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Last active January 12, 2017 21:32
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// Numerical Integration
// NUMS = Number of divisions
// NUMT = Number of threads
// These parameters should be passed in from an external driver program
// Performance = NUMS*NUMS/t
// t = Runtime of program in microseconds
# Driver Python program that complies and executes this program for multiple values of NUMT
# Save in separate file say
# python will run 11 test cases varying number of available threads between 1 to 11
import os
thread_values = range(1, 12);
for t in thread_values:
print os.system('g++ -fopenmp -O3 -DNUMS=14000 -DNUMT=%s numeric_integration.cpp && ./a.out'%(str(t)),)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <unistd.h>
float Height( int, int );
#define XMIN 0.
#define XMAX 3.
#define YMIN 0.
#define YMAX 3.
#define Z00 0.
#define Z10 1.
#define Z20 0.
#define Z30 0.
#define Z01 1.
#define Z11 6.
#define Z21 1.
#define Z31 0.
#define Z02 0.
#define Z12 1.
#define Z22 0.
#define Z32 4.
#define Z03 3.
#define Z13 2.
#define Z23 3.
#define Z33 3.
float Height(int iu, int iv) {
// iu, iv = 0 .. NUMS-1
float u = (float)iu / (float)(NUMS-1);
float v = (float)iv / (float)(NUMS-1);
// the basis functions:
float bu0 = (1.-u) * (1.-u) * (1.-u);
float bu1 = 3. * u * (1.-u) * (1.-u);
float bu2 = 3. * u * u * (1.-u);
float bu3 = u * u * u;
float bv0 = (1.-v) * (1.-v) * (1.-v);
float bv1 = 3. * v * (1.-v) * (1.-v);
float bv2 = 3. * v * v * (1.-v);
float bv3 = v * v * v;
// finally, we get to compute something:
float height = bu0 * ( bv0*Z00 + bv1*Z01 + bv2*Z02 + bv3*Z03 )
+ bu1 * ( bv0*Z10 + bv1*Z11 + bv2*Z12 + bv3*Z13 )
+ bu2 * ( bv0*Z20 + bv1*Z21 + bv2*Z22 + bv3*Z23 )
+ bu3 * ( bv0*Z30 + bv1*Z31 + bv2*Z32 + bv3*Z33 );
return height;
int main( int argc, char *argv[ ] ) {
// the area of a single full-sized tile:
float fullTileArea = ( ( (XMAX-XMIN)/(float)(NUMS-1) ) * ( ( YMAX - YMIN )/(float)(NUMS-1) ) );
// sum up the weighted heights into the variable "volume"
// using an OpenMP for loop and an addition reduction:
double volume = 0.0;
float height;
double t = omp_get_wtime();
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) shared(fullTileArea), private(height), reduction(+:volume)
for(int i = 0; i < NUMS*NUMS; i++)
int iu = i % NUMS;
int iv = i / NUMS;
height = Height(iu, iv);
if ((iu == 0 or iu == NUMS-1) and (iv == 0 or iu == NUMS-1)) {
// Corner tiles
volume += height * fullTileArea / 4;
else if ((iu == 0 or iu == NUMS-1) or (iv == 0 or iu == NUMS-1))
// Edge tiles (Condition include)s corner tile cases as well
// but cornder conditions would already be caught in the first if
volume += height * fullTileArea / 2;
else {
volume += height * fullTileArea;
// t elapsed in for loop in seconds
t = omp_get_wtime() - t;
// Printing cleanly formatted metrics
printf("%d\t", NUMT);
printf("%d\t", NUMS);
printf("%f\t", t);
printf("%f", NUMS*NUMS/t);
//printf("%f\t", volume);
//printf("%f", omp_get_wtick());
return 0;
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