1
+++ get_partition_number sdb1
+++ local partition=sdb1
++++ echo sdb1
++++ grep -o -E '[0-9]+$'
+++ local number=1
+++ '[' 1 -gt 0 ']'
+++ StopIfError 'Partition number '\''1'\'' of partition sdb1 is not a valid number.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ (( 1 <= 128 ))
+++ StopIfError 'Partition sdb1 is numbered '\''1'\''. More than 128 partitions is not supported.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ echo 1
++ partition_nr=1
++ partition_prefix=sdb
+++ get_disk_size sdb/sdb1
+++ local disk_name=sdb/sdb1
++++ get_block_size sdb
++++ '[' -r /sys/block/sdb/queue/logical_block_size ']'
++++ echo 512
+++ local block_size=512
+++ '[' -r /sys/block/sdb/sdb1/size ']'
+++ BugIfError 'Could not determine size of disk sdb/sdb1, please file a bug.'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local nr_blocks=7634943
+++ local disk_size=3909090816
+++ echo 3909090816
++ size=3909090816
++ [[ -r /sys/block/sdb/sdb1/start ]]
++ start_block=1
++ start=512
++ echo '1 3909090816 512'
++ sort -n /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions_unsorted
++ [[ ! -s /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions ]]
++ declare disk_label
++ [[ -n y ]]
++ parted -m -s /dev/sdb print
+++ grep '^/' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/parted
+++ cut -d : -f 6
++ disk_label=msdos
++ cp /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions-data
++ declare type
++ [[ msdos = \m\s\d\o\s ]]
++ declare -i has_logical
++ read partition_nr size start junk
++ (( 1 > 4 ))
++ declare type=primary
++ sed -i '/^1 /s/$/ primary/' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions
++ read partition_nr size start junk
++ [[ msdos = \g\p\t ]]
++ declare flags flaglist
++ [[ -n y ]]
++ read partition_nr size start junk
+++ grep '^1:' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/parted
+++ cut -d : -f 7
+++ tr -d ,
+++ tr -d ';'
++ flaglist=boot
++ flags=
++ for flag in '$flaglist'
++ [[ boot = boot ]]
++ flags=boot,
++ [[ -z boot, ]]
++ sed -i '/^1 /s/$/ boot/' /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/tmp/partitions
++ read partition_nr size start junk
++ [[ msdos = \m\s\d\o\s ]]
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk
++ partition_name=/dev/sdb1
+++ get_device_name /dev/sdb1
+++ local name=sdb1
+++ name=sdb1
+++ [[ -n sdb1 ]]
+++ BugIfError 'Empty string passed to get_device_name'
+++ (( 0 != 0 ))
+++ local device dev_number mapper_number
+++ [[ -d /sys/block/sdb1 ]]
+++ name=sdb1
+++ echo /dev/sdb1
+++ return 1
++ echo 'part /dev/sdb 3909090816 512 primary boot /dev/sdb1'
++ read partition_nr size start type flags junk
++ for disk in '/sys/block/*'
++ blockd=sr0
++ [[ sr0 = hd* ]]
++ [[ sr0 = sd* ]]
++ [[ sr0 = cciss* ]]
++ [[ sr0 = vd* ]]
++ [[ sr0 = xvd* ]]
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
++ '[' -e /proc/mdstat ']'
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
++ has_binary lvm
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type lvm
++ return 1
++ return
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
++ Log 'Saving Filesystem layout.'
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:16 Saving Filesystem layout.'
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Saving Filesystem layout.
++ read device on mountpoint type fstype options junk
+++ mount
++ '[' dev/sda1 = /dev/sda1 ']'
++ '[' '!' -b /dev/sda1 ']'
++ '[' ext3 = iso9660 ']'
++ [[ /dev/sda1 == /dev/disk/by-uuid* ]]
++ echo -n 'fs /dev/sda1 / ext3 '
++ case "$fstype" in
++ tunefs=tune2fs
++ '[' ext3 = ext4 ']'
+++ tune2fs -l /dev/sda1
+++ grep UUID
+++ cut -d : -f 2
+++ tr -d ' '
++ uuid=ed5ae050-2e57-45c8-aa74-9673071e8eb8
+++ e2label /dev/sda1
++ label=
+++ tune2fs -l /dev/sda1
+++ grep 'Block size'
+++ tr -d ' '
+++ cut -d : -f 2
++ blocksize=4096
+++ tune2fs -l /dev/sda1
+++ grep 'Maximum mount count'
+++ tr -d ' '
+++ cut -d : -f 2
++ max_mounts=27
+++ tune2fs -l /dev/sda1
+++ grep 'Check interval'
+++ cut -d '(' -f 1
+++ tr -d ' '
+++ cut -d : -f 2
++ check_interval=15552000
+++ tune2fs -l /dev/sda1
+++ grep 'Block count'
+++ tr -d ' '
+++ cut -d : -f 2
++ nr_blocks=59974912
+++ tune2fs -l /dev/sda1
+++ grep 'Reserved block count'
+++ tr -d ' '
+++ cut -d : -f 2
++ reserved_blocks=2998745
++ reserved_percentage=4
+++ tune2fs -l /dev/sda1
+++ grep 'Inode count'
+++ tr -d ' '
+++ cut -d : -f 2
++ nr_inodes=14999552
++ let 'bytes_per_inode=59974912*4096/14999552'
+++ tune2fs -l /dev/sda1
+++ grep -i 'Default mount options'
+++ cut -d : -f 2
+++ awk '{$1=$1};1'
+++ tr ' ' ,
+++ grep -v none
++ default_mount_options=
++ let check_interval=15552000/86400
++ echo -n 'uuid=ed5ae050-2e57-45c8-aa74-9673071e8eb8 label='
++ echo -n ' blocksize=4096 reserved_blocks=4%'
++ echo -n ' max_mounts=27 check_interval=180d'
++ echo -n ' bytes_per_inode=16377'
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ options='rw,errors=remount-ro)'
++ options=rw,errors=remount-ro
++ case "$fstype" in
++ echo -n ' options=rw,errors=remount-ro'
++ echo
++ read device on mountpoint type fstype options junk
++ '[' tmpfs = tmpfs ']'
++ continue
++ read device on mountpoint type fstype options junk
++ '[' proc = proc ']'
++ continue
++ read device on mountpoint type fstype options junk
++ '[' sysfs = sysfs ']'
++ continue
++ read device on mountpoint type fstype options junk
++ '[' udev = udev ']'
++ continue
++ read device on mountpoint type fstype options junk
++ '[' tmpfs = tmpfs ']'
++ continue
++ read device on mountpoint type fstype options junk
++ '[' devpts = devpts ']'
++ continue
++ read device on mountpoint type fstype options junk
++ '[' fusectl = fusectl ']'
++ continue
++ read device on mountpoint type fstype options junk
++ '[' binfmt_misc = binfmt_misc ']'
++ continue
++ read device on mountpoint type fstype options junk
++ '[' nfsd = nfsd ']'
++ continue
++ read device on mountpoint type fstype options junk
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
++ Log 'Saving Swap information.'
