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Created July 9, 2021 22:56
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OpenTopography SRTM VRT Parser
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-f', '--file',
help='VRT file to read',
parser.add_argument('-u', '--url',
help='Base URL of VRT file',
args = parser.parse_args()
def img_to_geo(img_x, img_y, gt):
# offset_x, scale_x, skew_x
geo_x = gt[0] + img_x * gt[1] + img_y * gt[2]
# offset_y, scale_y, skew_y
geo_y = gt[3] + img_y * gt[5] + img_x * gt[4]
return geo_x, geo_y
root_node = ET.parse(args.file).getroot()
raster_xsize = root_node.attrib['rasterXSize']
raster_ysize = root_node.attrib['rasterYSize']
srs = root_node.find('SRS').text
# GeoTransform is a 6-member affine to convert from image coordinates
# to geographic coordinates
geotransform = root_node.find('GeoTransform').text
gt = [float(s.strip()) for s in geotransform.split(',')]
#print("CREATE TABLE filebounds (fileurl text PRIMARY KEY, geom geometry(polygon, 4326)")
first = True
for tag in root_node.findall('VRTRasterBand/ComplexSource'):
# <SourceFilename relativeToVRT="1">SRTM_GL1_srtm/S06E117.tif</SourceFilename>
# <SourceBand>1</SourceBand>
# <SourceProperties RasterXSize="3601" RasterYSize="3601" DataType="Int16" BlockXSize="512" BlockYSize="512" />
# <SrcRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="3601" ySize="3601" />
# <DstRect xOff="1069200" yOff="234000" xSize="3601" ySize="3601" />
# <NODATA>-32768</NODATA>
source_filename = tag.find('SourceFilename')
source_band = tag.find('SourceBand')
source_properties = tag.find('SourceProperties')
src_rect = tag.find('SrcRect')
nodata = int(tag.find('NODATA').text)
# Add URL prefix as necessary
fileurl = source_filename.text
if source_filename.attrib['relativeToVRT'] == '1':
fileurl = args.url + '/' + source_filename.text
dst_rect = tag.find('DstRect')
ix = int(dst_rect.attrib['xOff'])
iy = int(dst_rect.attrib['yOff'])
(gx, gy) = img_to_geo(ix, iy, gt)
# Fill in metadata about this file for generating SQL and shell commands
src = {
'width': int(dst_rect.attrib['xSize']),
'height': int(dst_rect.attrib['ySize']),
'ulx': gx,
'uly': gy,
'scalex': gt[1],
'scaley': gt[5],
'skewx': gt[2],
'skewy': gt[4],
'nodata': nodata,
'fileurl': fileurl,
'tbl': 'dem',
'database_url': 'dbname=opentopo'
src['lrx'] = src['ulx'] + src['width'] * src['scalex']
src['lry'] = src['uly'] + src['height'] * src['scaley']
# Old entries for other loading tricks
# Get the bounds of each file and insert them into a query table
# src['mktile'] = """
# INSERT INTO filebounds (fileurl, geom)
# VALUES ('%(fileurl)s', ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeEnvelope(%(ulx)s, %(lry)s, %(lrx)s, %(uly)s), 4326));
# """ % src
# src['mkraster'] = """
# ST_MakeEmptyRaster(width => %(width)s, height => %(height)s,
# upperleftx => %(ulx)s, upperlefty => %(uly)s,
# scalex => %(scalex)s, scaley => %(scaley)s,
# skewx => %(skewx)s, skewy => %(skewy)s,
# srid => 4326)""" % src
# src['mkband'] = """
# ST_AddBand(%(mkraster)s, 1, '%(fileurl)s'::text, ARRAY[1::int4], %(nodata)s)""" % src
# Create table on first run, append after that
if first:
src['tblflag'] = '-c'
first = False
src['tblflag'] = '-a'
src['sh'] = "raster2pgsql %(tblflag)s -F -Y -k -N %(nodata)s -s 4326 -t 512x512 -I -R /vsicurl/%(fileurl)s %(tbl)s | psql -d %(database_url)s" % src
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