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How to Install and run PCAN-USB FD on linux system

PCAN-USB FD pcan-linux-installation

This guide is about the istallation and running of the PCAN-USB FD and running test using socketcan, with your custom CAN profile. This is the product page :

The official documentation can be found here :

This guide is for using the new PCAN-USB FD with the support of the CAN-FD frame using updated socketCAN

This is a quick guide on how to install linux driver for the pcan usb adapter and run some demo test setup.

This setup is tested on the moteus-motor-drivers which require custom CAN parameter to be configured :

Installion specs. of system :

  • Ubuntu 22.04 (*Kernel version : * Linux ASUS 6.0.0-1016-oem )
  • Mjbots-Moteus-r4.11
  • Peak Linux Driver version : peak-linux-driver-8.16.0
  • CAN Configuration parameter from :

Installation step

  1. Go to the offical website of the peak : or

    1. Navigate to this section : Driver Package for Proprietary Purposes on the above given website.
    2. Click on Download PCAN Driver Package to download the latest driver.(This setup is tested on the driver version : 8.16.0 )
    3. You can also install pcan view from website section PCAN-View for Linux or follow these command :
      # add peak-system.list in the update list
      $ wget -q`lsb_release -cs`/peak-system.list -O- | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/peak-system.list
      $ wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
      $ sudo apt-get update
      $ sudo apt-get install pcanview-ncurses
  2. Now install these following pacakage in your system :

    # install required packages
    sudo apt-get install libncurses5
    sudo apt-get install can-utils
    sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib
    sudo apt-get install libelf-dev
    sudo apt-get install libpopt-dev
    sudo apt-get install tree
    # build and install pcan driver
    tar -xzf peak-linux-driver-X.Y.Z.tar.gz # navigate to download path
    cd peak-linux-driver-X.Y.Z
    make clean
    make NET=NETDEV_SUPPORT  # for network interface based pcan 
    sudo make install
    # install the modules   
    sudo modprobe pcan
    sudo modprobe can
    sudo modprobe vcan
    sudo modprobe slcan
    sudo modprobe pcan_usb
    # setup and configure "can0" net device
    sudo ip link set can0 type can
    sudo ip link set can0 up type can tq 12 prop-seg 25 phase-seg1 25 phase-seg2 29 sjw 10 dtq 12 dprop-seg 6 dphase-seg1 2 dphase-seg2 7 dsjw 12 fd on  loopback on

    Note : If you want to update a new configuration try to turn off the can0 network and

    sudo ip link set can0 down
    # then again run the new parameter of CAN command again 
    sudo ip link set can0 up type can tq 12 prop-seg 25 phase-seg1 25 phase-seg2 29 sjw 10 dtq 12 dprop-seg 6 dphase-seg1 2 dphase-seg2 7 dsjw 12 fd on  loopback on
  3. Once you made the installation let's check :

    # check installation
    ./driver/lspcan --all       # should print "pcanusb32" and pcan version
    tree /dev/pcan-usb          # should show a pcan-usb device
    ip -a link                  # should print some "can0: ..." messages
    ip -details link show can0  # should print some details about "can0" net device
  4. Example output after successfull installation of a pcan usb adapter:

    mighty@ASUS:~/Downloads/peak-linux-driver-8.16.0$ ./driver/lspcan --all
    pcanusbfd32     CAN1    -       80MHz   1M+5M   WARNING 0.00    4       2       114461
    mighty@ASUS:~/Downloads/peak-linux-driver-8.16.0$ tree /dev/pcan*
    /dev/pcan32  [error opening dir]
    └── 0
        └── can0 -> ../../pcanusbfd32
    /dev/pcanusbfd32  [error opening dir]
    1 directory, 1 file
    mighty@ASUS:~/Downloads/peak-linux-driver-8.16.0$ ip -details link show can0
    21: can0: <NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 72 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 10
        link/can  promiscuity 0 minmtu 0 maxmtu 0 
        can <LOOPBACK,FD> state ERROR-WARNING (berr-counter tx 127 rx 0) restart-ms 0 
            bitrate 1000000 sample-point 0.637 
            tq 12 prop-seg 25 phase-seg1 25 phase-seg2 29 sjw 10
            pcan: tseg1 1..256 tseg2 1..128 sjw 1..128 brp 1..1024 brp-inc 1
            dbitrate 5000000 dsample-point 0.562 
            dtq 12 dprop-seg 6 dphase-seg1 2 dphase-seg2 7 dsjw 12
            pcan: dtseg1 1..32 dtseg2 1..16 dsjw 1..16 dbrp 1..1024 dbrp-inc 1
            clock 80000000 numtxqueues 1 numrxqueues 1 gso_max_size 65536 gso_max_segs 65535 
  5. Now, Once we have done with the installation, we will try to send the the can data and receive the can data as well :

    1. Run this command in one terminal :

      cansend can0 00008001##0420120
      # where  fdcan id is 00008001 on can0
      # the '##' represent the fdcan frame
      # and the first bit is '0' represent 'without switching bitrate'
      # the data is '420120'
    2. Run this command in another terminal :

      candump -x can0
  6. The output of the above command if you are using moteus-r4.11 :

    # in the first terminal 
    mighty@ASUS:~$ cansend can0 00008001##0420120
    #in the second terminal
    mighty@ASUS:~$ candump -x can0
      can0  TX - -  00008001  [03]  42 01 20
      can0  RX - -  00008001  [03]  42 01 20
      can0  RX - -       100  [03]  41 01 00

Reference :

If you want to make any suggestion please comment below or reach at twitter @pranav083

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nztsn commented Jul 1, 2024

Thanks! It's the best document I've found.

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Glad to know you found it helpful!

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