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:16 Saving Swap information.'
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Saving Swap information.
++ read filename type junk
+++ cat /proc/swaps
++ '[' Filename = Filename ']'
++ continue
++ read filename type junk
++ '[' /dev/sda5 = Filename ']'
++ '[' partition = file ']'
+++ ls
++ for dlink in '$(ls /dev/mapper/*)'
+++ readlink -f local.conf
++ target=/etc/rear/local.conf
++ '[' /etc/rear/local.conf = /dev/sda5 ']'
++ has_binary swaplabel
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type swaplabel
++ return 1
++ has_binary blkid
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type blkid
++ return 0
+++ blkid /dev/sda5
+++ tr ' ' '\n'
++ for value in '$(blkid $filename | tr " " "\n")'
++ case $value in
++ for value in '$(blkid $filename | tr " " "\n")'
++ case $value in
+++ echo 'UUID="7c313977-c053-45db-bc1f-d2dd3a542646"'
+++ cut -d= -f2
+++ sed -e 's/"//g'
++ uuid=7c313977-c053-45db-bc1f-d2dd3a542646
++ for value in '$(blkid $filename | tr " " "\n")'
++ case $value in
++ echo 'swap /dev/sda5 uuid=7c313977-c053-45db-bc1f-d2dd3a542646 label='
++ read filename type junk
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
++ '[' -e /proc/drbd ']'
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
++ has_binary cryptsetup
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type cryptsetup
++ return 1
++ return
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
++ define_HPSSACLI
++ has_binary hpacucli
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type hpacucli
++ return 1
++ has_binary hpssacli
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type hpssacli
++ return 1
++ has_binary
++ return 1
++ return
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
++ read dm_name junk
+++ dmsetup ls --target multipath
/proc/misc: No entry for device-mapper found
Is device-mapper driver missing from kernel?
Failure to communicate with kernel device-mapper driver.
Command failed
++ grep -q '^multipath' /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/default/
++ generate_layout_dependencies
++ :
++ :
++ local type dev remainder name disk disks vgrp dm_vgrp lvol dm_lvol part mp fs bd nmp temp_nm
++ read type remainder
+++ cat /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
++ case $type in
+++ echo '/dev/sda 256060514304 msdos'
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 1
++ name=/dev/sda
++ add_component /dev/sda disk
++ echo 'todo /dev/sda disk'
++ read type remainder
++ case $type in
+++ echo '/dev/sda 245657239552 1048576 primary boot /dev/sda1'
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 1
++ disk=/dev/sda
+++ echo '/dev/sda 245657239552 1048576 primary boot /dev/sda1'
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 6
++ name=/dev/sda1
++ add_dependency /dev/sda1 /dev/sda
++ echo '/dev/sda1 /dev/sda'
++ add_component /dev/sda1 part
++ echo 'todo /dev/sda1 part'
++ read type remainder
++ case $type in
+++ echo '/dev/sda 1024 245659335680 extended none /dev/sda2'
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 1
++ disk=/dev/sda
+++ echo '/dev/sda 1024 245659335680 extended none /dev/sda2'
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 6
++ name=/dev/sda2
++ add_dependency /dev/sda2 /dev/sda
++ echo '/dev/sda2 /dev/sda'
++ add_component /dev/sda2 part
++ echo 'todo /dev/sda2 part'
++ read type remainder
++ case $type in
+++ echo '/dev/sda 10400825344 245659336704 logical none /dev/sda5'
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 1
++ disk=/dev/sda
+++ echo '/dev/sda 10400825344 245659336704 logical none /dev/sda5'
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 6
++ name=/dev/sda5
++ add_dependency /dev/sda5 /dev/sda
++ echo '/dev/sda5 /dev/sda'
++ add_component /dev/sda5 part
++ echo 'todo /dev/sda5 part'
++ read type remainder
++ case $type in
+++ echo '/dev/sdb 3909091328 msdos'
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 1
++ name=/dev/sdb
++ add_component /dev/sdb disk
++ echo 'todo /dev/sdb disk'
++ read type remainder
++ case $type in
+++ echo '/dev/sdb 3909090816 512 primary boot /dev/sdb1'
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 1
++ disk=/dev/sdb
+++ echo '/dev/sdb 3909090816 512 primary boot /dev/sdb1'
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 6
++ name=/dev/sdb1
++ add_dependency /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb
++ echo '/dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb'
++ add_component /dev/sdb1 part
++ echo 'todo /dev/sdb1 part'
++ read type remainder
++ case $type in
+++ echo '/dev/sda1 / ext3 uuid=ed5ae050-2e57-45c8-aa74-9673071e8eb8 label= blocksize=4096 reserved_blocks=4% max_mounts=27 check_interval=180d bytes_per_inode=16377 options=rw,errors=remount-ro'
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 1
++ dev=/dev/sda1
+++ echo '/dev/sda1 / ext3 uuid=ed5ae050-2e57-45c8-aa74-9673071e8eb8 label= blocksize=4096 reserved_blocks=4% max_mounts=27 check_interval=180d bytes_per_inode=16377 options=rw,errors=remount-ro'
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 2
++ mp=/
++ add_dependency fs:/ /dev/sda1
++ echo 'fs:/ /dev/sda1'
++ add_component fs:/ fs
++ echo 'todo fs:/ fs'
++ read fs bd nmp junk
+++ grep '^fs' /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
++ '[' / '!=' / ']'
++ temp_nmp=/
++ '[' '' '!=' / ']'
++ '[' / '!=' / ']'
++ read fs bd nmp junk
++ read type remainder
++ case $type in
+++ echo '/dev/sda5 uuid=7c313977-c053-45db-bc1f-d2dd3a542646 label='
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 1
++ dev=/dev/sda5
++ add_dependency swap:/dev/sda5 /dev/sda5
++ echo 'swap:/dev/sda5 /dev/sda5'
++ add_component swap:/dev/sda5 swap
++ echo 'todo swap:/dev/sda5 swap'
++ read type remainder
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/default/
++ '[' 0 -gt 0 ']'
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/default/
++ [[ y =~ ^[yY1] ]]
++ read multipath device devices junk
+++ grep '^multipath' /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
++ [[ -n /media ]]
++ for exclude in '"${AUTOEXCLUDE_PATH[@]}"'
++ read fs device mountpoint junk
+++ grep '^fs' /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
++ [[ / != \/ ]]
++ read fs device mountpoint junk
++ [[ y =~ ^[yY1] ]]
++ used_disks=()
++ read fs device mountpoint junk
+++ grep '^fs' /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
++ IsInArray /
++ local needle=/
++ shift
++ [[ / == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ grep -q '^done fs:/ ' /var/lib/rear/layout/disktodo.conf
+++ find_disk fs:/
+++ get_parent_components fs:/ disk
+++ declare -a ancestors devlist
+++ declare current child parent
+++ devlist=("$1")
+++ (( 1 ))
+++ current=fs:/
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda1 = \f\s\:\/ ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda2 = \f\s\:\/ ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda5 = \f\s\:\/ ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sdb1 = \f\s\:\/ ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ fs:/ = \f\s\:\/ ]]
+++ IsInArray /dev/sda1
+++ local needle=/dev/sda1
+++ shift
+++ [[ /dev/sda1 == '' ]]
+++ shift
+++ return 1
+++ devlist=("${devlist[@]}" "$parent")
+++ ancestors=("${ancestors[@]}" "$parent")
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ swap:/dev/sda5 = \f\s\:\/ ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ unset 'devlist[0]'
+++ devlist=("${devlist[@]}")
+++ (( 1 ))
+++ current=/dev/sda1
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda1 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ IsInArray /dev/sda /dev/sda1
+++ local needle=/dev/sda
+++ shift
+++ [[ /dev/sda == \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ shift
+++ [[ /dev/sda == '' ]]
+++ shift
+++ return 1
+++ devlist=("${devlist[@]}" "$parent")
+++ ancestors=("${ancestors[@]}" "$parent")
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda2 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda5 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sdb1 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ fs:/ = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ swap:/dev/sda5 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ unset 'devlist[0]'
+++ devlist=("${devlist[@]}")
+++ (( 1 ))
+++ current=/dev/sda
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda1 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda2 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda5 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sdb1 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ fs:/ = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ swap:/dev/sda5 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ unset 'devlist[0]'
+++ devlist=("${devlist[@]}")
+++ (( 0 ))
+++ declare component type
+++ for component in '"${ancestors[@]}"'
+++ [[ -n disk ]]
++++ get_component_type /dev/sda1
++++ grep -E '^[^ ]+ /dev/sda1 ' /var/lib/rear/layout/disktodo.conf
++++ cut -d ' ' -f 3
+++ type=part
+++ [[ part != \d\i\s\k ]]
+++ continue
+++ for component in '"${ancestors[@]}"'
+++ [[ -n disk ]]
++++ get_component_type /dev/sda
++++ grep -E '^[^ ]+ /dev/sda ' /var/lib/rear/layout/disktodo.conf
++++ cut -d ' ' -f 3
+++ type=disk
+++ [[ disk != \d\i\s\k ]]
+++ echo /dev/sda
++ disks=/dev/sda
++ for disk in '$disks'
++ IsInArray /dev/sda
++ local needle=/dev/sda
++ shift
++ [[ /dev/sda == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ used_disks=("${used_disks[@]}" "$disk")
++ read fs device mountpoint junk
++ read disk name junk
+++ grep '^disk' /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
++ IsInArray /dev/sda /dev/sda
++ local needle=/dev/sda
++ shift
++ [[ /dev/sda == \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
++ return 0
++ read disk name junk
++ IsInArray /dev/sdb /dev/sda
++ local needle=/dev/sdb
++ shift
++ [[ /dev/sdb == \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ /dev/sdb == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ Log 'Disk /dev/sdb is not used by any mounted filesystem. Excluding.'
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:16 Disk /dev/sdb is not used by any mounted filesystem. Excluding.'
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Disk /dev/sdb is not used by any mounted filesystem. Excluding.
++ mark_as_done /dev/sdb
++ Debug 'Marking /dev/sdb as done.'
++ test ''
++ sed -i 's;todo\ /dev/sdb\ ;done\ /dev/sdb\ ;' /var/lib/rear/layout/disktodo.conf
++ mark_tree_as_done /dev/sdb
+++ get_child_components /dev/sdb
+++ declare -a devlist children
+++ declare current child parent
+++ devlist=("$1")
+++ (( 1 ))
+++ current=/dev/sdb
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\b ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\b ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\b ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sdb = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\b ]]
+++ IsInArray /dev/sdb1
+++ local needle=/dev/sdb1
+++ shift
+++ [[ /dev/sdb1 == '' ]]
+++ shift
+++ return 1
+++ devlist=("${devlist[@]}" "$child")
+++ children=("${children[@]}" "$child")
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda1 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\b ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda5 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\b ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ unset 'devlist[0]'
+++ devlist=("${devlist[@]}")
+++ (( 1 ))
+++ current=/dev/sdb1
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\b\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\b\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\b\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sdb = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\b\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda1 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\b\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda5 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\b\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ unset 'devlist[0]'
+++ devlist=("${devlist[@]}")
+++ (( 0 ))
+++ declare component type
+++ for component in '"${children[@]}"'
+++ [[ -n '' ]]
+++ echo /dev/sdb1
++ for component in '$(get_child_components "$1")'
++ Debug 'Marking /dev/sdb1 as done (dependent on /dev/sdb)'
++ test ''
++ mark_as_done /dev/sdb1
++ Debug 'Marking /dev/sdb1 as done.'
++ test ''
++ sed -i 's;todo\ /dev/sdb1\ ;done\ /dev/sdb1\ ;' /var/lib/rear/layout/disktodo.conf
++ read disk name junk
++ read multipath device slaves junk
+++ grep '^multipath' /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
++ [[ -n '' ]]
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/default/
++ '[' -s /var/lib/rear/layout/disktodo.conf ']'
++ read done name type junk
+++ grep '^done' /var/lib/rear/layout/disktodo.conf
++ case "$type" in
++ remove_component disk /dev/sdb
++ sed -i 's|^disk /dev/sdb |\#disk /dev/sdb |' /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
++ read done name type junk
++ case "$type" in
+++ grep '^/dev/sdb1 ' /var/lib/rear/layout/diskdeps.conf
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 2
++ name=/dev/sdb
++ remove_component part /dev/sdb
++ sed -i 's|^part /dev/sdb |\#part /dev/sdb |' /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
++ read done name type junk
++ read status name junk
+++ grep -E '^done [^ ]+ lvmgrp' /var/lib/rear/layout/disktodo.conf
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/default/
++ excluded_mountpoints=()
++ read fs device mountpoint junk
+++ grep '^fs' /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
++ IsInArray fs:/
++ local needle=fs:/
++ shift
++ [[ fs:/ == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
+++ get_parent_components fs:/
+++ sort -u
+++ declare -a ancestors devlist
+++ declare current child parent
+++ devlist=("$1")
+++ (( 1 ))
+++ current=fs:/
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda1 = \f\s\:\/ ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda2 = \f\s\:\/ ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda5 = \f\s\:\/ ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sdb1 = \f\s\:\/ ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ fs:/ = \f\s\:\/ ]]
+++ IsInArray /dev/sda1
+++ local needle=/dev/sda1
+++ shift
+++ [[ /dev/sda1 == '' ]]
+++ shift
+++ return 1
+++ devlist=("${devlist[@]}" "$parent")
+++ ancestors=("${ancestors[@]}" "$parent")
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ swap:/dev/sda5 = \f\s\:\/ ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ unset 'devlist[0]'
+++ devlist=("${devlist[@]}")
+++ (( 1 ))
+++ current=/dev/sda1
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda1 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ IsInArray /dev/sda /dev/sda1
+++ local needle=/dev/sda
+++ shift
+++ [[ /dev/sda == \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ shift
+++ [[ /dev/sda == '' ]]
+++ shift
+++ return 1
+++ devlist=("${devlist[@]}" "$parent")
+++ ancestors=("${ancestors[@]}" "$parent")
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda2 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda5 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sdb1 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ fs:/ = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ swap:/dev/sda5 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a\1 ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ unset 'devlist[0]'
+++ devlist=("${devlist[@]}")
+++ (( 1 ))
+++ current=/dev/sda
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda1 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda2 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sda5 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ /dev/sdb1 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ fs:/ = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ [[ swap:/dev/sda5 = \/\d\e\v\/\s\d\a ]]
+++ read child parent junk
+++ unset 'devlist[0]'
+++ devlist=("${devlist[@]}")
+++ (( 0 ))
+++ declare component type
+++ for component in '"${ancestors[@]}"'
+++ [[ -n '' ]]
+++ echo /dev/sda1
+++ for component in '"${ancestors[@]}"'
+++ [[ -n '' ]]
+++ echo /dev/sda
++ for component in '$(get_parent_components "fs:$mountpoint" | sort -u)'
++ IsInArray /dev/sda
++ local needle=/dev/sda
++ shift
++ [[ /dev/sda == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ for component in '$(get_parent_components "fs:$mountpoint" | sort -u)'
++ IsInArray /dev/sda1
++ local needle=/dev/sda1
++ shift
++ [[ /dev/sda1 == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read fs device mountpoint junk
++ read fs device mountpoint junk
+++ grep '^fs' /var/lib/rear/layout/disklayout.conf
++ IsInArray /
++ local needle=/
++ shift
++ [[ / == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ echo '/ /dev/sda1'
++ read fs device mountpoint junk
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
++ '[' -e /etc/drbdtab ']'
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/default/
++ case $BACKUP in
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/default/
+++ cat /var/lib/rear/recovery/bootloader
++ myBOOTloader=GRUB
++ case $myBOOTloader in
++ CHECK_CONFIG_FILES=(${CHECK_CONFIG_FILES[@]} /etc/grub.cfg /etc/grub2.cfg /boot/grub2/grub2.cfg /boot/grub/grub.cfg)
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/default/
++ [[ -d /etc/sysconfig/network ]]
++ [[ -d /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts ]]
++ [[ -d /etc/network ]]
++ CHECK_CONFIG_FILES=(${CHECK_CONFIG_FILES[@]} /etc/network/interfaces)
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
++ has_binary lvm
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type lvm
++ return 1
++ return
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/GNU/Linux/
++ df -Plh
++ grep -vP '^(encfs)'
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including layout/save/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/layout/save/default/
++ '[' mkrescue = checklayout ']'
++ config_files=()
++ for obj in '"${CHECK_CONFIG_FILES[@]}"'
++ '[' -d /etc/drbd/ ']'
++ '[' -e /etc/drbd/ ']'
++ for obj in '"${CHECK_CONFIG_FILES[@]}"'
++ '[' -d /etc/drbd.conf ']'
++ '[' -e /etc/drbd.conf ']'
++ for obj in '"${CHECK_CONFIG_FILES[@]}"'
++ '[' -d /etc/lvm/lvm.conf ']'
++ '[' -e /etc/lvm/lvm.conf ']'
++ for obj in '"${CHECK_CONFIG_FILES[@]}"'
++ '[' -d /etc/multipath.conf ']'
++ '[' -e /etc/multipath.conf ']'
++ for obj in '"${CHECK_CONFIG_FILES[@]}"'
++ '[' -d /etc/rear/ ']'
++ config_files=("${config_files[@]}" $(find "$obj" -type f))
+++ find /etc/rear/ -type f
++ for obj in '"${CHECK_CONFIG_FILES[@]}"'
++ '[' -d /etc/udev/udev.conf ']'
++ '[' -e /etc/udev/udev.conf ']'
++ config_files=("${config_files[@]}" "$obj")
++ for obj in '"${CHECK_CONFIG_FILES[@]}"'
++ '[' -d /etc/grub.cfg ']'
++ '[' -e /etc/grub.cfg ']'
++ for obj in '"${CHECK_CONFIG_FILES[@]}"'
++ '[' -d /etc/grub2.cfg ']'
++ '[' -e /etc/grub2.cfg ']'
++ for obj in '"${CHECK_CONFIG_FILES[@]}"'
++ '[' -d /boot/grub2/grub2.cfg ']'
++ '[' -e /boot/grub2/grub2.cfg ']'
++ for obj in '"${CHECK_CONFIG_FILES[@]}"'
++ '[' -d /boot/grub/grub.cfg ']'
++ '[' -e /boot/grub/grub.cfg ']'
++ config_files=("${config_files[@]}" "$obj")
++ for obj in '"${CHECK_CONFIG_FILES[@]}"'
++ '[' -d /etc/network/interfaces ']'
++ '[' -e /etc/network/interfaces ']'
++ config_files=("${config_files[@]}" "$obj")
++ md5sum /etc/rear/local.conf /etc/udev/udev.conf /boot/grub/grub.cfg /etc/network/interfaces
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Finished running 'layout/save' stage in 1 seconds
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Running 'rescue' stage
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including rescue/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/rescue/default/
++ LogPrint 'Creating root filesystem layout'
++ Log 'Creating root filesystem layout'
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:16 Creating root filesystem layout'
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Creating root filesystem layout
++ Print 'Creating root filesystem layout'
++ test 1
++ echo -e 'Creating root filesystem layout'
++ pushd /usr/share/rear/skel
++ for dir in default '"$ARCH"' '"$OS"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$OS_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$BACKUP"' '"$OUTPUT"'
++ test -z default
++ test -s default.tar.gz
++ test -d default
++ Log 'Adding '\''default'\'''
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:16 Adding '\''default'\'''
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Adding 'default'
++ tar -C default -c .
++ tar -C /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/rootfs -xv
++ for dir in default '"$ARCH"' '"$OS"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$OS_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$BACKUP"' '"$OUTPUT"'
++ test -z Linux-i386
++ test -s Linux-i386.tar.gz
++ test -d Linux-i386
++ Debug 'No '\''Linux-i386'\'' or '\''Linux-i386.tar.gz'\'' found'
++ test ''
++ for dir in default '"$ARCH"' '"$OS"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$OS_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$BACKUP"' '"$OUTPUT"'
++ test -z GNU/Linux
++ test -s GNU/Linux.tar.gz
++ test -d GNU/Linux
++ Debug 'No '\''GNU/Linux'\'' or '\''GNU/Linux.tar.gz'\'' found'
++ test ''
++ for dir in default '"$ARCH"' '"$OS"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$OS_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$BACKUP"' '"$OUTPUT"'
++ test -z /default
++ test -s /default.tar.gz
++ test -d /default
++ Debug 'No '\''/default'\'' or '\''/default.tar.gz'\'' found'
++ test ''
++ for dir in default '"$ARCH"' '"$OS"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$OS_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$BACKUP"' '"$OUTPUT"'
++ test -z ''
++ continue
++ for dir in default '"$ARCH"' '"$OS"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$OS_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$BACKUP"' '"$OUTPUT"'
++ test -z ''
++ continue
++ for dir in default '"$ARCH"' '"$OS"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$OS_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$BACKUP"' '"$OUTPUT"'
++ test -z Debian/default
++ test -s Debian/default.tar.gz
++ Log 'Adding '\''Debian/default.tar.gz'\'''
++ test 1 -gt 0
+++ Stamp
+++ date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S '
++ echo '2014-10-10 07:44:16 Adding '\''Debian/default.tar.gz'\'''
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Adding 'Debian/default.tar.gz'
++ tar -C /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/rootfs -xvzf Debian/default.tar.gz
++ for dir in default '"$ARCH"' '"$OS"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$OS_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$BACKUP"' '"$OUTPUT"'
++ test -z Debian/i386
++ test -s Debian/i386.tar.gz
++ test -d Debian/i386
++ Debug 'No '\''Debian/i386'\'' or '\''Debian/i386.tar.gz'\'' found'
++ test ''
++ for dir in default '"$ARCH"' '"$OS"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$OS_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$BACKUP"' '"$OUTPUT"'
++ test -z Debian/6.0.10
++ test -s Debian/6.0.10.tar.gz
++ test -d Debian/6.0.10
++ Debug 'No '\''Debian/6.0.10'\'' or '\''Debian/6.0.10.tar.gz'\'' found'
++ test ''
++ for dir in default '"$ARCH"' '"$OS"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$OS_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$BACKUP"' '"$OUTPUT"'
++ test -s REQUESTRESTORE.tar.gz
++ Debug 'No '\''REQUESTRESTORE'\'' or '\''REQUESTRESTORE.tar.gz'\'' found'
++ test ''
++ for dir in default '"$ARCH"' '"$OS"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_MASTER_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$OS_VENDOR/default"' '"$OS_VENDOR_ARCH"' '"$OS_VENDOR_VERSION"' '"$BACKUP"' '"$OUTPUT"'
++ test -z ISO
++ test -s ISO.tar.gz
++ test -d ISO
++ Debug 'No '\''ISO'\'' or '\''ISO.tar.gz'\'' found'
++ test ''
++ popd
++ chown -R root:root /tmp/rear.1EvHBzwCOTILPSJ/rootfs
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including rescue/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/rescue/default/
++ uname -n
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including rescue/default/
+ . /usr/share/rear/rescue/default/
++ cat
++ '[' -f /etc/issue ']'
++ cat /etc/issue
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including rescue/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/rescue/GNU/Linux/
++ have_udev
++ local relpath=
++ shift
++ '[' -d /etc/udev/rules.d ']'
++ has_binary udevadm udevstart udevtrigger
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type udevadm
++ return 0
++ return 0
find /lib/modules/$KERNEL_VERSION/kernel/drivers/{block,firewire,ide,ata,md,message,scsi,usb/storage} -type f -name '*.ko*' -printf '%f\n' | sed -e 's/^\(.*\)\.ko.*/\1/'
# ^^^^- remove the .ko, faster one sed call than many basename calls or shell code
+++ sed -e 's/^\(.*\)\.ko.*/\1/'
+++ find /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/block /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/firewire /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/ide /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/ata /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/md /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/message /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/scsi /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/usb/storage -type f -name '*.ko*' -printf '%f\n'
find /lib/modules/$KERNEL_VERSION/kernel/drivers/net -type f -name '*.ko*' -printf '%f\n' | sed -e 's/^\(.*\)\.ko.*/\1/'
# ^^^^- remove the .ko, faster one sed call than many basename calls or shell code
+++ find /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/net -type f -name '*.ko*' -printf '%f\n'
+++ sed -e 's/^\(.*\)\.ko.*/\1/'
find /lib/modules/$KERNEL_VERSION/kernel/crypto -type f -name '*.ko*' -printf '%f\n' | sed -e 's/^\(.*\)\.ko.*/\1/'
# ^^^^- remove the .ko, faster one sed call than many basename calls or shell code
+++ find /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/crypto -type f -name '*.ko*' -printf '%f\n'
+++ sed -e 's/^\(.*\)\.ko.*/\1/'
find /lib/modules/$KERNEL_VERSION/kernel/drivers/{virtio,xen} -type f -name '*.ko*' -printf '%f\n' | sed -e 's/^\(.*\)\.ko.*/\1/'
# ^^^^- remove the .ko, faster one sed call than many basename calls or shell code
+++ sed -e 's/^\(.*\)\.ko.*/\1/'
+++ find /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/virtio /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/xen -type f -name '*.ko*' -printf '%f\n'
find /lib/modules/$KERNEL_VERSION/{extra,weak-updates} -type f -name '*.ko*' -printf '%f\n' | sed -e 's/^\(.*\)\.ko.*/\1/'
# ^^^^- remove the .ko, faster one sed call than many basename calls or shell code
+++ sed -e 's/^\(.*\)\.ko.*/\1/'
+++ find /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/extra /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/weak-updates -type f -name '*.ko*' -printf '%f\n'
find: `/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/extra': No such file or directory
find: `/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/weak-updates': No such file or directory
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including rescue/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/rescue/GNU/Linux/
++ MODULES=(${MODULES[@]} ${STORAGE_DRIVERS[@]} ${NETWORK_DRIVERS[@]} ${CRYPTO_DRIVERS[@]} ${VIRTUAL_DRIVERS[@]} ${EXTRA_DRIVERS[@]} $(lsmod | grep -v '^Modul' | cut -d ' ' -f 1))
+++ lsmod
+++ grep -v '^Modul'
+++ cut -d ' ' -f 1
++ COPY_AS_IS=("${COPY_AS_IS[@]}" /lib/modules/$KERNEL_VERSION/modules.* /etc/modules* /etc/modprobe*)
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including rescue/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/rescue/GNU/Linux/
++ have_udev
++ local relpath=
++ shift
++ '[' -d /etc/udev/rules.d ']'
++ has_binary udevadm udevstart udevtrigger
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type udevadm
++ return 0
++ return 0
++ COPY_AS_IS=("${COPY_AS_IS[@]}" /etc/udev /etc/sysconfig/udev /lib/udev /usr/lib/udev)
++ PROGS=("${PROGS[@]}" ata_id cdrom_id edd_id path_id scsi_id usb_id vol_id udev udevadm udevcontrol udevd udevsettle udevstart udevtest udevtrigger udevinfo kpartx scsi_tur biosdevname)
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including rescue/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/rescue/GNU/Linux/
++ :
+++ gunzip -c /boot/initrd-2.6.32-5-amd64.img /boot/initramfs-2.6.32-5-amd64.img
+++ cpio -t
+++ grep '.ko$'
+ test 1
+ set +x
2014-10-10 07:44:16 Including rescue/GNU/Linux/
+ . /usr/share/rear/rescue/GNU/Linux/
++ have_udev
++ local relpath=
++ shift
++ '[' -d /etc/udev/rules.d ']'
++ has_binary udevadm udevstart udevtrigger
++ for bin in '$@'
++ type udevadm
++ return 0
++ return 0
++ FindStorageDrivers
++ (( 231 == 0 ))
++ grep -v -E '(loop)'
++ sort -u
++ read module junk
+++ lsmod
++ IsInArray Module umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=Module
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ Module == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray nls_utf8 umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=nls_utf8
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_utf8 == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray nls_cp437 umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=nls_cp437
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nls_cp437 == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray vfat umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=vfat
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ vfat == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray fat umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=fat
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fat == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray usb_storage umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=usb_storage
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ usb_storage == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray parport_pc umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=parport_pc
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport_pc == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray ppdev umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=ppdev
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ppdev == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray lp umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=lp
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lp == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray parport umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=parport
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ parport == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray sco umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=sco
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sco == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray bridge umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=bridge
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bridge == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray stp umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=stp
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ stp == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray bnep umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=bnep
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bnep == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray rfcomm umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=rfcomm
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfcomm == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray l2cap umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=l2cap
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ l2cap == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray crc16 umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=crc16
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ crc16 == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray bluetooth umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=bluetooth
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ bluetooth == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray acpi_cpufreq umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=acpi_cpufreq
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ acpi_cpufreq == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray cpufreq_userspace umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=cpufreq_userspace
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_userspace == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray nfsd umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=nfsd
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfsd == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray cpufreq_stats umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=cpufreq_stats
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_stats == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray lockd umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=lockd
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ lockd == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray cpufreq_powersave umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=cpufreq_powersave
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_powersave == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray cpufreq_conservative umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=cpufreq_conservative
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ cpufreq_conservative == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray nfs_acl umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=nfs_acl
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nfs_acl == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray auth_rpcgss umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=auth_rpcgss
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ auth_rpcgss == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray sunrpc umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=sunrpc
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ sunrpc == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray exportfs umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=exportfs
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ exportfs == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray binfmt_misc umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=binfmt_misc
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ binfmt_misc == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray uinput umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=uinput
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uinput == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray joydev umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=joydev
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ joydev == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray fuse umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=fuse
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ fuse == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray loop umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=loop
++ shift
++ [[ loop == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ loop == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ loop == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ loop == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ loop == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ loop == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ loop == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ loop == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ return 0
++ echo loop
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray firewire_sbp2 umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=firewire_sbp2
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ firewire_sbp2 == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray snd_hda_codec_realtek umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=snd_hda_codec_realtek
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec_realtek == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray nouveau umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=nouveau
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nouveau == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray ttm umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=ttm
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ttm == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray drm_kms_helper umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=drm_kms_helper
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm_kms_helper == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray drm umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=drm
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ drm == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray i2c_algo_bit umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=i2c_algo_bit
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_algo_bit == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray snd_hda_intel umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=snd_hda_intel
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_intel == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray snd_hda_codec umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=snd_hda_codec
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hda_codec == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray snd_hwdep umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=snd_hwdep
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_hwdep == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray snd_pcm umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=snd_pcm
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_pcm == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray snd_seq umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=snd_seq
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray snd_timer umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=snd_timer
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_timer == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray snd_seq_device umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=snd_seq_device
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd_seq_device == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray uvcvideo umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=uvcvideo
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ uvcvideo == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray thinkpad_acpi umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=thinkpad_acpi
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ thinkpad_acpi == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray rfkill umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=rfkill
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ rfkill == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray videodev umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=videodev
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ videodev == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray v4l1_compat umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=v4l1_compat
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l1_compat == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray v4l2_compat_ioctl32 umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=v4l2_compat_ioctl32
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ v4l2_compat_ioctl32 == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray psmouse umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=psmouse
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ psmouse == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray led_class umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=led_class
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ led_class == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray i2c_core umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=i2c_core
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ i2c_core == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray snd umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=snd
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ snd == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray pcspkr umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=pcspkr
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ pcspkr == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray serio_raw umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=serio_raw
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ serio_raw == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray evdev umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=evdev
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ evdev == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray nvram umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=nvram
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ nvram == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray battery umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=battery
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ battery == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray ac umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=ac
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ ac == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray video umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=video
++ shift
++ [[ video == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \u\m\s\-\j\u\m\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\5\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \u\m\s\-\a\l\a\u\d\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \u\m\s\-\o\n\e\t\o\u\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \u\m\s\-\u\s\b\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \u\m\s\-\k\a\r\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \u\m\s\-\s\d\d\r\0\9 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == \u\m\s\-\f\r\e\e\c\o\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ video == '' ]]
++ shift
++ return 1
++ read module junk
++ IsInArray output umem brd osdblk pktcdvd nbd aoe DAC960 loop floppy xen-blkfront drbd cciss virtio_blk sx8 cpqarray paride fit2 fit3 ktti friq bpck comm pg aten on26 pd pf frpw pcd pt epat kbic on20 dstr epia firewire-core firewire-net firewire-ohci firewire-sbp2 ide-tape it8172 delkin_cb ide-pnp it8213 ide-generic trm290 piix ide-cs ide-gd_mod opti621 hpt366 ide-core tc86c001 ide-cd_mod sata_via pata_rz1000 pata_ns87415 sata_uli sata_promise sata_sx4 pata_cs5520 sata_vsc pata_via pata_atiixp pata_cmd64x pata_pdc202xx_old pata_efar sata_svw pata_sc1200 pata_ali sata_sis pata_mpiix pata_rdc sata_inic162x pata_triflex pata_ns87410 pata_cs5530 pdc_adma ata_piix ahci pata_artop pata_sch pata_jmicron pata_sil680 pata_pdc2027x sata_sil24 pata_oldpiix pata_marvell pata_netcell sata_sil sata_qstor pata_sis pata_it821x sata_mv pata_atp867x sata_nv ata_generic libata pata_amd pata_serverworks multipath dm-multipath dm-zero md-mod dm-region-hash dm-delay raid456 raid10 dm-log linear faulty dm-snapshot raid0 dm-mod dm-crypt raid6_pq dm-service-time dm-round-robin raid1 dm-log-userspace dm-queue-length dm-mirror mptsas mptlan mptspi mptbase mptscsih mptctl mptfc i2o_proc i2o_scsi i2o_config i2o_core i2o_block i2o_bus dpt_i2o st aacraid sym53c8xx mpt2sas ses aic94xx 3w-9xxx gdth fdomain ips eata iscsi_tcp imm libfcoe fcoe BusLogic 3w-sas ch fnic ipr bfa tmscsim ppa hptiop scsi_transport_srp scsi_transport_spi dmx3191d qlogicfas408 sr_mod scsi_transport_sas cxgb3i dc395x qla1280 3w-xxxx libiscsi bnx2i scsi_debug scsi_mod vmw_pvscsi libfc lpfc qlogic_cs fdomain_cs sym53c500_cs scsi_tgt scsi_dh_rdac scsi_dh_hp_sw scsi_dh scsi_dh_alua scsi_dh_emc advansys hpsa megaraid_mbox megaraid_mm megaraid_sas pm8001 a100u2w megaraid qla4xxx mvsas initio libiscsi_tcp aic79xx aic7xxx scsi_transport_fc raid_class scsi_wait_scan libsas libsrp qla2xxx scsi_transport_iscsi osd libosd aic7xxx_old sg stex isci arcmsr sd_mod osst be2iscsi atp870u pmcraid ums-datafab usb-storage ums-cypress ums-isd200 ums-jumpshot ums-sddr55 ums-alauda ums-onetouch ums-usbat ums-karma ums-sddr09 ums-freecom
++ local needle=output
++ shift
++ [[ output == \u\m\e\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \b\r\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \o\s\d\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\k\t\c\d\v\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \n\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \D\A\C\9\6\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \l\o\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\l\o\p\p\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \x\e\n\-\b\l\k\f\r\o\n\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\r\b\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \c\c\i\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \v\i\r\t\i\o\_\b\l\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\x\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \c\p\q\a\r\r\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\r\i\d\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\i\t\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\i\t\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \k\t\t\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\r\i\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \b\p\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \c\o\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\t\e\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \o\n\2\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\f ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\r\p\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\c\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \e\p\a\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \k\b\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \o\n\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\s\t\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \e\p\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\n\e\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\o\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\i\r\e\w\i\r\e\-\s\b\p\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\d\e\-\t\a\p\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\t\8\1\7\2 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\e\l\k\i\n\_\c\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\d\e\-\p\n\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\t\8\2\1\3 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\d\e\-\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \t\r\m\2\9\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\d\e\-\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\d\e\-\g\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \o\p\t\i\6\2\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \h\p\t\3\6\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\d\e\-\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \t\c\8\6\c\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\d\e\-\c\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\r\z\1\0\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\5 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\a\t\a\_\u\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\a\t\a\_\p\r\o\m\i\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\a\t\a\_\s\x\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\2\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\a\t\a\_\v\s\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\v\i\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\i\i\x\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\c\m\d\6\4\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\e\f\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\a\t\a\_\s\v\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\1\2\0\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\a\l\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\m\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\r\d\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\a\t\a\_\i\n\i\c\1\6\2\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\t\r\i\f\l\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\n\s\8\7\4\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\c\s\5\5\3\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\d\c\_\a\d\m\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\t\a\_\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\h\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\a\r\t\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\s\c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\j\m\i\c\r\o\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\6\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\p\d\c\2\0\2\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l\2\4 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\o\l\d\p\i\i\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\m\a\r\v\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\n\e\t\c\e\l\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\a\t\a\_\s\i\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\a\t\a\_\q\s\t\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\s\i\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\i\t\8\2\1\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\a\t\a\_\m\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\a\t\p\8\6\7\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\a\t\a\_\n\v ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\t\a\_\g\e\n\e\r\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \l\i\b\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\a\m\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\a\t\a\_\s\e\r\v\e\r\w\o\r\k\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\-\m\u\l\t\i\p\a\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\-\z\e\r\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\d\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\-\r\e\g\i\o\n\-\h\a\s\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\-\d\e\l\a\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \r\a\i\d\4\5\6 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \r\a\i\d\1\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\-\l\o\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \l\i\n\e\a\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\a\u\l\t\y ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\-\s\n\a\p\s\h\o\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \r\a\i\d\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\-\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\-\c\r\y\p\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \r\a\i\d\6\_\p\q ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\-\s\e\r\v\i\c\e\-\t\i\m\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\-\r\o\u\n\d\-\r\o\b\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \r\a\i\d\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\-\l\o\g\-\u\s\e\r\s\p\a\c\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\-\q\u\e\u\e\-\l\e\n\g\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\-\m\i\r\r\o\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\p\t\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\p\t\l\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\p\t\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\p\t\b\a\s\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\p\t\s\c\s\i\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\p\t\c\t\l ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\p\t\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\2\o\_\p\r\o\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\2\o\_\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\2\o\_\c\o\n\f\i\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\2\o\_\c\o\r\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\2\o\_\b\l\o\c\k ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\2\o\_\b\u\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\p\t\_\i\2\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\a\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\y\m\5\3\c\8\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\p\t\2\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\e\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\i\c\9\4\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \3\w\-\9\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \g\d\t\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\p\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \e\a\t\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \l\i\b\f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\c\o\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \B\u\s\L\o\g\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \3\w\-\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \c\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\n\i\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\p\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \b\f\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \t\m\s\c\s\i\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\p\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \h\p\t\i\o\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\p\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\m\x\3\1\9\1\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \q\l\o\g\i\c\f\a\s\4\0\8 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\r\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \c\x\g\b\3\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \d\c\3\9\5\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \q\l\a\1\2\8\0 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \3\w\-\x\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \b\n\x\2\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\d\e\b\u\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \v\m\w\_\p\v\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \l\i\b\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \l\p\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \q\l\o\g\i\c\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \f\d\o\m\a\i\n\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\y\m\5\3\c\5\0\0\_\c\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\t\g\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\r\d\a\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\h\p\_\s\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\a\l\u\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\d\h\_\e\m\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\d\v\a\n\s\y\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \h\p\s\a ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\b\o\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\m\m ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d\_\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\m\8\0\0\1 ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\1\0\0\u\2\w ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\e\g\a\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \q\l\a\4\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \m\v\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\n\i\t\i\o ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \l\i\b\i\s\c\s\i\_\t\c\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\i\c\7\9\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\f\c ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \r\a\i\d\_\c\l\a\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\w\a\i\t\_\s\c\a\n ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \l\i\b\s\a\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \l\i\b\s\r\p ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \q\l\a\2\x\x\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\c\s\i\_\t\r\a\n\s\p\o\r\t\_\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \l\i\b\o\s\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\i\c\7\x\x\x\_\o\l\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\g ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\t\e\x ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \i\s\c\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\r\c\m\s\r ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \s\d\_\m\o\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \o\s\s\t ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \b\e\2\i\s\c\s\i ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \a\t\p\8\7\0\u ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \p\m\c\r\a\i\d ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \u\m\s\-\d\a\t\a\f\a\b ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \u\s\b\-\s\t\o\r\a\g\e ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \u\m\s\-\c\y\p\r\e\s\s ]]
++ shift
++ [[ output == \u\m\s\-\i\s\d\2\0\
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